I'm 30 years old! Never thought my life would look the way it does, not that I'm sad by any means, but amazed, thankful, joyful, and wouldn't change the last 30 years for anything. I've been walking with Jesus for 13 years now and have continued to fall more in love with Him. As I was approaching by 30th birthday I thought to myself how Jesus started His earthly ministry when He was roughly 30 years old and that it lasted around 3 years. So I had the idea to commit to a ministry for three years once I turned 30. I had no idea what I wanted to do, wondering if I should move over seas for three years, start a Spanish ministry, start writing sermons, etc. A couple of days before my birthday I was sitting in a coffee shop and did some simple math to figure out that if I read one chapter of the Bible every day it would take me 3.2 years. "Wow," I thought, "that's pretty close to the time frame I was thinking about but what do I do with that." Well I've always loved getting people excited about the details in scripture and that it is living and active, even the long lists of names or all the prophesies that seem confusing and how to always have scripture on your mind or lips. So I thought I would write a devotional on every chapter of the Bible, one a day, just my thoughts, questions and teachings of what I've learned, asked over the years and continue to ponder and seek. I encourage you to read the whole chapter first and then read my one focus of the chapter (of the many different ideas to talk about in each chapter). Writing isn't my strong subject (I failed English twice growing up) so I hope one can follow my written thoughts. Similar to the 12 disciples, I may not be schooled but I've been with Jesus. I'm not going cover to cover (Genesis to Revelation), but am skipping around doing a whole book/letter at a time but in no specific order. I hope that it's a chance for others to learn, reflect, apply details of God's living Word and see that the Sum of His Word is Truth (Psalm 119:160 NASB). So I started on June 12, 2014 and decided to blog my daily devotions for others to follow and meditate on each day. Who knows maybe I'll publish it when I'm through... I'd love to hear your thoughts whether you agree or disagree but so that we can spur ourselves on to knowing God more. Choose to follow this blog to get my daily devo reminder sent to you or just check it out when you want.