Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her. v.8
Read chapter 18
Babylon is the center of revolt in the tribulation, just as it was such a great and mighty kingdom in the past during Israel's exile. Now it's hard to say if this is the same Babylon or just symbol of the type of city it will be. Here happens idolatres worship, slavery, and center of commerce and capitalism (remember in the kingdom all share their needs not having an economic system). From Babylon its influences has corrupted the nations once again. But when Babylon's judgement comes it comes swiftly as it happens in just one day, even just one hour (v.10). They are not able to put up a fight because God's swift justice causes to destroy all of Babylon, thus why God's people are told to come out of Babylon (v.4).
The wicked seem like they're in power forever, but quick will be their downfall. Just as Psalm 64:7 says, "But God will shoot at them with an arrow, suddenly they shall be wounded," so the wicked are caught dead in their tracks.
What hardship in your life seems to be never-ending? Cling to the hope of God's power to turn things right in just a moment, though now we may have to wait till that swift justice comes.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Revelation 17
The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. v.8
Read chapter 17
In this chapter we read of a woman sitting on a scarlet beast. She seems to symbolize a city of riches and wealth. Her name written on her head is:
so blatant and obvious of her whoredom yet she even causes John to marvel at her. The angel asks why he marvels and tells him that those that marvel at her are not written in the Book of Life. What exactly is the Book of Life? Bible teacher Nathan C. Johnson describes it as "that the Book of Life is a book in which God alone may write the names of all who are His. One’s name may be blotted out from there as well as written there, yet again it is only God Who has the right to either write or blot out a name from this Book. The final fate of all men when it comes to resurrection to life or else to the lake of fire is in God’s hands, and this is symbolized by the Book of Life. Whether this is really a book, or whether it is some other kind of record that we cannot understand, or whether it is merely something in the mind of God, the reality of it is that God’s choice is what determines whether or not someone has Life who is raised at the Great White Throne, or at any other time, for that matter" (
Us as believers today are sealed with the Holy Spirit and therefore written in the Book of life. Yet let us not marvel at obvious sins that can entrance us. What easily entrances you away from godly focus?
Read chapter 17
In this chapter we read of a woman sitting on a scarlet beast. She seems to symbolize a city of riches and wealth. Her name written on her head is:
so blatant and obvious of her whoredom yet she even causes John to marvel at her. The angel asks why he marvels and tells him that those that marvel at her are not written in the Book of Life. What exactly is the Book of Life? Bible teacher Nathan C. Johnson describes it as "that the Book of Life is a book in which God alone may write the names of all who are His. One’s name may be blotted out from there as well as written there, yet again it is only God Who has the right to either write or blot out a name from this Book. The final fate of all men when it comes to resurrection to life or else to the lake of fire is in God’s hands, and this is symbolized by the Book of Life. Whether this is really a book, or whether it is some other kind of record that we cannot understand, or whether it is merely something in the mind of God, the reality of it is that God’s choice is what determines whether or not someone has Life who is raised at the Great White Throne, or at any other time, for that matter" (
Us as believers today are sealed with the Holy Spirit and therefore written in the Book of life. Yet let us not marvel at obvious sins that can entrance us. What easily entrances you away from godly focus?
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Revelation 16
And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon. v.16
Read chapter 16
Armageddon. It's not talking about the 1998 movie with Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis where the worlds about to end being destroyed by a meteor. There's a lot of superstition about what Armageddon is. Many think it a giant cataclysmic battle that takes place at the end of the world. For those who have no hope in eternity with Christ, this world seems like that's all there is and an end will eventually come. But for those that put their faith in Jesus Christ, Armageddon is not the end of the world. Now the battle of Armageddon is commonly talked about but there's no indication there's a battle here, it's more where they camp out before battle. Who's "they"? It's Satan and his spirit demons. Armageddon means the "hill of crowds." Armageddon is where they gather the kings of the world to prepare for battle as we read in verse fourteen, " For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." In 2 Kings 23 we read of the battle at Armageddon in the Old Testament under Josiah, but this doesn't seem to be the same in this future tribulation time. And this battle between those of Satan and those of God isn't really going to be a battle but more a slaughter as nothing is a fight to God- He always wins triumphantly and will give His people supernatural ability to power over these demons forces.
So when you think of Armageddon, don't think of the movie or the end of the world, but think of how it's the beginning of evils end.
Read chapter 16
Armageddon. It's not talking about the 1998 movie with Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis where the worlds about to end being destroyed by a meteor. There's a lot of superstition about what Armageddon is. Many think it a giant cataclysmic battle that takes place at the end of the world. For those who have no hope in eternity with Christ, this world seems like that's all there is and an end will eventually come. But for those that put their faith in Jesus Christ, Armageddon is not the end of the world. Now the battle of Armageddon is commonly talked about but there's no indication there's a battle here, it's more where they camp out before battle. Who's "they"? It's Satan and his spirit demons. Armageddon means the "hill of crowds." Armageddon is where they gather the kings of the world to prepare for battle as we read in verse fourteen, " For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." In 2 Kings 23 we read of the battle at Armageddon in the Old Testament under Josiah, but this doesn't seem to be the same in this future tribulation time. And this battle between those of Satan and those of God isn't really going to be a battle but more a slaughter as nothing is a fight to God- He always wins triumphantly and will give His people supernatural ability to power over these demons forces.
So when you think of Armageddon, don't think of the movie or the end of the world, but think of how it's the beginning of evils end.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Revelation 15
And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God. They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, vv.2-3
Read chapter 15
The seven last plagues of God are about to be complete. Seven angels have seven bowls of wrath. But before this happens John sees this beautiful scene. He sees a sea of glass mingled with fire. Back in chapter four John had already seen this sea, but this time it's mingled with fire. This doesn't mean a sea full of glass but the sea-bed is made of glass that the water is in; probably more like a glass bowl. And on this sea John sees the overcomers of the beast standing on it with harps of God. These overcomers possibly are the 144,000 for they are about to sing the song of Moses and we saw in the last chapter that they sung before the throne of God, though a different song. In Deuteronomy 32 we see a song of Moses, yet this is not the same song for this will be a song after the judgments of God are manifest (v.4). Interesting that they're singing about judgments and it's not a sad song they're singing but one of praise to the Lord. But it is God's judgements that set things right; we see David crave God's judgments like honey (Ps. 19:9-10). When justice is upheld there is peace for wrongs are made right. May all bring praise to the One who is the source of justice.
Read chapter 15
The seven last plagues of God are about to be complete. Seven angels have seven bowls of wrath. But before this happens John sees this beautiful scene. He sees a sea of glass mingled with fire. Back in chapter four John had already seen this sea, but this time it's mingled with fire. This doesn't mean a sea full of glass but the sea-bed is made of glass that the water is in; probably more like a glass bowl. And on this sea John sees the overcomers of the beast standing on it with harps of God. These overcomers possibly are the 144,000 for they are about to sing the song of Moses and we saw in the last chapter that they sung before the throne of God, though a different song. In Deuteronomy 32 we see a song of Moses, yet this is not the same song for this will be a song after the judgments of God are manifest (v.4). Interesting that they're singing about judgments and it's not a sad song they're singing but one of praise to the Lord. But it is God's judgements that set things right; we see David crave God's judgments like honey (Ps. 19:9-10). When justice is upheld there is peace for wrongs are made right. May all bring praise to the One who is the source of justice.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Revelation 14
Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads. v.1
Read chapter 14
God gives tattoos! Ok well we only see here in scripture of godly tattoos and it's the same tattoo in the same part of the body, God's name on their foreheads. Yet this isn't just a fad thing that all believers do, but these 144,000 are given it. This mark on them is in contrast from the mark of the beast. This is the same 144,000 in chapter seven we read about of Israel that they were sealed by Christ. These follow the Lamb, Christ, everywhere He goes so as to learn His ways and remember what they are to do for they sing a song that only they know. "They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth" (v.3). This song is probably a teaching and it's a lot easier to remember something in song. We don't know the lyrics to the song yet, but will hear this song in tribulation. These 144,000 are without blemish in the Kingdom and through the time of the tribulation, sin is no longer working in every man at this time. We today as a special company of believers by faith and not by sight can expect as well that we'll be without blemish through the Kingdom and tribulation as well. The rest of this chapter continues with angels warning that the hour of God's judgment is near and the harvest of the faithful and the harvest of the rebels will be sickled out of the earth.
We realize that the idea of no godly people on the earth during the tribulation is just made up from movies, but the faithful to God during tribulation will be protected and given instruction. May you take God's instruction in His Word today of hard times you're facing as practice of living on God's words in the tribulation time as well.
Read chapter 14
God gives tattoos! Ok well we only see here in scripture of godly tattoos and it's the same tattoo in the same part of the body, God's name on their foreheads. Yet this isn't just a fad thing that all believers do, but these 144,000 are given it. This mark on them is in contrast from the mark of the beast. This is the same 144,000 in chapter seven we read about of Israel that they were sealed by Christ. These follow the Lamb, Christ, everywhere He goes so as to learn His ways and remember what they are to do for they sing a song that only they know. "They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth" (v.3). This song is probably a teaching and it's a lot easier to remember something in song. We don't know the lyrics to the song yet, but will hear this song in tribulation. These 144,000 are without blemish in the Kingdom and through the time of the tribulation, sin is no longer working in every man at this time. We today as a special company of believers by faith and not by sight can expect as well that we'll be without blemish through the Kingdom and tribulation as well. The rest of this chapter continues with angels warning that the hour of God's judgment is near and the harvest of the faithful and the harvest of the rebels will be sickled out of the earth.
We realize that the idea of no godly people on the earth during the tribulation is just made up from movies, but the faithful to God during tribulation will be protected and given instruction. May you take God's instruction in His Word today of hard times you're facing as practice of living on God's words in the tribulation time as well.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Revelation 13
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. v.18
Read chapter 13
666 Everyone knows that means Satan whether one's ever read the Bible or not. And here it is in Revelation chapter thirteen. Now why is this number associated with Satan? It says here that if you calculate the number of the beast, meaning the letters of his name, it equals 666. In Greek it is the three letters CH, X, S which numerical value is 666, which is his name. We don't know what his name will be yet at this future time. It also says this number is the number of a man, meaning that this beast is just a man and not God.
This number is possibly the mark of the beast we read about in verse sixteen and those that don't have it can neither buy nor sell during this time. Those that are following God during this tribulation time that don't get the mark doesn't mean they're starving because they cant buy or sell, because the Kingdom system does not have commerce like we do today. Satan has tried to instate commerce again, yet those that don't get the mark already know how to live without this commerce as they have done for the duration of the kingdom thus far before this point in time. Those that get the mark of the beast wont be tricked into it like how people get tricked into getting a credit card today, but this will be purposeful of those who get the mark of the beast as to choosing to join this false religion.
The number seven in scripture shows perfection. Six is less than seven, as Satan falls short of perfection, falls short of God, which has been his aim to be God since Genesis 1.
This number is not some superstitious thing that if you have 666 stairs in your church building that this is actually of the devil.
May we as easily that recognize this number of Satan just as easily recognize his scheming and continue to follow Christ who is True and Perfect!
Read chapter 13
666 Everyone knows that means Satan whether one's ever read the Bible or not. And here it is in Revelation chapter thirteen. Now why is this number associated with Satan? It says here that if you calculate the number of the beast, meaning the letters of his name, it equals 666. In Greek it is the three letters CH, X, S which numerical value is 666, which is his name. We don't know what his name will be yet at this future time. It also says this number is the number of a man, meaning that this beast is just a man and not God.
This number is possibly the mark of the beast we read about in verse sixteen and those that don't have it can neither buy nor sell during this time. Those that are following God during this tribulation time that don't get the mark doesn't mean they're starving because they cant buy or sell, because the Kingdom system does not have commerce like we do today. Satan has tried to instate commerce again, yet those that don't get the mark already know how to live without this commerce as they have done for the duration of the kingdom thus far before this point in time. Those that get the mark of the beast wont be tricked into it like how people get tricked into getting a credit card today, but this will be purposeful of those who get the mark of the beast as to choosing to join this false religion.
The number seven in scripture shows perfection. Six is less than seven, as Satan falls short of perfection, falls short of God, which has been his aim to be God since Genesis 1.
This number is not some superstitious thing that if you have 666 stairs in your church building that this is actually of the devil.
May we as easily that recognize this number of Satan just as easily recognize his scheming and continue to follow Christ who is True and Perfect!
Friday, November 24, 2017
Revelation 12
And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. v.3
Read chapter 12
A dragon with seven heads. Mystical sounding right? Remember though the word dinosaur didn't come in to our English language till the 1800s, so before then dinosaurs were called dragons. Yet here this is most likely more of a mystical creature of what we'd call today a dragon as we have never uncovered any dinosaur with seven heads. This dragon is evil, it's no Pete's dragon, and we see it's Satan in verse nine. The dragon has 10 horns whereas the lamb had 7 horns, appears to be copying the righteous in appearance as Satan always tries to copy God and deceive others so. The dragon has 7 diadems, or crowns for each of his seven heads for the appearance probably of authority. The dragon tries to devour the child of the woman who just gave birth that we read in the whole of this chapter. The woman we have to realize is the nation of Israel (see Gen. 37:9-10, Is. 66:7-9) and her child is a new nation or company of people being born in this tribulation period: the overcomers (Revelation 20:4), thus why the dragon wants to kill them. When the woman flees, Israel fleeing into the wilderness as we read in Matthew 24, the dragon is enraged and war breaks out in heaven between good angels and bad angels (those that followed Satan)- seems like we're reading some Marvel movie right now. Just like the movies the good guys always win and we will see that come to pass soon though now for a time it seems like the bad guys are winning.
How does reading about dragons and angel wars in the Bible affect your belief? Does it seem real or fake?
Read chapter 12
A dragon with seven heads. Mystical sounding right? Remember though the word dinosaur didn't come in to our English language till the 1800s, so before then dinosaurs were called dragons. Yet here this is most likely more of a mystical creature of what we'd call today a dragon as we have never uncovered any dinosaur with seven heads. This dragon is evil, it's no Pete's dragon, and we see it's Satan in verse nine. The dragon has 10 horns whereas the lamb had 7 horns, appears to be copying the righteous in appearance as Satan always tries to copy God and deceive others so. The dragon has 7 diadems, or crowns for each of his seven heads for the appearance probably of authority. The dragon tries to devour the child of the woman who just gave birth that we read in the whole of this chapter. The woman we have to realize is the nation of Israel (see Gen. 37:9-10, Is. 66:7-9) and her child is a new nation or company of people being born in this tribulation period: the overcomers (Revelation 20:4), thus why the dragon wants to kill them. When the woman flees, Israel fleeing into the wilderness as we read in Matthew 24, the dragon is enraged and war breaks out in heaven between good angels and bad angels (those that followed Satan)- seems like we're reading some Marvel movie right now. Just like the movies the good guys always win and we will see that come to pass soon though now for a time it seems like the bad guys are winning.
How does reading about dragons and angel wars in the Bible affect your belief? Does it seem real or fake?
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Revelation 11
And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.These are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands standing before the God of the earth. v.3-4
Read chapter 11
The two witnesses. These two witnesses we read about in this chapter seem scary as they have power over nature and breath fire on their enemies. They prophesy for 1,260 days, or 3 1/2 years, till they are killed. Yet only for 3 1/2 days are their bodies lying dead till they are resurrected by God in the sight of many and then go up to heaven.
Who are these two witnesses? Many like to say one of these witnesses is Elijah, for prophesies say Elijah must come and restore all things yet this picture in Revelation doesn't fit Elijah's ministry to restore all things. Elijah's ministry will most likely be at the start of the kingdom of God when all will know the One and Only God. In Zechariah 3 & 4 we may have a clue as to who these two witnesses could be. In Zechariah there are two compared to olive branches and lamp stands referring to Zerubbabel as one and Joshua the high priest as the other. And further said of them, “These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth” (Zech. 4:14). So because of the context of the book of Zechariah we can better guess that these two witness are Zerubbabel the scribe and Joshua the high priest rather than Elijah, though we can't be complete sure.
Take heart that though these two witnesses are causing much turmoil and death, it's only turmoil and death to the enemies of the Lord. When they are resurrected back to life this is a sign that God is working again after this short time of the reign of the anitchrist in this tribulation period.
Read chapter 11
The two witnesses. These two witnesses we read about in this chapter seem scary as they have power over nature and breath fire on their enemies. They prophesy for 1,260 days, or 3 1/2 years, till they are killed. Yet only for 3 1/2 days are their bodies lying dead till they are resurrected by God in the sight of many and then go up to heaven.
Who are these two witnesses? Many like to say one of these witnesses is Elijah, for prophesies say Elijah must come and restore all things yet this picture in Revelation doesn't fit Elijah's ministry to restore all things. Elijah's ministry will most likely be at the start of the kingdom of God when all will know the One and Only God. In Zechariah 3 & 4 we may have a clue as to who these two witnesses could be. In Zechariah there are two compared to olive branches and lamp stands referring to Zerubbabel as one and Joshua the high priest as the other. And further said of them, “These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth” (Zech. 4:14). So because of the context of the book of Zechariah we can better guess that these two witness are Zerubbabel the scribe and Joshua the high priest rather than Elijah, though we can't be complete sure.
Take heart that though these two witnesses are causing much turmoil and death, it's only turmoil and death to the enemies of the Lord. When they are resurrected back to life this is a sign that God is working again after this short time of the reign of the anitchrist in this tribulation period.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Revelation 10
Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them.” v.4
Read chapter 10
Did you know that the Greek word for book is biblion? Looks like our word bible. Well our word Bible in English is just transliterated (made English sounding rather than translated) and means book. The Bible is more than just any book, it is thee book, the book of God's words. John is told to get the little book from the angel and eat it. He describes it sweet to taste but bitter in his stomach. Now I don't fully understand what eating the book describes, but how true are God's words, His truth, so good and sweet but hard to digest sometimes when they're things against our sin or what we think ought to be instead?
Well John here says he's about to write until a voice from heaven says not to write them. We can tell therefor that John is writing things as he sees them therefore in this book of Revelation, whereas most books we have in the Bible are written afterwards. Another interesting thing to note is that we don't get to know what John saw and what will be happening at this time in the future. This shows that God hasn't revealed everything to us. That there are some things that He has not shared for us to know yet. The Bible has answers for all things, but there will still be things that will be revealed that we wont know till a later time. What is something you cant wait to know from God?
Read chapter 10
Did you know that the Greek word for book is biblion? Looks like our word bible. Well our word Bible in English is just transliterated (made English sounding rather than translated) and means book. The Bible is more than just any book, it is thee book, the book of God's words. John is told to get the little book from the angel and eat it. He describes it sweet to taste but bitter in his stomach. Now I don't fully understand what eating the book describes, but how true are God's words, His truth, so good and sweet but hard to digest sometimes when they're things against our sin or what we think ought to be instead?
Well John here says he's about to write until a voice from heaven says not to write them. We can tell therefor that John is writing things as he sees them therefore in this book of Revelation, whereas most books we have in the Bible are written afterwards. Another interesting thing to note is that we don't get to know what John saw and what will be happening at this time in the future. This shows that God hasn't revealed everything to us. That there are some things that He has not shared for us to know yet. The Bible has answers for all things, but there will still be things that will be revealed that we wont know till a later time. What is something you cant wait to know from God?
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Revelation 9
And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them. vv.5-6
Read chapter 9
Where does the idea of eternal conscious torment come from for those that don't go to heaven? It's not in the Bible unless one translates wrong. Here we read of a torment that will last five months. That's the longest torment mentioned in the Bible by God. Torment was originally described as a severe testing but later came to mean torture. Did you notice who is doing this torment? Locust! These locust though described in this chapter don't seem like the typical locust we may think of. These locust are armored. One can't just swat or kill these locust. They also have faces like men, hair like a woman and teeth like lions. Strange indeed these creatures. In our day today, locust usually only last for five months from May to September which similar to how long these will last in the future time too.
These men being tormented by the locust seek death, yet at this point in time of the Kingdom and Tribulation God has the power over death, not Satan anymore. So God is not allowing them to die though they seek it from all this torture. Yet again this is only for five month to those that refuse to submit to God and His ways; the longest we see God torment someone in all of scripture.
What are your beliefs of God's future torment to those who refuse to submit and follow His ways even after when there will have been a long period of peace on earth in His Kingdom? How does this chapter shape or challenge your views?
Read chapter 9
Where does the idea of eternal conscious torment come from for those that don't go to heaven? It's not in the Bible unless one translates wrong. Here we read of a torment that will last five months. That's the longest torment mentioned in the Bible by God. Torment was originally described as a severe testing but later came to mean torture. Did you notice who is doing this torment? Locust! These locust though described in this chapter don't seem like the typical locust we may think of. These locust are armored. One can't just swat or kill these locust. They also have faces like men, hair like a woman and teeth like lions. Strange indeed these creatures. In our day today, locust usually only last for five months from May to September which similar to how long these will last in the future time too.
These men being tormented by the locust seek death, yet at this point in time of the Kingdom and Tribulation God has the power over death, not Satan anymore. So God is not allowing them to die though they seek it from all this torture. Yet again this is only for five month to those that refuse to submit to God and His ways; the longest we see God torment someone in all of scripture.
What are your beliefs of God's future torment to those who refuse to submit and follow His ways even after when there will have been a long period of peace on earth in His Kingdom? How does this chapter shape or challenge your views?
Monday, November 20, 2017
Revelation 8
And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!” v.13
Read chapter 8
How do you picture angels? Are they little babies with wings flying in the air shooting arrows to make people fall in love? Oh wait that's just a picture hallmark made up. Did you know this is the first and only place in the Bible we read of an angel flying? And it's not even detailed enough to know if it had wings or not. In this chapter we ready of four angels sounding trumpets for four different judgements of God sent on the earth to destroy; definitely the opposite of an arrow to make people fall in love I'd say. Each angel sounds a trumpet before the judgement of God falls on the earth. The blow of trumpets were a sound made to announce something significant like the fall of the walls of Jericho before battle (Joshuah 6) or to reign in the year of Jubiliee (Leviticus 25) or announcing the Lord's presence (Exodus 19). The four angels in this chapter are announcing destruction on the earth of hail and fire falling from heaven killing people, of a third of the sea creature dying, water becoming poison killing men that drank it, and darkness. These four things appear similar to some of the plagues in Egypt with Pharaoh and Moses. And this angel that is flying is giving warning to the inhabitants of the earth to take heed because there's still three more trumpet sounds which follow three more judgements.
How does this change your view of angels? Well take heed that for the believers in Jesus during this time they will be saved through it. For though these judgements are poured out on the earth the Lord is powerful enough to only destroy the wicked and preserve His people. For just as we have smart missiles today that can pinpoint an exact location to go off, the Lord's missiles are even more accurate!
Read chapter 8
How do you picture angels? Are they little babies with wings flying in the air shooting arrows to make people fall in love? Oh wait that's just a picture hallmark made up. Did you know this is the first and only place in the Bible we read of an angel flying? And it's not even detailed enough to know if it had wings or not. In this chapter we ready of four angels sounding trumpets for four different judgements of God sent on the earth to destroy; definitely the opposite of an arrow to make people fall in love I'd say. Each angel sounds a trumpet before the judgement of God falls on the earth. The blow of trumpets were a sound made to announce something significant like the fall of the walls of Jericho before battle (Joshuah 6) or to reign in the year of Jubiliee (Leviticus 25) or announcing the Lord's presence (Exodus 19). The four angels in this chapter are announcing destruction on the earth of hail and fire falling from heaven killing people, of a third of the sea creature dying, water becoming poison killing men that drank it, and darkness. These four things appear similar to some of the plagues in Egypt with Pharaoh and Moses. And this angel that is flying is giving warning to the inhabitants of the earth to take heed because there's still three more trumpet sounds which follow three more judgements.
How does this change your view of angels? Well take heed that for the believers in Jesus during this time they will be saved through it. For though these judgements are poured out on the earth the Lord is powerful enough to only destroy the wicked and preserve His people. For just as we have smart missiles today that can pinpoint an exact location to go off, the Lord's missiles are even more accurate!
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Revelation 7
So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. v.14
Read chapter 7
In this chapter we see a break from the destruction and horror going on in the tribulation and read of all those that are sealed receiving, not the mark of the beast as we'll read about later in Revelation, but the mark of God on their foreheads (v.3). This is the chapter where you may have heard of the 144,000 are saved, but note that that's not it of everyone whose ever lived, that's just of Israel for a multitude which no one could number will be saved as well as we read in verse nine of this same chapter. And those that are given the white robes are the ones who are raised to life again. This is a symbol of their lives purified by dependance of sacrifice of Jesus.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your savior today, you are already sealed by Him! May you live like it's that future time wearing a white robe showing how your dependance for Christ's sacrifice as purified you.
Read chapter 7
In this chapter we see a break from the destruction and horror going on in the tribulation and read of all those that are sealed receiving, not the mark of the beast as we'll read about later in Revelation, but the mark of God on their foreheads (v.3). This is the chapter where you may have heard of the 144,000 are saved, but note that that's not it of everyone whose ever lived, that's just of Israel for a multitude which no one could number will be saved as well as we read in verse nine of this same chapter. And those that are given the white robes are the ones who are raised to life again. This is a symbol of their lives purified by dependance of sacrifice of Jesus.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your savior today, you are already sealed by Him! May you live like it's that future time wearing a white robe showing how your dependance for Christ's sacrifice as purified you.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Revelation 6
Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” v.1
Read chapter 6
Now we read of the seals being opened that no one was worthy to open but the Lamb as we saw in the previous chapter. The reason that there are theses scrolls sealed up is that the Lord wasn't allowing them to happen. When the Lord would break the seal what was not allowed for so long is now allowed. This make sense as the premillennial kingdom before this great tribulation. In God's kingdom there will be peace, there wont be wars, plagues, hunger or death often, yet all these things will happen once more for a time during this tribulation when these seals are opened and allowed again. John sees different horses and riders as the first four seals are opened and how each horseman is given something to cause either battle, conflict, scarcity, or death. The fifth seal though does not have a horse but what John sees when the seal is opened are all those that have been martyred during this tribulation time and they are given a white robe (so not disembodied souls) and told to wait a little longer. Then the sixth seal John see cosmic disaster and men going in to hiding during this day of God's wrath.
This book and prophesy we need to remember is for a future time still and hard to grasp if we don't understand the the kingdom and the reason for the tribulation. Let us realize though when God doesn't allow something to happen it wont, but when He gives man free will to choose or not- calamity results.
Read chapter 6
Now we read of the seals being opened that no one was worthy to open but the Lamb as we saw in the previous chapter. The reason that there are theses scrolls sealed up is that the Lord wasn't allowing them to happen. When the Lord would break the seal what was not allowed for so long is now allowed. This make sense as the premillennial kingdom before this great tribulation. In God's kingdom there will be peace, there wont be wars, plagues, hunger or death often, yet all these things will happen once more for a time during this tribulation when these seals are opened and allowed again. John sees different horses and riders as the first four seals are opened and how each horseman is given something to cause either battle, conflict, scarcity, or death. The fifth seal though does not have a horse but what John sees when the seal is opened are all those that have been martyred during this tribulation time and they are given a white robe (so not disembodied souls) and told to wait a little longer. Then the sixth seal John see cosmic disaster and men going in to hiding during this day of God's wrath.
This book and prophesy we need to remember is for a future time still and hard to grasp if we don't understand the the kingdom and the reason for the tribulation. Let us realize though when God doesn't allow something to happen it wont, but when He gives man free will to choose or not- calamity results.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Revelation 5
Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?” And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it. vv.2-3
Read chapter 5
This chapter goes on now to talk about the scroll with the seven seals that we will read about as they are unleashed as each seal is a curse. But first one worthy must open the scroll. Yet there is no one worthy, not man nor celestial being. Even this one described as a strong angel asking the question shows that he knows he is not even worthy. The only one worthy we realize is Jesus who is the lamb in the midst of the throne (v.6) and who all the elders and creatures fall down to and sing in verse nine to Him, "You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation."
Now another interesting thing to notice here is that it mentions three dimensions: in heaven, on the earth, under the earth. This seems to just show that no angles, nor celestial beings, nor men living nor men dead is worthy. It's easy for us to compare ourselves and think "good" people are worthy of such a honorable task or even assume angels are perfect and better than humans, but no one is good or worthy of anything except God, not even Captain America.
Read chapter 5
This chapter goes on now to talk about the scroll with the seven seals that we will read about as they are unleashed as each seal is a curse. But first one worthy must open the scroll. Yet there is no one worthy, not man nor celestial being. Even this one described as a strong angel asking the question shows that he knows he is not even worthy. The only one worthy we realize is Jesus who is the lamb in the midst of the throne (v.6) and who all the elders and creatures fall down to and sing in verse nine to Him, "You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation."
Now another interesting thing to notice here is that it mentions three dimensions: in heaven, on the earth, under the earth. This seems to just show that no angles, nor celestial beings, nor men living nor men dead is worthy. It's easy for us to compare ourselves and think "good" people are worthy of such a honorable task or even assume angels are perfect and better than humans, but no one is good or worthy of anything except God, not even Captain America.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Revelation 4
The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying:
“Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God Almighty,
Who was and is and is to come!” v.8
Lord God Almighty,
Who was and is and is to come!” v.8
Read chapter 4
In this chapter we read of the throne room in the Kingdom. First we read of Jesus appearing as jasper and sardius stones with a rainbow around Him like an emerald. Then we read of the 24 thrones of 24 elders around God's throne. Who these elders are we do not know, they could be humans or celestial beings, they could be those born in the kingdom or born before. Then we read of the four living creatures. We can assume from their description that they are the cheribum that we read about in Ezekiel 1 of his vision being exactly like these creatures described here. We read that these cheribum say "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!" They don't rest day or night and say this. Now this doesn't mean that they don't ever stop to take a breath or are saying this mindlessly, rather they is what is known of them to say often. We all can say of someone that they always talk about something they're passionate. For example so and so will always talk about the Packers or always talk about Donald Trump.
This doesn't mean that they don't talk about anything else, but part of the character that you can always expect to hear from them. One time on Facebook they had a thing where it summed up what you posted about the most whether through pictures, comments, etc. And made a collage out of the top few things that you said. Some were their spouses and kids names, some were all places they traveled, some were political names and sources, but one of my friends had all these different names of God. That's what she was known to talk about the most was God. The cheribum saying this isn't an annoying thing because they are always saying Holy Holy Holy like some would be annoyed by someone always talking about Trump, rather this is a wonderful chant that will be venerated. If you have a hard time with people that always talk about God, how do you think you'll like heaven? What are you known to always talk about? What would you like to be known to talk about often?
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Revelation 3
So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,[g] I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— vv.16-17
Read chapter 3
How do you take your coffee? Hot or cold? Lukewarm? No one likes their coffee lukewarm (though some mothers with young kids may only ever have lukewarm coffee by the time they get their first sip). There's a funny scene in the movie War Room that shows this idea as a metaphor, watch Lukewarm Coffee
Here in Revelation as the Lord is speaking to the angle of the church of Laodicea that their works are neither hot nor cold so He going to spit them out, just as the woman in the clip is about to spit out her coffee because it's lukewarm. It appears that either being hot or cold is a good state to be in. It seems like it could be taken two ways. One that if one is hot, or on fire for the Lord, there's no denying Him and living every second for Him, and that if one is cold, they're at least honest that they are cold towards God and don't try to pretend or be hypocritical about following Jesus. A second way to take this though is that both hot and good are expressions of a life in Christ. If one is hot, they're zealous and on fire for the Lord, and if one is cold they are refreshing an encouraging to others in the Lord. Lukewarm in either of these scenarios is just of no use. These Laodiceans don't even realize they're lukewarm, they think they're comfortable not realizing they are actually miserable.
So what temperature for the Lord do you find yourself in today? How and when do you notice lukewarmness creep in?
Read chapter 3
How do you take your coffee? Hot or cold? Lukewarm? No one likes their coffee lukewarm (though some mothers with young kids may only ever have lukewarm coffee by the time they get their first sip). There's a funny scene in the movie War Room that shows this idea as a metaphor, watch Lukewarm Coffee
Here in Revelation as the Lord is speaking to the angle of the church of Laodicea that their works are neither hot nor cold so He going to spit them out, just as the woman in the clip is about to spit out her coffee because it's lukewarm. It appears that either being hot or cold is a good state to be in. It seems like it could be taken two ways. One that if one is hot, or on fire for the Lord, there's no denying Him and living every second for Him, and that if one is cold, they're at least honest that they are cold towards God and don't try to pretend or be hypocritical about following Jesus. A second way to take this though is that both hot and good are expressions of a life in Christ. If one is hot, they're zealous and on fire for the Lord, and if one is cold they are refreshing an encouraging to others in the Lord. Lukewarm in either of these scenarios is just of no use. These Laodiceans don't even realize they're lukewarm, they think they're comfortable not realizing they are actually miserable.
So what temperature for the Lord do you find yourself in today? How and when do you notice lukewarmness creep in?
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Revelation 2
But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.”’ vv.6-7
Read chapter 2
I was so excited one day when I realized my name, Nicole, is in scripture. Nicole means victory, but quickly I found out that the name has negative connotation. The name here found in Revelation is Nicolatians and means victory over the people, yet this victory over the people are the rebellious during the tribulation time over the righteous. And if that's not enough God says He hates the Nicolations.
John is writing to these future seven churches, or better said ekklesias. This is unique in that all of the books and letters we have in the Bible are for that time period but this book is for a future time yet to take place. These letters that God tells John to write aren't written to churches back in 60AD when around this book written, but will be given to the ekklesias during the tribulation time. These are letters of warnings and encouragements to overcome during this time of the tribulation and the influence of Satan and people like the Nicolatians. Yet not only to the ekklesias in these places are to heed these instructions but all who have an ear- everyone- are to hear and learn to be overcomers. The cool thing too we see in verse seven is that those who overcome will eat from the tree of life. Before the fall of man in the garden of Eden they were not allowed to eat from this tree but in the new heavens and new earth this will be allowed to eat from!
Your name may not be Nicole or Nicholas, but how have you or seen others try to have victory over people rather then allowing God's victory to overcome difficult situations?
Monday, November 13, 2017
Revelation 1
I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” vv.10-11
Read chapter 1
The book of revelation is probably one of the books of the bible most read by believers and non-believers. I think probably because of the future prophesy that this whole book is, its mysticism and to have something to grasp as to what's next after this life, but also doesn't really call for us to change on our part today. This may not be a book to know how to become more like Christ, but more so that we may know Him more.
Now Revelation is not the only place in the Bible that talks about future times, for starters read Daniel 7-12, Matthew 24, 1 Thessalonians 5 to name a few. There may be a reason that it's the last book of the Bible too in that one ought to have an understanding of the rest of the bible to understand better this book, probably not the best place to start if you're just reading the Bible for the first time. One thing we need to realize is that everything in this book takes place in the day of the Lord (or the Lord's Day) for we see in verse ten that John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day (whether in a vision or literally) and told to write everything he's about to see thus the this whole book of Revelation. The Lord's Day isn't just Sunday, but is a period of time still to come. We read about the day of the Lord in other parts of scripture and this can help us sort Bible prophesy of when things are to take place whether before or during the day of the Lord. For example in Acts 2:16-21 we read of the Spirit pouring out on all flesh in the LAST DAYS before the day of the Lord. This time of the last days is a different time period than the day of the Lord and this pouring out of the spirit is before all that we read in Revelation. Yet so many people believe that Revelation is the next thing to happen but we haven't had the spirit poured out on all flesh yet. Am I making any sense? Well don't get to overwhelmed as we've just started this book. John is the author of Revelation (through the Holy Spirit); notice that even though he was with Jesus on earth as His right hand guy, we see that John is still overwhelmed by being in Christ's presence (v.17). For more articles about the timing of Revelation check out Bins for Bible Prophesy
What preconceptions do you have about the book of Revelation? Do you have a hard time reading it? How so? Are you, like John, close with Jesus yet still overwhelmed by His greatness (that's a good and right place and position to be in)? Or do you prefer to read it because you dont have to apply it to yourself today (not the reason we should approach it)?
Read chapter 1
The book of revelation is probably one of the books of the bible most read by believers and non-believers. I think probably because of the future prophesy that this whole book is, its mysticism and to have something to grasp as to what's next after this life, but also doesn't really call for us to change on our part today. This may not be a book to know how to become more like Christ, but more so that we may know Him more.
Now Revelation is not the only place in the Bible that talks about future times, for starters read Daniel 7-12, Matthew 24, 1 Thessalonians 5 to name a few. There may be a reason that it's the last book of the Bible too in that one ought to have an understanding of the rest of the bible to understand better this book, probably not the best place to start if you're just reading the Bible for the first time. One thing we need to realize is that everything in this book takes place in the day of the Lord (or the Lord's Day) for we see in verse ten that John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day (whether in a vision or literally) and told to write everything he's about to see thus the this whole book of Revelation. The Lord's Day isn't just Sunday, but is a period of time still to come. We read about the day of the Lord in other parts of scripture and this can help us sort Bible prophesy of when things are to take place whether before or during the day of the Lord. For example in Acts 2:16-21 we read of the Spirit pouring out on all flesh in the LAST DAYS before the day of the Lord. This time of the last days is a different time period than the day of the Lord and this pouring out of the spirit is before all that we read in Revelation. Yet so many people believe that Revelation is the next thing to happen but we haven't had the spirit poured out on all flesh yet. Am I making any sense? Well don't get to overwhelmed as we've just started this book. John is the author of Revelation (through the Holy Spirit); notice that even though he was with Jesus on earth as His right hand guy, we see that John is still overwhelmed by being in Christ's presence (v.17). For more articles about the timing of Revelation check out Bins for Bible Prophesy
What preconceptions do you have about the book of Revelation? Do you have a hard time reading it? How so? Are you, like John, close with Jesus yet still overwhelmed by His greatness (that's a good and right place and position to be in)? Or do you prefer to read it because you dont have to apply it to yourself today (not the reason we should approach it)?
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Hebrews 13
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. v.8
Read chapter 13
The unchangeable God changes. What? If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever then why does He seem different from the Old Testament to the New? Why do we read of times He seems to change His mind like in the example of Jonah and the Ninevties? Well I think it has to do with the matter that God's character never changes, but His dealings with man does. Just like our relationships change with people as we respond to them in different temperaments for example when someone is sad we approach them differently. Bible teacher Nathan Johnson explains it, "God is unchanging in His essential nature and character. This is not true of us. Being finite beings, we can and should grow and mature as time goes on. Hopefully over time we improve in character, although some do the opposite and their character corrupts as time goes on. Yet for God this is not so. His nature, His character, is perfect from the beginning, and so no growth or change is necessary or even possible. God is already perfect. He does not need to grow and change in character. The only growth that occurs with Him is growth in relationship with His people, which growth is on our part, and only receives a response from Him." (
Jesus is Jehovah of the Old Testament. Jehovah and Jesus are the names for God of relationship. God has always been the God of relationship both then and now. God's dealing with man today is not the same as God dealt with men in the Old Testament nor will it be in the Kingdom the same as today. He is always the God of grace, the God of justice, the God of mercy, but it's who He choses to act or not in relation to His people through these characteristics. How have you seen the unchangeable characteristics of God as well as how He changes in relationship with His created people?
Read chapter 13
The unchangeable God changes. What? If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever then why does He seem different from the Old Testament to the New? Why do we read of times He seems to change His mind like in the example of Jonah and the Ninevties? Well I think it has to do with the matter that God's character never changes, but His dealings with man does. Just like our relationships change with people as we respond to them in different temperaments for example when someone is sad we approach them differently. Bible teacher Nathan Johnson explains it, "God is unchanging in His essential nature and character. This is not true of us. Being finite beings, we can and should grow and mature as time goes on. Hopefully over time we improve in character, although some do the opposite and their character corrupts as time goes on. Yet for God this is not so. His nature, His character, is perfect from the beginning, and so no growth or change is necessary or even possible. God is already perfect. He does not need to grow and change in character. The only growth that occurs with Him is growth in relationship with His people, which growth is on our part, and only receives a response from Him." (
Jesus is Jehovah of the Old Testament. Jehovah and Jesus are the names for God of relationship. God has always been the God of relationship both then and now. God's dealing with man today is not the same as God dealt with men in the Old Testament nor will it be in the Kingdom the same as today. He is always the God of grace, the God of justice, the God of mercy, but it's who He choses to act or not in relation to His people through these characteristics. How have you seen the unchangeable characteristics of God as well as how He changes in relationship with His created people?
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Hebrews 12
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. vv.1-2
Read chapter 12
I use to run cross country in high school. I wasn't the star varsity runner but my goal each race was to cross the finish line because I wanted to letter by the end of the season. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but took a lot of discipline and showing up to practice every day after school as well as even some weekends. By then end of the season I received my first letter in a high school sport. We can look at our lives with Christ the same as an endurance race. Anyone can run the race no matter how fast or slow they might be, but the important thing is enduring till the end of this life. My friend Nathan Johnson described it as, "Many believers receive their salvation, but never seem to get off the starting line when it comes to living a life for Christ. Others start out well, but soon lose interest once the newness has worn off and move on to other things. The majority just seem to cruise through life, going to church and “checking the boxes” of what is demanded by the religious world, but never have much interest or take any steps towards running after Christ." (Do You Want Fries With That Salvation)
Sin and unbelief hinders and entangles our running so what else must we do than to throw it off, lay it aside and look to our joy at the finish line. I, one time, tried to run with three pound weights in each hand. Three pounds seemed like such a light weight that I thought it'd be easy to run with and hopefully get an extra work out in. Boy was I wrong. This little extra weight only got be about half a mile in to my run till I finally laid them aside so I could actually run. Well trying to run the race Christ has for us with even just a "little" sin will still hinder us. A way to overcome sin is to see that goal, to look at Christ and the race He ran enduring the cross. Just like watching an olympic or professional sport and desiring to be like them, our star athlete is Christ and may His race encourage you to run the race set before you. Where are you at in your race after Christ? Have you left the finish line? Have you wondered to stop at a McDonalds in the middle of your race? What are you feeling entangled or weighed down by that you need to lay aside so you can run your race?
Read chapter 12
I use to run cross country in high school. I wasn't the star varsity runner but my goal each race was to cross the finish line because I wanted to letter by the end of the season. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but took a lot of discipline and showing up to practice every day after school as well as even some weekends. By then end of the season I received my first letter in a high school sport. We can look at our lives with Christ the same as an endurance race. Anyone can run the race no matter how fast or slow they might be, but the important thing is enduring till the end of this life. My friend Nathan Johnson described it as, "Many believers receive their salvation, but never seem to get off the starting line when it comes to living a life for Christ. Others start out well, but soon lose interest once the newness has worn off and move on to other things. The majority just seem to cruise through life, going to church and “checking the boxes” of what is demanded by the religious world, but never have much interest or take any steps towards running after Christ." (Do You Want Fries With That Salvation)
Sin and unbelief hinders and entangles our running so what else must we do than to throw it off, lay it aside and look to our joy at the finish line. I, one time, tried to run with three pound weights in each hand. Three pounds seemed like such a light weight that I thought it'd be easy to run with and hopefully get an extra work out in. Boy was I wrong. This little extra weight only got be about half a mile in to my run till I finally laid them aside so I could actually run. Well trying to run the race Christ has for us with even just a "little" sin will still hinder us. A way to overcome sin is to see that goal, to look at Christ and the race He ran enduring the cross. Just like watching an olympic or professional sport and desiring to be like them, our star athlete is Christ and may His race encourage you to run the race set before you. Where are you at in your race after Christ? Have you left the finish line? Have you wondered to stop at a McDonalds in the middle of your race? What are you feeling entangled or weighed down by that you need to lay aside so you can run your race?
Friday, November 10, 2017
Hebrews 11
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. v.1
Read chapter 11
The faith hall of fame chapter. This chapter starts out with what appears to be the definition of the word faith followed by examples of people of faith in the past. Now faith is not just hoping in something that you want, but faith is having ground or substance for our hope. People today use the word faith very flippantly rather than what it means in scripture. For example someone may say "I have faith God's going to bring me a new car," but if God hasn't said that it's not really faith the person has, rather it's a desire or hope without any foundation in a promise God has said. That person may trust God, but trust and faith are not the same. It all comes down to believing what God has said or written as Romans 10:17 says, "Faith comes by hearing the message and hearing by the word of God." God causes us to hope with expectation. Bible scholar E.W. Bullinger says in his commentary of Hebrews 11, "If we have heard nothing, there can be nothing to believe. There is neither place nor room for faith. We may think it, or imagine it, or hope for it; but we cannot possibly believe it, because we have not heard anything about it. Our hopes and thoughts and imaginations are all vain, being without any 'foundation.'" So asking questions like do you believe God will ____? Ought to better be asked WHOM or WHAT do you believe. After all belief and faith are the same Greek word pistis. We can trust God to protect us or trust Him to lead us or trust Him to be with me when I make decisions in my life whether good or bad, but when we're not protected or when we're led down a bad path do we then stop trusting in God? So easily this is what happens to people, yet they were putting words in to God's mouth so-to-say of what He never said. Each one of the people listed in this chapter of having faith all had a word from God and responded accordingly and they didn't even receive the promise following their faith (v.39).
How do you see the difference between trust and faith? Who of these listed does their faith impact you most?
There's an amazing book of about 500 pages written solely on this one chapter called The Great Cloud of Witnesses by E.W. Bullinger that I highly recommend as it walks through in-depth each person mentioned in this chapter's faith.
Read chapter 11
The faith hall of fame chapter. This chapter starts out with what appears to be the definition of the word faith followed by examples of people of faith in the past. Now faith is not just hoping in something that you want, but faith is having ground or substance for our hope. People today use the word faith very flippantly rather than what it means in scripture. For example someone may say "I have faith God's going to bring me a new car," but if God hasn't said that it's not really faith the person has, rather it's a desire or hope without any foundation in a promise God has said. That person may trust God, but trust and faith are not the same. It all comes down to believing what God has said or written as Romans 10:17 says, "Faith comes by hearing the message and hearing by the word of God." God causes us to hope with expectation. Bible scholar E.W. Bullinger says in his commentary of Hebrews 11, "If we have heard nothing, there can be nothing to believe. There is neither place nor room for faith. We may think it, or imagine it, or hope for it; but we cannot possibly believe it, because we have not heard anything about it. Our hopes and thoughts and imaginations are all vain, being without any 'foundation.'" So asking questions like do you believe God will ____? Ought to better be asked WHOM or WHAT do you believe. After all belief and faith are the same Greek word pistis. We can trust God to protect us or trust Him to lead us or trust Him to be with me when I make decisions in my life whether good or bad, but when we're not protected or when we're led down a bad path do we then stop trusting in God? So easily this is what happens to people, yet they were putting words in to God's mouth so-to-say of what He never said. Each one of the people listed in this chapter of having faith all had a word from God and responded accordingly and they didn't even receive the promise following their faith (v.39).
How do you see the difference between trust and faith? Who of these listed does their faith impact you most?
There's an amazing book of about 500 pages written solely on this one chapter called The Great Cloud of Witnesses by E.W. Bullinger that I highly recommend as it walks through in-depth each person mentioned in this chapter's faith.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Hebrews 10
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. vv.24-25
Read chapter 10
Has someone ever told you that you have to go to church if you are a follower of Christ? No where in scripture does it say that a believer of Jesus Christ must go to a building society calls a church. This passage in Hebrews is often used to prove that but no where in this verse does it say the word church. First off the Greek word for church is ekklesia and had nothing to do with a building, but was rather a group of people that were "out called" by God, but again this word is not found in this passage we're talking about. What is said here is to not forsake assembling or gathering with other believers and followers of Christ so that they can exhort or encourage one another, stirring up love and good works. After just talking about Jesus Christ as the High Priest in the last couple chapters, the writer is encouraging the Jews to still continue to gather though they can each now enter the Holiest of Holies without relying on a priest. He's calling them to go further.
Now don't use this verse as an excuse not to go to church, but realize that fellowship with other believers is very much needed in our walk as Christians in this world to have encouragement, growth, and accountability as we wait for the Kingdom come. What causes you to desire to go to public worship or assemble with believers or not?
Read chapter 10
Has someone ever told you that you have to go to church if you are a follower of Christ? No where in scripture does it say that a believer of Jesus Christ must go to a building society calls a church. This passage in Hebrews is often used to prove that but no where in this verse does it say the word church. First off the Greek word for church is ekklesia and had nothing to do with a building, but was rather a group of people that were "out called" by God, but again this word is not found in this passage we're talking about. What is said here is to not forsake assembling or gathering with other believers and followers of Christ so that they can exhort or encourage one another, stirring up love and good works. After just talking about Jesus Christ as the High Priest in the last couple chapters, the writer is encouraging the Jews to still continue to gather though they can each now enter the Holiest of Holies without relying on a priest. He's calling them to go further.
Now don't use this verse as an excuse not to go to church, but realize that fellowship with other believers is very much needed in our walk as Christians in this world to have encouragement, growth, and accountability as we wait for the Kingdom come. What causes you to desire to go to public worship or assemble with believers or not?
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Hebrews 9
And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment. v.27
Read chapter 9
You're going to die. Fact of life since the fall of mankind. All will die at least once. Yet some, possibly many, will die a second death. As our loved ones get old we know they're going to die soon, yet death is still hard though we know it's inevitable. Those that believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior God will still die in this life, but they will be raised into eternal life. Those that have rejected the salvation bringing message of Jesus (and only God knows) will raise to be judged and then face the second death. Now what is the second death is not what I'm going to get in to in this devotion, but let me just say it's not eternal conscious torment as some imagine it to be.
In the garden of Eden the curse for eating the forbidden fruit was that dying they would die. Adam and Even didn't drop dead there but death was working in them and has continued to work in every human since. It was the curse no one could fix except Jesus' death that reversed it. Yet that reversal doesn't take full fledge until He returns and brings His kingdom on earth. So when a believer dies, he or she is dead. They don't go on living somewhere else for then they are not truly dead and no point in the resurrection from the dead. Yet if Jesus were to return today what about us who are living that haven't experience death? Well 1 Corinthians 15:51 Paul has revealed a secret of God that not all shall die but be changed. I always think experiencing being resurrected would be neat, but I gladly would love Jesus returning right now and seeing and experiencing my body changed in an instant. How do you think and react about everyone dying once or possibly twice?
Read chapter 9
You're going to die. Fact of life since the fall of mankind. All will die at least once. Yet some, possibly many, will die a second death. As our loved ones get old we know they're going to die soon, yet death is still hard though we know it's inevitable. Those that believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior God will still die in this life, but they will be raised into eternal life. Those that have rejected the salvation bringing message of Jesus (and only God knows) will raise to be judged and then face the second death. Now what is the second death is not what I'm going to get in to in this devotion, but let me just say it's not eternal conscious torment as some imagine it to be.
In the garden of Eden the curse for eating the forbidden fruit was that dying they would die. Adam and Even didn't drop dead there but death was working in them and has continued to work in every human since. It was the curse no one could fix except Jesus' death that reversed it. Yet that reversal doesn't take full fledge until He returns and brings His kingdom on earth. So when a believer dies, he or she is dead. They don't go on living somewhere else for then they are not truly dead and no point in the resurrection from the dead. Yet if Jesus were to return today what about us who are living that haven't experience death? Well 1 Corinthians 15:51 Paul has revealed a secret of God that not all shall die but be changed. I always think experiencing being resurrected would be neat, but I gladly would love Jesus returning right now and seeing and experiencing my body changed in an instant. How do you think and react about everyone dying once or possibly twice?
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Hebrews 8
In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. v.13
Read chapter 8
At this point in history, after Jesus Christ had died and resurrected, the law of the old covenant through Moses was still going on. Jesus' time on earth did not stop the law from being upheld rather He fulfilled the law. It changed in the period of the book of Acts from a "have to" to a "continue to do what you are able to do." We see clearly throughout the book of Acts of Paul and other believing Jews still upholding the law. We notice in this chapter of Hebrews, which was written during this period of Acts, that this old covenant was becoming obsolete, meaning it was still there but waxing away and soon at the change of the Acts period it would be obsolete. Understanding that the law was still being upheld during this time by God's commissioned men, help us to understand that dispensation and the change that took place afterwards in the dispensation we live in today.
This new covenant mentioned here is what we read about in Jeremiah 31, but we still await for that to be in effect when God's Kingdom comes. For now, the day we live in neither Jew nor Gentile live under one of these covenants, for we all live under grace. Yet oh how we crave for the terms of the new covenant to rule where God's law wont just be a book that men have to teach and implement on others, but where it will be written on everyones heart. This is the better covenant established on better promises (v.6). Take heart, the world we live in today isn't it, there's still more to come and it is so much better!
Read chapter 8
At this point in history, after Jesus Christ had died and resurrected, the law of the old covenant through Moses was still going on. Jesus' time on earth did not stop the law from being upheld rather He fulfilled the law. It changed in the period of the book of Acts from a "have to" to a "continue to do what you are able to do." We see clearly throughout the book of Acts of Paul and other believing Jews still upholding the law. We notice in this chapter of Hebrews, which was written during this period of Acts, that this old covenant was becoming obsolete, meaning it was still there but waxing away and soon at the change of the Acts period it would be obsolete. Understanding that the law was still being upheld during this time by God's commissioned men, help us to understand that dispensation and the change that took place afterwards in the dispensation we live in today.
This new covenant mentioned here is what we read about in Jeremiah 31, but we still await for that to be in effect when God's Kingdom comes. For now, the day we live in neither Jew nor Gentile live under one of these covenants, for we all live under grace. Yet oh how we crave for the terms of the new covenant to rule where God's law wont just be a book that men have to teach and implement on others, but where it will be written on everyones heart. This is the better covenant established on better promises (v.6). Take heart, the world we live in today isn't it, there's still more to come and it is so much better!
Monday, November 6, 2017
Hebrews 7
Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. v.25
Read chapter 7
Who's Melchizedek and how do you even pronounce his name? That was a question I had the first time I read this chapter of Hebrews. Well you may remember him in the old testament for a brief moment when Abraham meets him and gives him a tenth of everything he had (see Genesis 14), this is where the idea of tithing a tenth of your income started. There's not much known about this man Melchizedek, where he came from, who his parents were, etc. What is known is that he was both king and priest, of which is never seen in scripture of a person being both. He wasn't a priest through the Levites (which only Levites could be priests according to the law), for Levi hadn't even been born yet. This chapter of Hebrews speaks that it is through the order of Melchizedek that Christ is a priest, for He too was not of the tribe of Levi, and is the King of kings. This was not just some rebellion to the order of the law but when there was a new priesthood there was then a new law (vv.11-12). And the need for a change of priesthood and law was that priests were sinful humans who would need to make sacrifices for themselves too and their sacrifices were only temporary. When Christ became High Priest, His sacrifice was a guarantee! There no longer needed to be an earthly priest for everyone could go directly to Jesus who makes intercession for them to God the Father. There is no longer a succession of priests one after another like the men of Levi after they die. Jesus is it. We today are not of Israel, we are gentiles. Gentiles don't need a priest either for we too can go directly to Him for our needs for He is the guarantee of our salvation and not an man doing it for us. So why is it that Catholics have priests today and how does this chapter shape your view of the need (or no need rather) for these "proclaimed" priests today?
Read chapter 7
Who's Melchizedek and how do you even pronounce his name? That was a question I had the first time I read this chapter of Hebrews. Well you may remember him in the old testament for a brief moment when Abraham meets him and gives him a tenth of everything he had (see Genesis 14), this is where the idea of tithing a tenth of your income started. There's not much known about this man Melchizedek, where he came from, who his parents were, etc. What is known is that he was both king and priest, of which is never seen in scripture of a person being both. He wasn't a priest through the Levites (which only Levites could be priests according to the law), for Levi hadn't even been born yet. This chapter of Hebrews speaks that it is through the order of Melchizedek that Christ is a priest, for He too was not of the tribe of Levi, and is the King of kings. This was not just some rebellion to the order of the law but when there was a new priesthood there was then a new law (vv.11-12). And the need for a change of priesthood and law was that priests were sinful humans who would need to make sacrifices for themselves too and their sacrifices were only temporary. When Christ became High Priest, His sacrifice was a guarantee! There no longer needed to be an earthly priest for everyone could go directly to Jesus who makes intercession for them to God the Father. There is no longer a succession of priests one after another like the men of Levi after they die. Jesus is it. We today are not of Israel, we are gentiles. Gentiles don't need a priest either for we too can go directly to Him for our needs for He is the guarantee of our salvation and not an man doing it for us. So why is it that Catholics have priests today and how does this chapter shape your view of the need (or no need rather) for these "proclaimed" priests today?
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Hebrews 6
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame. vv.4-6
Read chapter 6
Once you're saved are you always saved? Can you lose your salvation? Well according to this passage in Hebrews it seems you can, BUT that is only if you're applying that this letter of Hebrews was written to you right now in this moment of time. We must remember that yes we can learn from scripture to know God more but not everything is commanded to and for us today; i.e. God told Noah to build an ark, we don't read it that we should therefore build an ark today, that was to a specific person at a specific time.
So what is God saying here through the writer of Hebrews? Well let's look more intently at this verse. You'll notice there is a list of things that follow the believer: enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, partakers of the Holy Spirit, tasted of the good word of God and the powers of the age to come. The letter of Hebrews was written in the Acts period to Jews. The Acts period was a unique time that lasted around 30 years after Christ resurrection and miracles and signs were manifest and abundant, like a short glimpse of the kingdom on earth. So what's spoken to these people at this time is because they were experiencing God in a way that was impossible to deny. Bible teacher Nathan C. Johnson explains this passage as so:
So what passage in scripture does prove if we can or cannot lose our salvation for those who believe in the day and dispensation we live in?
Read chapter 6
Once you're saved are you always saved? Can you lose your salvation? Well according to this passage in Hebrews it seems you can, BUT that is only if you're applying that this letter of Hebrews was written to you right now in this moment of time. We must remember that yes we can learn from scripture to know God more but not everything is commanded to and for us today; i.e. God told Noah to build an ark, we don't read it that we should therefore build an ark today, that was to a specific person at a specific time.
So what is God saying here through the writer of Hebrews? Well let's look more intently at this verse. You'll notice there is a list of things that follow the believer: enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, partakers of the Holy Spirit, tasted of the good word of God and the powers of the age to come. The letter of Hebrews was written in the Acts period to Jews. The Acts period was a unique time that lasted around 30 years after Christ resurrection and miracles and signs were manifest and abundant, like a short glimpse of the kingdom on earth. So what's spoken to these people at this time is because they were experiencing God in a way that was impossible to deny. Bible teacher Nathan C. Johnson explains this passage as so:
In the Acts period, the Lord was working in such a way that people would be clearly enlightened to the truth. When they saw miracles worked, or perhaps, if they were ill, even had miracles worked upon them, they had tasted of the heavenly gift, and had shared in holy spirit. They had heard and seen demonstrated (when they saw the miracles) the truth of the gospel, and thus had tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the eon to come. If, after all this, they fell away and utterly rejected the truth, it was impossible to renew them to submission at that point. They were not deceived, they did not have any doubts, they KNEW that this was the truth, they KNEW that this was God, and they KNOWING rejected it. Thus, there was nothing more that could be done for them. God would not degrade His word by presenting it to them once again. They have with full knowledge of what they are doing agreed with those who put Christ on the cross (although those who actually put Him there did NOT know what they were doing.) Thus, they show contempt for Christ, and God will deal with them no longer. This is not anything that anyone has experienced today, or a situation that anyone could find himself in today. We have definitely not experienced any of these things. (
So what passage in scripture does prove if we can or cannot lose our salvation for those who believe in the day and dispensation we live in?
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Hebrews 5
For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. v.12
Read chapter 5
Babies grow up so fast! I have a lot of friends that are mama's and that's a phrase I hear over and over again from them and often say it myself every time I see their kids. One moment their breast feeding then next moment they're feeding themselves and then all of the sudden they dont ever seem to stop eating- during those teenage years especially! Well this doesn't all happen in one day, but it's over time as they grow and develop from baby, to child, to adult. This metaphor is used as we ought to growth in Christ, yet the author of Hebrews is saying those that ought to be adults by now are still babies. You cant just give a newborn babe a steak for it hasn't developed teeth to chew and break it down nor strong muscles to swallow it without choking. A baby needs milk first, then soft foods and finally ready for harder foods. These Hebrews were wanting the "steak" God's word but hadn't even developed the basic principles of the oracles of God so therefore wouldn't understand. They were lazy in studying the scriptures and learning. Laziness doesn't just make one stagnant but actually digress or go backwards and therefore have to start at the beginning again with the basics. They had to learn their ABCs again.
What's your appetite for God's word? Do you crave milk or steak? How long have you been on the milk diet? Are you ready for steak?
Read chapter 5
Babies grow up so fast! I have a lot of friends that are mama's and that's a phrase I hear over and over again from them and often say it myself every time I see their kids. One moment their breast feeding then next moment they're feeding themselves and then all of the sudden they dont ever seem to stop eating- during those teenage years especially! Well this doesn't all happen in one day, but it's over time as they grow and develop from baby, to child, to adult. This metaphor is used as we ought to growth in Christ, yet the author of Hebrews is saying those that ought to be adults by now are still babies. You cant just give a newborn babe a steak for it hasn't developed teeth to chew and break it down nor strong muscles to swallow it without choking. A baby needs milk first, then soft foods and finally ready for harder foods. These Hebrews were wanting the "steak" God's word but hadn't even developed the basic principles of the oracles of God so therefore wouldn't understand. They were lazy in studying the scriptures and learning. Laziness doesn't just make one stagnant but actually digress or go backwards and therefore have to start at the beginning again with the basics. They had to learn their ABCs again.
What's your appetite for God's word? Do you crave milk or steak? How long have you been on the milk diet? Are you ready for steak?
Friday, November 3, 2017
Hebrews 4
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. v.12
Read chapter 4
There is one knife in my kitchen that I always choose to use because it is the sharpest and seems to cut everything so easily, all the other knives I have just leave me frustrated that I rarely even use them. Well God's word is compared here to a sharp knife, or rather sharper than a double-edged sword. It does the job no other knife or sword can even do. Once you realize it's power there's no going back to any other. It can divide the bone from the marrow. The marrow is the inside of the bone where the red cells are produced and the joints are the outside hard membrane of the fusion of the bone cells inside- pretty impossible to divide the two. Even soul and spirit are used so interchangeably by people when referring to them, as well as doing a word study in scripture one will see how similar they are, yet God's word is so sharp that it can divide the soul from the spirit. God's word penetrates us into our deepest thoughts and desires. It's that sharp that it can discern our thoughts and cut off the bad and keep the good, it is possible to get rid of our sinfulness that seems so intertwined in who we are to leave who He created us to be.
Do you treat God's word as a dull, rusted butter knife? The Bible isn't just old literature but is living and active today still! It speaks to us today just as much as it spoke to the Jews thousands of years ago. How have you seen God's word come alive to you? How can it be more so?
Read chapter 4
There is one knife in my kitchen that I always choose to use because it is the sharpest and seems to cut everything so easily, all the other knives I have just leave me frustrated that I rarely even use them. Well God's word is compared here to a sharp knife, or rather sharper than a double-edged sword. It does the job no other knife or sword can even do. Once you realize it's power there's no going back to any other. It can divide the bone from the marrow. The marrow is the inside of the bone where the red cells are produced and the joints are the outside hard membrane of the fusion of the bone cells inside- pretty impossible to divide the two. Even soul and spirit are used so interchangeably by people when referring to them, as well as doing a word study in scripture one will see how similar they are, yet God's word is so sharp that it can divide the soul from the spirit. God's word penetrates us into our deepest thoughts and desires. It's that sharp that it can discern our thoughts and cut off the bad and keep the good, it is possible to get rid of our sinfulness that seems so intertwined in who we are to leave who He created us to be.
Do you treat God's word as a dull, rusted butter knife? The Bible isn't just old literature but is living and active today still! It speaks to us today just as much as it spoke to the Jews thousands of years ago. How have you seen God's word come alive to you? How can it be more so?
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Hebrews 3
But exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. v.13
Read chapter 3
Encouragement! We all need it, we all crave it, yet we all forget to give it too. If you've ever played sports or watched a friend's game, you know the impact of someone cheering for you-it makes you play harder and better. Well the same thing goes in other areas of life than just sports. When one is encouraged to stick with exercising, or quitting a bad habit, or educational studies, they're way more likely to succeed. Here in Hebrews the author is specifically speaking to encourage other believers in their walk with God, "lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God" (v.12). I know so many people that once walked with the Lord but have become hard to Him and His ways because of the lies and traps of this world. It often seems to start with small daily things that sin and hardness toward God creeps in. "The hardening of the heart is the spring of all other sins" (Matthew Henry). Even the "strongest" believers need encouragement, for they are the ones that are attacked by the enemy more often to get them to turn from God. Encouragement can be as simple as a smile, words of affirmation, a note, etc. It's so simple but can be overlooked or forgotten in the hustle and bustle of our day. And ought to be more than just a one time thing, but as long as it is called today- which is everyday;). The Greek word for exhort is parakaleo and means to come along side. We as believers are to come alongside others, a lifestyle that includes others on a regular basis and encourage one another to be more like Christ. Do you have someone you come alongside for encouragement in your walk with Christ? Who can you come alongside today to encourage?
Read chapter 3
Encouragement! We all need it, we all crave it, yet we all forget to give it too. If you've ever played sports or watched a friend's game, you know the impact of someone cheering for you-it makes you play harder and better. Well the same thing goes in other areas of life than just sports. When one is encouraged to stick with exercising, or quitting a bad habit, or educational studies, they're way more likely to succeed. Here in Hebrews the author is specifically speaking to encourage other believers in their walk with God, "lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God" (v.12). I know so many people that once walked with the Lord but have become hard to Him and His ways because of the lies and traps of this world. It often seems to start with small daily things that sin and hardness toward God creeps in. "The hardening of the heart is the spring of all other sins" (Matthew Henry). Even the "strongest" believers need encouragement, for they are the ones that are attacked by the enemy more often to get them to turn from God. Encouragement can be as simple as a smile, words of affirmation, a note, etc. It's so simple but can be overlooked or forgotten in the hustle and bustle of our day. And ought to be more than just a one time thing, but as long as it is called today- which is everyday;). The Greek word for exhort is parakaleo and means to come along side. We as believers are to come alongside others, a lifestyle that includes others on a regular basis and encourage one another to be more like Christ. Do you have someone you come alongside for encouragement in your walk with Christ? Who can you come alongside today to encourage?
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Hebrews 2
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. v.9
Read chapter 2
"What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us. Just a stranger on a bus." Lyrics from a hit 90s song One of Us by Joan Osborne.
Does God really know what you're going through? Is He really able to hear our every thought and need of all the people on the earth? Does He really understand what you're going through? We often forget that of all the religions out there, only God of the Bible is the one that became man and dwelt among His people. It's hard being human, we are all full of sin living in this broken world, wondering what purpose we really have in this life, our emotions and life change from one day to the next, yet God choose to become human. He willingly did this! I don't know about you but I joke sometimes that I wish I could come back as a bird. But by God's grace He calls corrupt human beings His brothers (v.11)! He came to earth a little lower than the angels. This doesn't mean that celestial beings are in a higher order than humans for we know that even angles will be judged by man (1 Corinthians 6:3). The Greek word for angles here mean messengers and can be both human messengers of God like John the Baptist or celestial messengers of God like Gabriel the angle. Either way these angles, or messengers, are subject to death, but Christ's death was a significant death for He is the only immortal and without sin. Only by His death could mankind be saved therefore as propitiation. And He tasted death for everyone, literally felt the weight of the world on His shoulders at Calvary. Because of God becoming man and dying for us, we no longer have to wonder if God really gets it of walking in our shoes, if He understands our pain. In answer to the lyrics from the 90s song, God was one of us. What don't you think God understands of your life? How does knowing God became man effect how you trust and believe in Him?
Read chapter 2
"What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us. Just a stranger on a bus." Lyrics from a hit 90s song One of Us by Joan Osborne.
Does God really know what you're going through? Is He really able to hear our every thought and need of all the people on the earth? Does He really understand what you're going through? We often forget that of all the religions out there, only God of the Bible is the one that became man and dwelt among His people. It's hard being human, we are all full of sin living in this broken world, wondering what purpose we really have in this life, our emotions and life change from one day to the next, yet God choose to become human. He willingly did this! I don't know about you but I joke sometimes that I wish I could come back as a bird. But by God's grace He calls corrupt human beings His brothers (v.11)! He came to earth a little lower than the angels. This doesn't mean that celestial beings are in a higher order than humans for we know that even angles will be judged by man (1 Corinthians 6:3). The Greek word for angles here mean messengers and can be both human messengers of God like John the Baptist or celestial messengers of God like Gabriel the angle. Either way these angles, or messengers, are subject to death, but Christ's death was a significant death for He is the only immortal and without sin. Only by His death could mankind be saved therefore as propitiation. And He tasted death for everyone, literally felt the weight of the world on His shoulders at Calvary. Because of God becoming man and dying for us, we no longer have to wonder if God really gets it of walking in our shoes, if He understands our pain. In answer to the lyrics from the 90s song, God was one of us. What don't you think God understands of your life? How does knowing God became man effect how you trust and believe in Him?
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