Thursday, March 1, 2018

Psalm 29

The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
The God of glory thunders;
The Lord is over many waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
The voice of the Lord is full of majesty.
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars,
Yes, the Lord splinters the cedars of Lebanon.
He makes them also skip like a calf,
Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox.
The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire. vv.3-7

Read chapter 29
The voice of the Lord is powerful indeed!  When God speaks, things happen.  The voice of the Lord in this chapter is described like a world wide storm, like what literally happened in the flood during Noah's day of thunder and earthquakes over the whole earth.  So God's mighty voice when He speaks, all the earth will hear and fear.  It'll be heard by all men -"over the waters," it will reach all people- "powerful," all governments -"full of majesty."  It will humble the rulers- "breaks the cedars," and break great nations -"divides the flames of fire."  It even shakes the barren places- "the wilderness" and cause fear- "makes the deer give birth."  In this day of silence of God, we eagerly wait expectantly  for God to speak and break His silence and the whole world to know and fear the one and only God.  Speak Lord and bring your Kingdom! 
What do you most want to happen once the voice of the Lord is heard?

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Psalm 28

To You I will cry, O Lord my Rock:
Do not be silent to me,
Lest, if You are silent to me,
I become like those who go down to the pit...

Blessed be the Lord,
Because He has heard the voice of my supplications!
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
And with my song I will praise Him. vv. 1,6-7

Read chapter 28
This is another Psalm of David while facing a time of trouble.  He starts his prayer saying to God he'll cry.  A cry is a natural utterance for sorrow and David goes to God to cry.  How often when people are in trouble or distress or just need a good cry do they turn first to friends, family, the governments, a sappy movie, religious organizations, food and lastly (and maybe) to God.  That's not to say that it's wrong to torn to others for help, but to turn to God first and foremost presenting your requests, angers, feelings, etc.  Even in verse seven, the sequence of events is that David first trusted and then was helped.  This psalm starts off with David's prayer of calling out to the Lord and ends with how God heard and answered him.  
Who do you usually go to first when in times of trouble?  David also cries to the Lord to not be silent, wanting His answer.  That can be hard for us too, waiting on God's answer and cause us to turn elsewhere.  What is something you're facing right now that you haven't "cried" to the Lord about yet?  Or not trusted Him in patience for His answer?

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Psalm 27

When You said, “Seek My face,”
My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” v.8

Read chapter 27
This is a command, a command with a promise.  The command to seek Him and the proime that they shall find Him.  To seek is to search out intently.  I think of the game Hide and Go Seek, a game every kid loves and when the person doing the seeking finds someone it's like the best moment ever.  They shout for joy, their pride is boasted that they found him/her all on their own.  So too the joy when seeking out the Lord, there's fear and unknown as to where or what you're seeking but when a treasure or truth is found it's over flowing joy!  This command and response between the Lord and David is how we should respond too.  When God says something our response should be yes with the same words/idea that God said.  God says, "Seek my face," we say, "Your face I'll seek."  God says, "I'm the way, the truth, and the life," we say, "Yes Lord I do believe you are the only way, the only truth, and the only life."  May we always respond this way to God.  Do you seek God earnestly as seeking in a game to find the prize?  How does that look?

Monday, February 26, 2018

Psalm 26

My foot stands in an even place;
In the congregations I will bless the Lord. v.12

Read chapter 26
Without a solid foundation a building sinks.  Without a base of support a bridge will collapse.  
David here isn't talking about a physical place he's standing on but his foundation and firmness in God.  He is so confident in the Lord's promises that he cannot be moved.  His foundation is on God's truths and continues to grow on that.  As David was king and head of the congregation or assembly (Hebrew qahal and Greek ekklesia which often translated is church), he blesses the Lord.  He tells of the marvelous truths of the lord and going along with why he has his firm standing in Him and for others to have too.  Although we aren't a king, we too should tell of God's truths that brings glory to God and helps others to strengthen their sold ground, their confidence in the Lord.  Do you stand on solid ground with your confidence in God?  How can you build your foundation?  Now do it.
Share with someone today about a glorious truth of the Lord.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Psalm 25

Remember, O Lord, Your tender mercies and Your lovingkindnesses,
For they are from of old.
Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions;
According to Your mercy remember me,
For Your goodness’ sake, O Lord.  vv.6-7

Read chapter 25
David uses the word remember to call to mind and act upon.  Oh how often I wish I'd forget past sins, the ones I know I'm forgiven from but still haunt me or come to mind at random times.  We can't necessarily do this but God can.  God can chose what He wants to remember and not.  Here David is asking God to remember His mercies of old- His mercy He had since the beginning on Adam and Eve and throughout many generations of the tribe of Israel.  He's also asking God to gorget his sins.  If He didn't He'd have to act on them as the Just God that He is.  Praise the Lord that through Jesus Christ we've been forgiven ALL our sins.  Yes some have baggage/repercussions that still comes with them in this life and we will all face the judgement seat, but in His mercy, lovingkindness and goodness we are FORGIVEN!  What sin do you wish to forget?  Do you feel free and forgiven from it?  Why or why not?

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Psalm 24

For He has founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the waters. v.2

Read chapter 24
Another creation reference!  From Genesis 1:9 "Let the water under the heavens be gathered together into one place and let the dry land appear" we see the world was all water till land was made.  There was also water for underneath the earth as we see in Genesis 7:11, " all the fountains of the great deep were broken up."  Many evolutionist go the other way and say that over the process of millions of years of the sea slowly wearning away that the land came forth.  Were the continents floating on waters then?  Perhaps.  From the result of Noah's flood of the great deep bursting forth and causing tof other eruptions such as volcanoes and plates shifting we now see fill this space and fill great ocean basins.  Yet this is not how God originally created it.  How have you learned different than this?  Can you find other sources that agree and don't agree with this idea of land and water creation?

Friday, February 23, 2018

Psalm 23

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. v.4

Read chapter 23
A psalm everyones familiar with and continues to teach of characteristics of our God.  This psalm uses the common metaphor in scripture of Shepherd and his sheep in reference of God and His people.  Sheep are dumb, dirty animals and seem to stray often yet the Shepherd provides, protects, and guides them.  In this verse four it's cool to note that the sheep didn't just stray and wander into the valley of the shadow of death, but that the shepherd led them and is walking through it with them.  How are God is walking with us in the terrors of this life!
The rod and staff are not the same thing.  The rod was similar to a club and used as a weapon to fight off wild beasts.  Whereas the staff was used to guild the sheep to keep them on the path by gently prodding the sheep with it.  So too God protects His people form enemies and guides them in His way of righteousness.  And this is comforting to know someone cares and looks out for you.  So how are you like a dirty and dumb sheep?  What valleys of death are you walking through right now and do you feel God's presence with you?  How do you allow God's rod and staff to comfort you?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Psalm 22

My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?
Why are You so far from helping Me,...

That He has done this. vv.1,31

Read chapter 22
The very first verse of this Psalm is well known as it was spoken by Jesus on the cross as we have recorded in scripture (Matthew 27:46 & Mark 15:34).  The last verse of this Psalm "has done this" can also be translated "It is finished."  We also see these words recorded by Jesus while on the cross in John 19:30.  It's possible that Christ recited this whole Psalm in HIs last breaths on the cross by seeing recorded the beginning and end of this Psalm.  Throughout this Psalm we can see the truths and prophesy of Christ's death.  and all that happened, from teh shouts people yelled at him, to the dividing and gambling of His clothes, to description of death by crucifixion of all His bones being out of joint (crucifixion wasn't even a conceived idea at this point in history of David's writing).  The Psalm also ends with praises of the glorious riches of the kingdom to come.  Just like it didn't end at the crucifixion  but He rose and conquered death and with that brings many into eternal life.  How does this Psalm prove that Jesus is the promised Messiah?  What other details do you see came true and which ones are we still waiting to be fulfilled?

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Psalm 21

To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.....

To the Chief Musician. Set to “The Deer of the Dawn.” A Psalm of David.

Read chapter 21
The little words before verse one are called the superscript and the little words after the last verse are called the subscript.  It's hard to tell from the translators which super and sub script go with what Psalm since it's not actually a verse.   Dependent on what each psalm says we can figure out what title and ending gives to each Psalm.  Also from Habakkuk 3 we can tell psalms were written this way with titles at the end as that chapter is a song that ends "To the Chief Musician..."  So what's with the "to the tune of the Deer of the Dawn"?  For one we no longer have or know any tunes of that day, so we can't really know how this was sung or what beat it had.  The Hebrew words are "Aijeleth Shahar" and should be translated "Relating to the Day Dawn."  This helps us make more sense as relating to the day when Christ dawns at last and His future kingdom is here.  This makes sense with Psalm 21 in David's praise of his prayers being answered and his future plans in the earth and the judgement to come on God's enemies.  Chapter 22 has to do with Christ's death and nothing to do with the dawning of the kingdom.  So we understand this phrase of the Psalm that God put in, and not just a heading by man in different Bible versions, we can understand the subject and context. 
So how or what do you look forward to that future dawning day of Christ?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Psalm 20

Save, Lord!
May the King answer us when we call. v.9

Read chapter 20
"Save, Lord!"  Such a simple and direct prayer.  Throughout this psalm David is asking God to save Israel in some battle going on.  He makes his request and full assurance of God's power and will.  After all these words he uses he ends it so simply and summed up in just two words, "Save, Lord."  Sometimes we need to make our prayers simple and to the point.  To not get caught up in fine speech or let our many words trail off into nothingness or random thoughts and distractions.  God doesn't just answer the "fine speaking" christians as so many thing (maybe not intentionally but with phrases like "Have Tom pray, he's a prayer warrior" or "Molly's a good Christian, you should ask her to pray for this rough situation.).  So let it not be in our brilliance of speech that we think our prayers are answered but shout a praise to the Lord.  'May the king answer us when we call' no matter what words we use or what the situation is.  Do you enjoy group prayer?  Does it intimidate you?  What are you focusing on in times of out loud prayer?  Pray simple today with few words and full trust!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Psalm 19

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,
Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. vv.7-10

Read chapter 19
Here we have six statements describing God's word and how awesome they are!  There are six different words describing His word and six characteristics of them.

  • Converting the soul: if it wasn't for this we'd be lost forever to sin and death
  • Making wise the simple: this we even see in young children proclaiming profound truths that they've learned by having the Bible read to them.
  • Rejoicing the heart: God's ways are always right and we can rejoice in that  and not worry of some "small print" or "too good to be true".
  • Enlightening the eyes: to know what is good and right.
  • Enduring forever: His word that cleanses us endures forever and not just once or needed over and over again.
  • More desired than god and sweeter than honey: His judgements are precious and something we should crave.  (Surely judgements dong mean punishments as no one would truly say "I'd rather be punished than have riches."  But judgements are setting things right.)  

Do you desire God's words more than anything else?  Do you crave His words more than chocolate  (or whatever the most delicious food is to you)?  Which of these six characteristics do you desire to come more alive in your life and how will you let that happen?

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Psalm 18

For You will light my lamp;
The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.
29 For by You I can run against a troop,
By my God I can leap over a wall.
30 As for God, His way is perfect;
The word of the Lord is proven;
He is a shield to all who trust in Him. vv.28-30

Read chapter 18
This psalm is also the whole of chapter 22 in 2nd Samuel of the song David sang after the Lord delivered him from his enemies and from the hand of Saul.  In these verses 28-30 it made me think of all the super heroes that my roommate loves.  And surely God can make us super heroes if He wants, like one man running against and breaking through a troop (like Samson against the whole Philistine arm), or leaping over a wall with one simple step.  This wall isn't just a hurdle in the way but instead a high wall of a fortified city David's referring to here.  But the other cool super hero power He gives us is light!  This is not just some boring super power but the best.  Light is Jesus, darkness is sin.  When we were without Jesus we were lost in the darkness of the world and when He lit our lamp by giving us Jesus it gave us joy and hope and salvation, something any super hero is lost without.  And just like all super hero's have some type of outfit/costume/symbol, ours is the armor of God-"the shield to all who trust in Him."
So what "superpowers" has God given you?  What superpower would you want if you could pick one?

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Psalm 17

Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings v.8

Read chapter 17
The "apple" of the eye, or the pupil, is the most sensitive part of the eye and it helps to guard the rest of the eye.  David is asking God to guard him as one would guard the apple of his eye.  Our eyes naturally blink when something comes toward it as a shield to the eye.  God reacts the same as the natural flinch to protect us.  In Spanish this phrase is "la nina de tus ojos," literally 'the daughter of Your eyes."  How much a loving father protects his precious daughter!  In the next phrase of this verse God is referred to a mother bird who protects her young under her wings.  Here we see God not only as a father figure of qualities but as a mother too.  The desire David, and us too, wants protection and comfort and care for by a mother and father.  What are ways or characteristics you view God in both the mother and father roles?

Friday, February 16, 2018

Psalm 16

LordYou are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You maintain my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Yes, I have a good inheritance. vv.5-6

Read chapter 16
Land allotted to the Israelites in the promise land was their inheritance and was a huge deal and super important.  The lines of their boundaries marked their portion of inheritance.  The Levites didn't have an inheritance of land but received a different portion of blessing.  Here David, a priest and king, refers to his portion on the throne as king over Israel and his future promise of the throne as well.  Yet aside from even that physical inheritance he says the Lord is his portion and it is a good inheritance that fills his cup and full of blessings.  This is the best and our inheritance too!  That we are the Lord's and part of all that is to come.  If we have nothing in this life we can still rejoice that we have the Lord.  Do you believe or realize that promise in your life today?  Do you know what your inheritance from the Lord is?  Is that na inheritance you desire more than anything else?

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Psalm 15

Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle?
Who may dwell in Your holy hill? v.1

Read chapter 15
This psalm seeks to answer this question.  A most important question indeed.  Who is it that may abide and dwell in God's tabernacle and holy hill?  The tabernacle or tent was the center of operations for Israel where God dwell and the priest ministered from, where offerings took place and the law was put forth.  Hill in scripture is a metaphor for government so here speaks of who may dwell or have a pace in God's government.  Before the tabernacle was only for priests to be allowed.  God's government to come is the kingdom of God we wait and pray for.  So David is asking who will be allowed to help govern in His future government, what criteria will be used to choose God's leaders.  The rest of the psalm gives that answer.  It's not a "perfect" person, but one who fears God and works righteousness, one whose heart is after God.  Is this a place you desire?  That the center of our lives will be God's rights decrees.  Is God in our future idea of the kingdom or just a place where we're "lazy"?

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Psalm 14

The fool has said in his heart,
There is no God.”
They are corrupt,
They have done abominable works,
There is none who does good. v.1

Read chapter 14
The word "fool" in scripture isn't how we'd today use fool as someone MENTALLY deficient, but one who's MORALLY deficient.  Those that don't believe in God isn't because they came to this intellectual conclusion of reason but because of their desire and actions they don't want anyone to have to answer to.  In the original text it says "there is no LORD" (not "there is no God").  This is huge in that the Hebrew word for LORD is Yahweh, the relation God-Jesus Christ.  Sure many people make God in their own thoughts and images but here they are saying there's no God like Yahweh.  It's not the concept of God they reject but the concept of Yahweh.
Who are some intellectual people you know that are morally fools?  Who are "mentally fools" but know God?  How would you define who Yahweh is based on scripture and not just making up what we want our God to be like?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Psalm 13

How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?...

But I have trusted in Your mercy;
My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. vv.1,5
Read chapter 13
This psalm is one of my favorite songs by Shane & Shane (musicians).  I cant help but sing it as I read through the whole psalm, which is somewhat fitting since verse six says "I will sing to the Lord."  This psalm is a short prayer of David, yet still very powerful.  He hits three main areas: 
1.  his sadness of feeling forsaken
2.  his request for deliverance
3.  a confession and praise to the Lord
I love seeing these things in a prayer.  It's okay to be real and honest with the Lord in your frustration and not try to make it seem like yo have it all together.  He also wants us to ask, it may not be answered how we want but He hears.  And to praise Him for what amazing things He has done and that alone should cause us to rejoice and trust in His unfailing love.  What are your prayers like?  There's no right or wrong way to pray, but are they relation?  Are they just a show?  Are you honest and open?  Spend time now in prayer.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Psalm 12

Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases!
For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men...
“For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy,
Now I will arise,” says the Lord;
“I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.” vv.1,5

Read chapter 12
This seems to be a psalm of today when the godly men seem to be scarce, when wicked men prevail more than ever before, when wicked men think they'll prevail forever since they seem to get away with their own schemes, when the poor and needy are oppressed.  The thing and moment we are all waiting for is the Lord to speak.  For Him to arise out of His time of silence.  For His words that are pure and perfect to put a stop and end to the wicked, ungodly men.  The Lord is compassionate as we see that He will arise because of the poor and needy.  His heart aches for them.  This is my daily struggle and prayer.  Struggle to find godly men and women and prayer for the Lord to break His silence and bring in His kingdom to make right all things.  How can we continue to be godly people in this wicked time?  Pray for His return and the home you have in it.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Psalm 11

If the foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do? v.3

Read chapter 11
Foundations are very important.  Without them, nothing would last or couldn't be built upon really.  If a house doesn't have a foundation, once a storm comes the house will come crazing down.  So it is with our walks with teh Lord.  We need to be founded in the truths of the Bible.  We need to know what we believe.  We need to be able to be firm in our faith that nothing will waver us.  Without a foundation in God we can do nothing, we have no base to rest upon.  In this psalm it's referring to a great time of trouble, when Israel is under attack by the wicked.  Their temple has been seized and they're told to flee to the mountains.  Their temple was their foundation, their base of operation and without it what could they do?
Are you founded in the truths of scripture?  How can one become founded in God so that they could never be moved?

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Psalm 10

The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God;
God is in none of his thoughts...He has said in his heart,

“God has forgotten;
He hides His face;
He will never see.” vv.4,11

Read chapter 10
The scariest and saddest circumstance is that there's no thoughts of God in a persons mind.  Without even thoughts of God causes one to be wicked.  There doesn't seem to be any moral code even.  The thought that God's forgotten or doesn't care or doesn't even know pushes one to rebel especially if they think they're getting away with it since not receiving a just punishment right then and there.  How true this still is today, that those who don't even think about God wax worse and worse and don't even seem to care or notice.  In a time of absolute grace and silence from God, it can be easy to think that God's forgotten or doesn't care, but we have to hold on to the sure hope that He will return to judge the world, that He is alive and present today and to understand His current administration with mankind.  Let's seek Him while He's hidden and not let the wicked's proud countenance get in our way!  How do you respond when it seems like God has forgotten or why He's silent?  What encourages you in those moments?  What thoughts of God are currently in your mind?

Friday, February 9, 2018

Psalm 9

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous works...

The Lord is known by the judgment He executes;
The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
Meditation. Selah vv.1,16

Read chapter 9
There's no half-heartedness here, but David praising God with his WHOLE heart, his whole being.  What does it look like to praise God with our whole heart?  What causes for half-heartedness or even only a quarter of our hearts?
From this joy and praise of the Lord leads us to want to shout it on the rooftops of God, of what He's done and who He is.  It's our object of studying the scriptures and seeing that God's works are very marvelous.  Not only the ones in the past but also the ones to come!  We indeed pray for "Your kingdom come" but do we know what the Kingdom is, what we're praying for?  As we study and search we learn it's more than we can imagine and something we can't keep to ourselves.  What marvelous works of God do you desire to share with others?  Do you tell of what you've learned?  If not, why?
The Hebrew word for meditation is Higgaion, followed by Selah meaning pause.  The writer is telling the reader to literally meditate and pause on God, of who He is and what He's done and will do. So I tell you "HAGGION, SELAH."

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Psalm 8

What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?
For You have made him a little lower than the angels,[b]
And You have crowned him with glory and honor. vv.4-5

Read chapter 8
Out of all things created, out of they vastness of the earth and expanse of the universe, God is mindful of us, of mankind.  He didn't just create and the left us up to figure things out.  He cares about us, out of all the things He could focus on, we're His prize possession!  In the past we've seen God come down and visit His most faithful servants like Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Jacob.  Then His advent, His first coming to mankind when He came as a babe.  Now as we wait for His second coming, that will be more than just a visit but His personal forever presence, we have the Holy Spirit.  This definitely shows a God that cares about us and didn't or doesn't abandon us.  We are made a little lower than the angles in comparison to Divine power yet are still exalted being crowned with glory and honor.  How do these verses affect you?  Do you feel like His prized possession or abandoned?  What has made you feel that way?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Psalm 7

Lord my God, if I have done this:
If there is iniquity in my hands...The Lord shall judge the peoples;

Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness,
And according to my integrity within me. vv.3,8

Read chapter 7
This psalm is about the innocent accused.  Cush the Benjamite is accusing David of a treacherous act deserving of death.  By David's prayer we know that this isn't just a wrong accusation but a plot.  David first pleads with the Lord that he's innocent.  When men can't tell, God always knows.  Many times men do guilty acts of sin that should result in a just punishment.  David's adultery with Bathsheba is one example where in his prayer he admits guilty and repentance.  Yet here he is innocent.  We don't have this account recorded in scripture yet it seems in David's integrity that one, he went to God first with his plea and two, that he didn't make a public spectacle of justifying himself, but trust in in God to carry out judgment.  When do you see the innocent accused for someone else's means?  Have you been accused os something you didn't do and how'd you respond?

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Psalm 6

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak;
Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled...

For in death there is no remembrance of You;
In the grave who will give You thanks? vv. 2,5
Read chapter 6
Another Psalm of David in a prayer during a difficult time.  This time it seems to be that David is very sick to the point of death.  If this psalm is still around the time of Psalms 2-4 when he was fleeing and hiding from Absalom and living in a cave, we can see how that would affect his health.  Also his state of emotions (his troubled soul in v.3) can lead to distress and sickness.  How often do you become sick because of stress, depression, etc?  David also gives us a key to understanding death.  In death there's no remembrance or thanksgiving.  No doubt David was God's man and surely one would believe and know that David will be in heave, but here David himself knows that the death he's facing isn't brining him to heaven.  It's also not stating he goes to "eternal conscious torment."  Death and the grave is a return to the dust while we wait for the resurrection into God's kingdom.  This is hard to believe for most people who's traditional thinking is one goes to heaven or hell when they die.  There are many more passaged in scripture to show that's not the case, but a better and more glorious truth.  How do you understand or relate to David's cry here?

Monday, February 5, 2018

Psalm 5

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;
In the morning I will direct it to You,
And I will look up. v.3

Read chapter 5
This chapter is a prayer of David.  A prayer prophesy in that it's a divinely inspired prayer by the Holy Spirit through David.  In this verse David is lifting up his prayer in the morning.  He's staring of first things of his day with the Lord, it's his first thought when he wakes up.  Do you think or talk to the Lord first thing in your day?  Is He on your mind?  David here also says he "directs it to You," meaning he sets in order his request to the Lord.  Prayer is a time of communicating to God and telling Him our desires and requests.  If He were to ask us like He did Solomon our requests, what would you ask for?  Starting our crazy, busy days with the Lord is important.  Wouldn't you like help of knowing or guidance of what's to come each day?

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Psalm 4

There are many who say,
“Who will show us any good?”
Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us.
You have put gladness in my heart,
More than in the season that their grain and wine increased. vv.6-7

Read chapter 4
This psalm is a continuation of psalm 3 after the trouble of David fleeing Absalom and his words afterwards.  Many ask questions of uncertainty like "who will show us any good?" But there is never uncertainty with God.  Like David we should ask with full confidence for God to light our way.  Because of David's confidence in the Lord he was full of joy . This is more than just being happy about some circumstance, but joy in the darkest of times.  That joy supersedes the best harvest.  A gladness of more than what flows from natural circumstances, but gladness that came from overcoming a trial.  Have you felt this joy before?  What is a trial that made you more joyful and confidence in the Lord when you go through it?  How can you find that joy in a trail you're facing currently?

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Psalm 3

A Psalm of David when he fled from Absalom his son.

 I lay down and slept;
I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. prelude, v.5

Read chapter 3
This psalm is to a specific point of time in David's life.  It's when his son, Absalom, tries to raise up against his father and take over Israel as king.  The whole story is in 2 Samuel 15.  David in this psalm is crying out in deep distress and depression. Can you imagine how hard that would be to have your son try to overthrow you and turn everyone against you?  Israel was probably super confused thinking one thing that God was doing to what He was actually doing and that being He was protecting David, not trying to kill him.  David is crying here on his bed and probably seemed like the night would never end or hope to not wake up to reality, but in the morning he's renewed with how the Lord sustained him and renewed confidence.  When was the last time you've felt this way?  Read the story of David and Absalom and then reread this psalm.  What new feelings and understandings do you now have connecting this poetry with actual life events?

Friday, February 2, 2018

Psalm 2

Kiss the Son,[b] lest [c] He be angry,
And you perish in the way,
When His wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. v.12

Read chapter 2
As we see in movies, to show allegiance to the king or queen is to kiss their hands.  So here to kiss the son (God's representative) is to show allegiance for who's set up as governing authorities.  Now this isn't true for today of God asking us to show allegiance to governing authorities because who would that be then since there are many different governments today, whereas when God's government, or kingdom comes, there will be one, His, government in all the earth (Romans 13 can be taken for referring to different periods too and not for today).  Today if someone doesn't show reverence for God, His wrath doesn't pour out and cause them to perish, but is a future truth for those that don't walk in the way , that is His righteous decrees in the Kingdom.  This Psalm is a warning for the rebellion that takes place in the kingdom.  During that tumultuous time it's still possible to be happy (blessed) by trusting in Him and for today too.  Do you kiss the Son?  How do you show allegiance to God?