"So it came to pass in the morning, that behold, it was Leah. And he said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? Was it not for Rachel that I served you? Why then have you deceived me?” v.25
Read chapter 29.
The deceiver deceived. Crazy that Jacob didn't recognize that it wasn't Rachel during the evening and night that he slept with her. Of course there was drinking at his ceremony feast and could've been drunk. Also women wore veils, so perhaps wasn't recognizable and then having sex at night in the dark most likely you can't tell either, but was there no talking? Can you imagine how both Leah and Rachel felt about what their father was doing? Laban deceived Jacob to get another seven years of work from him and Jacob loved Rachel so much that he was so willing. So Jacob now has two wives that are sisters who will soon bear sons that mare the twelve grieves of Israel (their maidservants Bilha and Zilpah bare some of the twelve too). Jacob ultimately loves one more than the other wives yet seems to treat the others well, but ultimately it still hurts to not be loved by your own husband. How have you felt like a Rachel or a Leah or a Jacob? God again is still faithful to His promises despite man's interventions.
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