"And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and said to it, "Let no fruit grown on you ever again." Immediately the fig tree withered away." v.19
Read chapter 21.
When the Lord looks for fruit He doesn't find any. Let it not be in our lives that when the Lord looks He doesn't see any fruit!
It seems kind of harsh that the Lord curses the tree for not having fruit when He's hungry, but this seems more to be a teaching of Jesus to his disciples. In the previous verses it's talking about all the people showing Christ as the Messiah and King all before He dies and rose. They we're praising Him before the kingdom when all will bow down. So to with this fig tree of not having fruit before it's "harvest." In our lives we shouldn't just wait till the kingdom to live for God or the opportune time to live for Him, but to do it freely before the kingdom is on earth, when times are hard, when things are awkward. Bear fruit out of season!
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