Read chapter 20.
Molech, meaning king, was a fire-god of the children of Ammon. "Fire-gods appear to have been common to all the Canaanite, Syrian and Arab tribes, who worshipped the destructive element under an outward symbol, with the most inhuman rites" (Smith's Bible Dictionary). We see in these verses 4 and 5 that people would give their children to Molech, a most abominable act. How parents could even think to do that to their kids and also breaking the covenant with God in exchange for that hideous act is no wonder for the severe punishment by God. The sad thing too seems to be in the phrase that people would "hide their eyes" from the man who would do this act. Not wanting to confront a brother in the truth, afraid of what to say or of the response that would come out of it, justification of why not, etc. the excuses could be numerous. The same happens today when believers "hide their eyes" from acts other believers do that are sin. The punishment for one that does this today may not be being cut off by God but can sure feel like they cut themselves off from Him. When have you "hid your eyes" to sin?
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