Have come up to My ears,
Therefore I will put My hook in your nose
And My bridle in your lips,
And I will turn you back
By the way which you came." v.29
Read chapter 37
After Hezekiah's repentance and admitting he was wrong he goes to Isaiah the prophet. Verses 22-32 are Isaiah's prophesy with the first half being like a taunt-song similar to the taunt we see towards the king of Babylon in chapter 17 and 47. The prophesy is against Assyria and is described as both beast and man. True is God in who He uses for His purpose as in Daniel 2:21 "He removes kings and raises up kings" and so we see of the king of Assyria being raised up and used and taken away. In this verse 29 we see the beast like description similar to that of Leviathan as we see in Job 41:34 as the "king over all children of pride." "The language is taken from the custom of putting a ring or hook in the nose of a wild animal for the purpose of governing and guiding it. The most violent animals may be thus completely governed, and this is often done with those animals that are fierce and untameable. The idea is, that God would control and govern the wild and ambitious spirit of the Assyrian, and that with infinite ease he could conduct him again to his own land" (BibleHub.com Barnes' Commentary).
How do you allow or want the Lord to humble you? By His grace or by His force?
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