Sunday, August 23, 2015

Job 18

"The light of the wicked indeed goes out,
And the flame of his fire does not shine...Terrors frighten him on every side,

And drive him to his feet." vv.5,11

Read chapter 18
It always seems like the wicked prosper forever and that they have no worries or fear.  Here Bildad assures that that is not so.  The wicked may prosper for a time but their time will come to an end and not just of one person but from all as verse 19 says he'll have no posterity or any remaining in his dwellings, it will stop passing from generation to generation.  On the outside it seems like the wicked have no worries, but on the inside it eats him alive, being frightened constantly and the only way he knows to act and respond is to continue in his wickedness for his quick fix of relief and satisfaction of the devil.  He'll be scared not only from God but from men and his own guilty conscious and unquiet mind.  And it shall force him to flee different ways, being safe nowhere, but pursued by terrors from place to place.  "This verse does not seem to give a picture of the sinner’s conscience, but rather of his consciousness at last. The preceding verses described how he walked on snares unwitting that they were there; now he awakens to the perception of his condition, he feels the complications that surround him, and would flee from the terrors that he has come to realize" (Cambridge Bible).  This may not be talking about us and our acts of wickedness as we are all sinners but wow has an evil act of your own haunted you?

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