Why then should I look upon a young woman?" v.1
Read chapter 31
The lust of the eyes is the inlet to sin affecting the heart and mind to stir up evil desire. Job had made a covenant with his eyes not to look lustfully at a woman and says he has not broken this covenant. How many men today need to make this same covenant? It is possible but takes discipline. It's making an agreement with the eyes to always obey the mind, to act in harmony with the greater self.
This is the start of the long list of Job showing he's innocent of the inward sins that his friends were accusing him of as well, the sins that aren't as obvious to the naked eye. Sins that are the secret conduct of the heart are just as much a sin as the manifest ones others can see. In these things he says "If I..." as to say he didn't or else he'd bare the most horrible payment like his wife sleeping with other men.
Job's words are ended after this chapter as when he's truly confronted by a Godly man (Elihu) and then God, he has no words or justification or complaint. He's speechless.
What kind of covenant do you need to make with your eyes? What are some secrets of your heart that are not right before the Lord?
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