“But if anyone hates his neighbor, lies in wait for him, rises against him and strikes him mortally, so that he dies, and he flees to one of these cities," v.11
Read chapter 19
We read again of the cities of refuge. These cities were for someone that accidentally killed someone and could flee there till they stood trail and then when found guilty could live there until the high priest that passed that judgment died. It was a place for protection for the accidental man-slayer. This was not a refuge for someone that purposefully killed someone, "hates his neighbor" "lies in wait for him." This one was to receive capital punishment, death.
There's something to play close attention to here and that is the word for mortally in the Hebrew. The Hebrew word is nephesh which means soul. Many people say the soul cannot die, but here it seems otherwise. The soul is put for the man and if the man dies the soul is therefore dead too. We have to remember that the soul is not immortal for God alone is immortal (1 Tim. 6:16). From a word study on all the occurrences of nephesh by Bible Teacher Nathan Johnson, he concluded (Soul word study):
A soul is:The soul will die, but if we have the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior we know that it will live again (John 11:24). This is contrary to many religions of the soul dying? How do you perceive the life and death of the soul?
1. Any living creature of the land, sea, or air.
2. Any of the above creatures after they are dead.
3. What man is as a product of his body and his breath of life being mixed together.
4. The blood of men, or something connected to the blood of men.
5. People.
6. A person’s self or being.
7. A dead person.
8. The emotions, strong feelings, desires, and appetites of men.