“For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?..Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren," vv.7,9
Read chapter 4
What a praise and honor Moses shouts out saying 'What great nation is there that has God so near'! Israel was so blessed and unworthy of God choosing them of all the nations on earth to be so close to them and hear, answer and guide them unlike any other nation. Praise the Lord that today He has given this gift not to just Israel anymore but to all people and nations that will call on and believe in His Son Jesus. And for whatever reason we may continue to pray and go to Him!
The section of this chapter calls to worship the Lord without images, the invisible God. And to do this we are to keep our souls diligently. The Hebrew for yourself here is nephesh (soul). To do this we are to care, caution and be watchful. They way we live or don't live for God will show repercussions to the next generation. We can't just hope they'll figure it out but must be taught and trained and see the passion and dedication in their parents that it's contagious and desired by their kids. By so living we will train our children and grandchildren. Moses then later says that they will fall away from serving God (verses 25-31) but that God will not forsake them. When we're fighting upstream against the flow of this world today, God knows at some time or other we will grow tired of swimming upstream and go with the flow but that He will still remain faithful to His children.
How can you diligently keep your soul and teach the next generation?
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