"remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God." vv.3-4
Read chapter 1
In Acts 16 we see Paul with Timothy and Silvanus in Thessalonica teaching and reasoning to them about the Messiah in the synagogue and now are writing to them afterwards.
They were remembered or more commemorated because of their work of faith, labor of love and patience of hope. We see here that faith is action as James says faith without work is dead. These Thessalonians were exercising their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Just like you need to exercise to get stronger, so you need to exercise to grow stronger in Christ.
Their labor of love is labor produced by love, doing something because of their strong love for others or something. Also willing to stand up for Christ they had shown of this new faith to them.
Their patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ was patience in trails knowing the hope or expectation that Jesus will return. Paul was only with them for three weeks yet exalts them for their patience.
This was all because of their election by God. Note that it's not predestination for salvation, but election, being chosen for service now that they have chosen to follow Christ. Not chosen before they believe but chosen by Him having believed for His special purpose.
Who do you commemorate of their work of faith or labor of love or patience of hope in Jesus? How can you show and grow in those areas in your life as to what you're being remembered for? What do you want to be remembered of by others?
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