"And the galleries all around their three stories opposite the threshold were paneled with wood from the ground to the windows...And it was made with cherubim and palm trees, a palm tree between cherub and cherub." vv.17, 18
Read chapter 41
We continue in the visions of God that Ezekiel was taken to. This chapter is visions of the temple with exact measurements and design. Every detail is stated, no matter how small it's important. When I was first reading this chapter I was thinking it sounded like it had a beach house theme because of the palm trees, but then I was thinking it had a rustic, mining theme because of the wood all around the gallery areas. Think of all the different genre of how people have decorated their homes and how they change over the years. I mean if you walk in to a house that has orange countertops and orange furniture with yellow wallpaper or tile walls, you know the place was decorated in the 80s. Yet God's interior and exterior design will never go out of style, it will be a style that is timeless. And we're not talking about living situations in this chapter but the temple, the center of activity where God's government will be carried out from. How do you picture architecture and designing in the Kingdom?
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