"Then Bezalel made the ark...he made the table...he also made the lamp stand...he made the incense altar...he also made the holy anointing oil and the pure incense." vv.1, 10, 17, 25, 29
Read chapter 37
Now that the Tabernacle was built it was time for the construction of the furniture. The ark which was what held the Ten Commandments and had the mercy least with the two cheribums on top of it. The table for the showbread and the utensils that was for the priest only. The lamp stand for light inside the tabernacle. The incense apart for a perfume in the air to diminish the smell of the sacrifices. All these furnishes were very important and with purpose for coming and serving the Lord, nothing was made that didn't have a purpose. It seems like Bezalel made all this by himself, but it also could be that he was the leader and mastermind of the the construction of others who helped construct these items. In 35:30-34 it says he was filled with the Spirit in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of all skill and put in his heart the ability to teach. Bezel we also see is the grandson of Hur who was one who held up Moses' hands to God when he grew weak in battle. Try drawing one of the furnishings baed on the description in this chapter. What "furnishings" in your life are useless to your walk with the Lord that you need to clear out? Bezel had the Holy Spirit guiding him and as the Holy Spirit dwells in us too, what wisdom, understanding, skill is He giving you currently?
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