Saturday, December 31, 2016

Esther 6

So Haman came in, and the king asked him, “What shall be done for the man whom the king delights to honor?”  Now Haman thought in his heart, “Whom would the king delight to honor more than me?” v.6

Read chapter 6
Talk about perfect timing.  Haman is on his way to the palace to tell the king to have Mordecai hung, and the second he enters the court of the king the king calls for him to tell him to have Mordecai honored.  The king had no clue of this plot of Mordecai and was attempting to reverse it, he did it because the night before when he was having trouble sleeping decided to have the chronicles read to him and in hearing how Mordecai saved his life and hadn't been rewarded want to honor him now.  That's not just coincidence, that's providence.  No one's laughing at this turn of events except maybe some angles;)  I wonder if the king was hoping the boringness of reading old news records would help him sleep, but glad it livened him up.  The record of Mordecai saving the King by learning of the plot to kill him was five years earlier, five years!  That's a long time in receiving a reward for a good deed, but it did come with time.  How too we may have done thankful deeds never recognized, like being a parent, but take heart your reward will come maybe later in this life or maybe not till heaven.  Take heart God keeps records of your good deeds and delights to honor you. Now looking at Haman as well in this chapter was humiliated and taken a blow to his pride.  Ultimately it was his pride and selfish ambition that caused him this humiliation, not evil out to get him.  How often is it though with us or others when they're depressed that it's a result of things not going their way or their pride made humble?  Proverb 18:12 rings true of these two men, "Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, And before honor is humility."  When have you seen providence of perfect timing of God in situations so close to death or disaster?  Have you received a reward for something that happened a long time ago?  Was your heart humble or prideful in waiting for this reward?

Friday, December 30, 2016

Esther 5

 Moreover Haman said, “Besides, Queen Esther invited no one but me to come in with the king to the banquet that she prepared; and tomorrow I am again invited by her, along with the king.  Yet all this avails me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king’s gate.” vv.12-13

Read chapter 5
People say women are extremely emotional- check out Haman in this chapter.  We keep seeing him from one emotion to the next.  At one point he's high on life after having been invited twice by Queen Esther to be at her banquet with the king and then the next second he's mad and filled with hatred when Mordecai doesnt bow to him (v.9).  Now Haman's back at home and very joyful, or should we say very prideful, as he boast about how great he is to his family and friends.  This also shows his insecurity, Haman is name dropping and finding his identity in human applause.  But then flips to unhappiness and bitterness as long as Moredecai is alive and in a place of position at the King's gate.  All this emotional up and down is all based on how people treat him and external circumstances.   Bible Teacher Nancy Leigh DeMoss says, "He's at the mercy of how people treat him...That’s not the way God intends us to live. I’ll say that when your life and your heart and your mind are not grounded in the sovereignty and the ways of God, you’re emotions will be subject to whatever happens next in your life. Your emotions will be subject to whatever happens next in your day, whatever happens next in your life, whatever circumstances come into your life."  Despite all this great stuff in his life (his job, his wealth, his honor) the object of his bitterness is controlling him.  He can't enjoy the good things in life because he's so focused on the negative.  
What negative situations, people, things in your life are you focusing on and not able to enjoy the blessings in your life?  How can you turn that around?  How do you relate to Haman's pride or insecurity of your emotions being led by how people treat you?  How can you be emotionally grounded in God instead?

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Esther 4

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? v.14

Read chapter 4
Esther has no idea of the edict that was made to annihilate all the Jews and is wondering why Mordecai is mourning.  When she hears why she says she can't do anything to stop it even though she's queen because the king could kill her for approaching him without being summoned (a legit excuse I'd say).  But then Mordecai sends this response in verse fourteen.  It's truth and it's a challenge.  Mordecai knew of the Lord's deliverance and the promise to keep a remanent alive for the Messiah to come.  He tells her if she keeps silent about this God will use someone else.  It's starting to reveal that it's not just coincidence that Esther was made queen but was put in this position to save her people.  Sometimes we don't know why or we end up in places or situations we do, but God knows and uses us as instruments in His plan.  You may think you're no queen or you're a nobody, that someone else will step up and do God's work, but that can turn into you perishing- it's not about how special you are it's about how special you are to God.  You are not where you are just to take up space, but are created for a purpose and a job with your name on it.  Keeping silent in issues of truth with other believers is not helpful, we are all one in Christ and has ripple effects to the whole body of believers.  Yes we have to discern when are times to speak up and when are times to keep silent, but let's not be silent when we know the Spirit is urging us to step up for regret and sorrow may follow later.  God chooses and uses nobodies. He infuses them with His grace and His power and He uses them in mighty ways. (Nancy Leigh DeMoss) 
When was a time you kept silent when you know you should have said something?  What was the outcome?  Do you see yourself brought to where you are right now "for such a time as this"?  How so or why not?

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Esther 3

And the letters were sent by couriers into all the king’s provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, and to plunder their possessions. v.13

Read chapter 3
Sound familiar at all?  This is just like Hitler and the holocaust, only he came thousands of years after this.  Both Hitler and Haman wanted to not just kill some Jews that made him made but annihilate the whole nationality of the Jews. Now Haman chooses to cast a lot to see which day would be the day to kill all the Jews as he would use government officials to carry this decree out.  From Proverbs 16:33 we know, "The lot is cast into the lap,
But its every decision is from the Lord." So this lot was cast and the way the dice landed was in the twelfth month.  Oh I'm pretty sure the Lord had the dice fall they way they did.  It didn't land that the next day or even the next week this plan would come to pass but almost a full year later as it was only the first month when the lot was cast (v.7).  This wasn't just chance or luck, it was divine providence.  Bible Teacher Nancy DeMoss says, "our circumstances and the people around us do not control our lives. Ultimately God does."  As we will see later this plan fail due to how Esther responds and appeals to the king, her husband, to turn this verdict around.  Haman thinks he can outwit God by making this plan of deception and due to his role as number two in the kingdom but oh how the tables are about to turn.  We do have to remember that this fight didn't just start at this moment in history but is the battle between Satan and God that use men as symbols of which side people stand on.  
When have you been in awe of timing of something that could've turned out worse if it happened at any other moment?  How do you see the next Haman or Hitler today trying to annihilate God's people today?

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Esther 2

Now when the turn came for Esther the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her as his daughter, to go in to the king, she requested nothing but what Hegai the king’s eunuch, the custodian of the women, advised. And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her... The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.  vv.15-17

Read chapter 2
Can you imagine the pressure of this beauty contest for the king to judge?  Most likely all the women, taken or volunteered we don't know, for this "beauty contest" are Persian women except for Esther who was a Jew but kept that quiet since Jews were a hated minority at this point in history.  Esther we're told was beautiful and won the favor not just of the king but of Hegai, who had charge of the Harem, and all who saw her.  Yet she didn't just win the favor because she was physically pretty.  She had God on her side and His wisdom.  No doubt God was raising her up to save her people as we will see throughout the book of Esther.  Having God in ones life is alluring to others whether they can tell it's God or not that is drawing them to a person.  Beauty doesn't win a eunuch's favor since eunuchs are typically emasculated, so there must have been something of Esther's character that pleased him.  Then we see the wisdom Esther has in pleasing the king to win his favor.  She doesnt do what would please her most but what would please him most.  She asked someone who knew the king what he likes.  Whether she chose to be a part of this beauty contest or not, Esther didn't kick and scream about this ridiculous man driven contest or become like the women around her, she was poised, wise with a godly spirit.  How can you choose to be different and not conform to the people around you no matter how dark and hard of a situation or culture you might be in?  Do you have God's inner beauty?  How has it won you or others favor?  Have you been allured by the beauty of others inside and out?  What was it that was so alluring?

Monday, December 26, 2016

Esther 1

"to bring Queen Vashti before the king, wearing her royal crown, in order to show her beauty to the people and the officials, for she was beautiful to behold.  But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command brought by his eunuchs; therefore the king was furious, and his anger burned within him." vv.11-12

Read chapter 1
A week long feast is taking place put on by the King of Persia- Xerxes.  He is not an Israelite, does not know God or His law, he seems to think he's the center of the universe.  His reason for the feast: to show off his splendor.  Right off the bat of this book you can read the king's pride and arrogance, he wants everybody to see how great he is.  Pride always has a backfire at some point, especially in marriage as we see it leads to the divorce of him and queen Vashti.  Most likely the men of Xerxes' party were drunk by now since it is the last day of the seven day feast and the "wine was flowing." Now Vashti is throwing a party of her own during this time for the women and the king wants to show off her beauty- which in one way seems honoring for the king to think one of his most prized possession is his wife, yet a wife is not just a trophy to be won to look at, she is more than her beauty and that's where the problem lies with this marriage.   Arrogance, alcohol and anger are not a good combination.  The sin of pride of the king led to the sin of pride of the queen.  Others peoples sins so easily leads others to sin as well.  Now you can say Vashti was right in how she responded, but if the situation didn't have the pride and alcohol mixed in and was asked by her husband to come that she'd not even think to do it?  We don't know why she refused the king, we can only assume but can't know for sure.  The kings advisors (not from God) command that a law be made to make husbands the dictators in their marriages.  This is not what God commands but the nations.  How often do we read God saying for husbands to love and respect their wives!  God is not the center of this marriage, so let's not use it as an example of how God says marriages should be.  Yet how have you been like a Xerxes or Vashti in your marriage?  Has the sin of one cause the sin of the other?  How can you not let sin respond to sin?

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Philippians 4

 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: v.11

Read chapter 4
CONTENTMENT.  This is something I crave more of in my life, in all areas of my life.  To truly be joyful always isn't just having a smile face on at all times, but being content with where the Lord has you.  And the only way to be content, especially in those hard times, is through Christ who strengths me (v.13).  When Paul wrote this he compares the different situations he's been in both good and bad and the constant thought everything was and is Christ.  So stop the worrying, stop the anxiety, stop the comparison and ask God to show you His will no matter what state you're in.
What stops you from being content in any situation?  Which situations are harder than others?

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Philippians 3

Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ v.8

Read chapter 3
This is probably my favorite verse of the whole Bbile and one I need to tell myself daily.  When I get caught up in comparison, lonely, different, etc, I ask myself do I consider it a loss compared to knowing Christ?  Am I willing to say I am fine being single the rest of my life and never marrying "losing" that opportunity so that I can know Chrsit more?  Or water else that matter at hand is.  Then this helps me change my attitude and mind about the matter- some moments harder than others- but what I desire.  That's how amazing Christ is!  Better than the best thing you can think of.  What do you need to let go of that you can know Christ more?  What would be the hardest thing to give up for Christ?

Friday, December 23, 2016

Philippians 2

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,  who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,  but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. vv.5-7

Read chapter 2
Jesus was fully God.  It wasn't robbery or something He already had or is His because its his- you can't rob yourself.  He did choose to limit Himself by doing in the form of a man.  But this is the mind w'er to have.  The attitude of our mind leads to godly thinking and understanding.  Something we think is impossible is possible with God.   And He did it in the most humble way in becoming like us because He wanted tot relate to us.  Not coming to us in a big show but of no reputation - to be one of the "norm." How does understanding this man Jesus being fully God make your relations with Him like?

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Philippians 1

And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, v.9

Read chapter 1
Love abounds in knowledge and discernment.  Knowledge suggests an intimate understanding.  We love God more the more we learn about Him and create an intimate relationship with Him.  It's not just this "long-distance" relationship that you never hang out with but only talk to around your busy schedule, but a relationship that He's with you everywhere and always knowing what goes on when no one else's around.  Praise our Maker He knows us intimately already.  Are you intimate with the Lord?  What does your most intimate relationship look like and would you say you know God more than that?

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

John 21

So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs.” He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” vv.15-17
Read chapter 21
The Lord asks Peter three times if he loves Him.  In the English we can't see all that is really going on here and brings a little more insight to this passage.  In Jesus' first two questions He uses the Greek word agape for love.  Agape is the highest form of love, a self-sacrificing love.  Yet Peter responds with the Greek word phileo for the type of love he said he had for the Lord.  Phileo is more like a friendship kind of love.  Peter at one point was this boisterous disciple and would've claimed without thinking of his agape love towards the Lord, but after realizing how he denied the Lord when Jesus was taken to be crucified he seems ashamed and no longer can live up to the claim he thought he once was.  But then Jesus asks a third time if Peter loves Him yet this time Jesus uses the phileo word for love asking if Peter loves Him as a friend.  All this probably played into his guilt of not only denying his master, his Lord but his friend too.  He knew deep down he really did love Jesus, but was so disappointed in himself.  The Lord’s questions had brought Peter to the point of his dilemma.  He had failed the Lord, and utterly failed to show forth love for Him.  Now, Peter can no longer view himself as the great disciple who will be loyal no matter what.  Now, he must look at himself realistically, as just a man who can be used by the Lord.  And now, the Lord has a mission for him.  He wants him to feed His sheep. (Bible Teacher Nathan Johnson)  Do you agape and phileo the Lord?  How do you know?  How can you still let the Lord use you despite having let Him down at some or many points in your life?

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

John 20

Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher). v.16
Read chapter 20
Jesus speaks her name and she immediately knows who He is.  Mary, who had been with the Lord often during Jesus' time on earth no doubt knew His voice, especially how He said her voice in that loving, tender way.  I always wonder why she didn't recognize Him physically at first, thinking He was the gardner.  Maybe it was because her eyes were so filled with tears she saw blurry?  Maybe it was because she assumed the gardner had moved Him because that was the only logical thing?  But the voice of the Lord cleared up any blurriness or assumption all by calling out to her.  The voice of the Lord is heard quickly and clearly by those that know God.  Just as a mother can tell her baby's cry among many crying babies, so ought the believer be able to recognize the Lord's voice among all the false gods.  So also our God knows us by name among the billions of people that He's created.  With just one word, her name, it was the best joy and comfort that solved her problem- oh how the presence of the Lord is truly felt in a time of sorrow.  Also note the first words and first appearing to of the risen Jesus is to a woman who was a devoted follower.  If the Lord called you by name would you recognize His voice?  Is all you need to hear right now for Jesus to speak your name to comfort you in your sorrow to know He's near?

Monday, December 19, 2016

John 19

So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!”And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. v.30

Read chapter 19
How could God die?  A question asked by many, yet make the answer harder than it is.  Jesus didn't die by crucifixion, He died because He gave up His spirit.  He died because He said so, and what God says happens.  Jesus knew all the scriptures in the Old Testament had to be fulfilled before He died, so lastly He knows to say He's thirsty so they give Him a drink of the sour wine ("After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, 'I thirst!'” v.28).  Once He has a drink He knows He had done all the work the Father had Him to do and thus says, "It is finished!"  Jesus did not stop short and die just before getting hung on the cross, or die at the first hour on the cross or even die before the last petty thing of drinking sour wine, He endured to the end, He fully filled everything word to a T.  I don't have that kind of endurance, but thank the Lord He does!  How can this motivate you to endure through hard situations right now?  How do you picture this whole scene of chapter 19?  What does it mean to you that God died?  Luckily the story doesn't end here with death...

Sunday, December 18, 2016

John 18

Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. v.10
Read chapter 18
Funny isn't it that Peter cuts off a ear of the high priest's servant and yet the soldiers don't try to arrest him at all.  They are so fixated on arresting Jesus, who they had nothing on Him, that they didn't care about other laws being broken or dishonor by others.  Peter acted too quickly just as we've seen him respond too quickly before he thinks.  Jesus did not want a fight to break out as He responds in the following verse.  Yet Peter was wanting to fight for Jesus probably, proving that he'd lay down his life for Jesus.  We can clearly see though that Peter wasn't a trained soldier, he was a fisherman, for he cuts off an ear (I don't think that's what people aim for when they want to hurt someone) but I'd guess he was going for cutting off his head.  I like that the man's name is given, Malchus.  I wonder why.  In Luke 22:51 we see a little more detail to this setting in that Jesus restores the man's ear whole again. Perhaps Malchus then believed having seen this miracle on himself?  Perhaps he became well known among the Jewish believers during this time the book of John was written?  He was the last man Jesus healed while on earth.  We have to realize that Jesus can heal unbelievers, "you can receive a miracle and not be saved. You can have answers to prayer and not be saved. You can be blest by God and never be converted" (Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.).  How do you relate to Peter in that you try to take action to fight for Jesus not realizing that's not what He wants?  When have you seen or heard a Malchus type situation where a nonbeliever has received healing, blessing, answer to prayer?

Saturday, December 17, 2016

John 17

I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one... Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. vv. 15-17

Read chapter 17
Have you ever prayed that you would die because living in this world is just too tough?  I've had those thoughts before when I just want to throw in the towel thinking I'd be better off dead.  But this verse encourages me in those thoughts and times, that Jesus doesn't want His followers taken out of the evil world but instead to protect them from the evil one while in this fallen world.  That is what we need from God while we live among wickedness- protection.  Do you desire to leave the world?  Have you asked God for protection from the evil that is causing those thoughts?  The Lord wanted the disciples right where they were knowing they'd face persecutions and difficult situations, maybe He does for you too right now?
Verse seventeen is one of my favorites.  It is the answer to Pilate's question in John 18:38, "What is truth?"  God's word is truth.  The more we know the Word, the Bible, the more we know truth.  Truth sanctifies a person.  Sanctify means to set apart.  Jesus is asking that His disciples would be set apart from the world by His truth.  Do you know what is truth?

Friday, December 16, 2016

John 16

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you...All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. vv.7,15

Read chapter 16
The Holy Spirit.  Not always talked about in church or among believers.  Is it because He seems too mysterious?  I think most people picture Him as a floating ghost 
What's the point of the Holy Spirit, here called the Helper?  Jesus answers and says that it's to their benefit that He goes away so the Spirit can come.  Jesus, although He was God, was also fully man and could therefore not be multiple places at once. Jesus has many disciples, more than just the twelve that He spent the most time with, yet He could not give all of them His full attention.  Think of it, are any of you parents with multiple kids that have a hard time giving each kid your full attention as well as your spouse, not to mention anyone else outside your immediate family?  Or certain friends in your life that are more acquaintances because you or they don't have enough time to spend good quality time together?  That's the amazing thing about the Holy Spirit, He can be everywhere and anywhere!  The Spirit can guide, empower, rebuke, comfort to thousands or millions of people all at once.  This indeed was more beneficial!  Yet how often do we today wish that Jesus was here alongside us more than we wish for the Holy Spirit?  Yes we pray for Jesus' return that He will sit as King of the world and set it to how it was originally created.  We who believe have the Helper today, not fully revealed yet but working in us.  Jesus is the Helper just as He is the Father.  For one can not give something that is not theirs.  What is the Father's, is the Son's, is the Holy Spirit's.  What do you understand of the Holy Spirit?

Thursday, December 15, 2016

John 15

You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.  Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.  vv.3-4

Read chapter 15
The Word has the power to cleanse!  By believing the scriptures we increase our faith and this cleanses us of sin.  Now it can be confusing why this verse is in the middle of this illustration of the Vine and the branches.  This can be confusing if you don't understand fully how fruit grow on trees, but oh this is one of my favorite illustrations.  A plant is cleansed by pruning off defects so that it can grow more fruit.  Now we have to remember that Jesus came first for the people of Israel and throughout the Old Testament Israel is referred to as a vine (Psalm 80:8, Isaiah 5:7).  Yet there is application believers can still learn from this.  Jesus is not talking here about salvation, but about believers losing their position as servants.  Now a branch on it's own cannot bear fruit, it will shrivel up and die.  The only way to bear fruit is to be connected to the source of nutrients.  All the power the disciples had from Jesus to perform miracles and speak His words was because they abided with Jesus, yet Judas Iscariot, for example, was just broken off when he left with the money to turn in Jesus to the Pharisees.  Similar it is with us.  He may not be using us to perform big miracles as His disciples did, but if we don't abide in Him our service to Him is stopped.  Just as plants need water daily, so we need God daily to be nourished.
How have you felt the Word cleanse you before?  What does it look like to abide in Christ?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

John 14

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." v.6

Read chapter 14
Jesus isn't just one possible way to heaven.  There's not all these different routes to everlasting life like some believe in Buddha, some believe in reincarnation, some believe in their own selves being "good enough," that all get to heaven someway or another.  No, Jesus is THE way, THE truth, THE life.  He is the only way not just a way to heaven.  There is only one truth.  If two people say their's is truth but they're opposing each other either one has to be false or their both false- there can't be two truths.  He is the life, abundant life and life forever.
There's only way to God and that's through Jesus Christ.  Do you believe this?  How do you share this with those that don't believe this truth?
Let us continue to point others to Him alone and remind ourselves that it's nothing we do to earn our way in.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

John 13

Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!” vv.8-9
Read chapter 13
Jesus washes the disciples feet.  Such a humbling act today, even more so back then.  Just try to picture it: There were no paved roads like we have today and where they lived was desert so you can only imagine how dusty it was.  Also their shoes are nothing like we have today, they wore sandals and if you've ever walked around in sandals outside before you know how dirty your feet can get even if you don't live in a desert.  So everyones feet would be dirty, so when one would enter a home a slave would wash the feet of the guest during their stay (some commentators compare it to taking ones coat when greeted at the door).  So Jesus starts to wash their feet which was usually the lowest slaves task and Peter is bewildered.  Yet Jesus' answer causes Peter to responded in another strong statement to not only wash his feet but his hands and head also.  Peter, although would respond too quickly sometimes before he thought, no doubt was all in for the Lord to not miss being a part with Jesus.  This act of washing feet signified more than just the task, "the underlying meaning goes far beyond this.  For these disciples were clean.  They were washed of their sins.  The Lord had forgiven them from all iniquities because of their faith in Him.  Yet in the matter of walking with Him on the earth, it was inevitable that their feet would become soiled by sin.  Thus, the Lord was there to wash their feet and to restore them to cleanness.  How thankful we can be that our own soiled feet are in the Master’s hands, and that He will wash them and make them clean, come what may."

Monday, December 12, 2016

John 12

Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue;  for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. vv.42-43

Read chapter 12
Secret believers.  People who believe in who Jesus is, yet choose not to let others know.  Here we are told specifically of rulers believing that Jesus was the Messiah.  Those that believed then weren't just the ones that didn't understand or know the law enough and were just caught up in the signs, for we know even by Jesus' numerous miracles many did not believe (v.37).  But many rulers believed in Him, well educated leaders believed.  Yet the reason they were secret believers is fear of the Pharisees.  These believing rulers knew that if they confessed Jesus Christ they would be kicked out of the synagog which in turn was being excommunicated from your whole life- no more friends or support system.  Yet it was not only that fear of losing what held their life together but ultimately that they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God to why they remained secret believers.   They look to the immediate praise now that they get from men, then the praise of God that is still to come.  How true this is still today among believers.  Are you one?  If so, why?
How have you seen a ruler being a secret believer effect others?  How have you seen a ruler who is outgoing in believing in Christ effect others?

Sunday, December 11, 2016

John 11

Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”  Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” vv.23-24
Read chapter 11
"Lazarus is dead" Jesus said flat out in verse fourteen.  He wasn't just asleep as the disciples thought.  At this death Jesus wept.  He wept at death. The sting of sin is death.  There's death because of the fallen world we live in.  Death isn't a happy thing for anyone, including Jesus. Martha didn't think her brother was in heaven.  We see with her words not that "he's in a better place now" but that "he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."  She believed in the resurrection, not of Jesus yet for He hadn't died and resurrected, but the resurrection of all the dead in (not 'at') the last day.  The last day isn't a 24 hour day but a period of time of the greatest day- the Kingdom.  So where did the idea you go to heaven when you die come from?  Wouldn't you think then that Martha, a Jew, would've known from the scriptures about resurrection life after death or that Jesus would've corrected her if she was wrong?  What better comforting words that she could've heard from Jesus and that we can hear and say to when someone has died trusting in the Lord, "______ will rise again." 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

John 10

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. v.10

Read chapter 10
Many false christs came proclaiming they were the messiah to come (and it's still happening today too).  Jesus is explaining to His disciples how they will know who is the Christ.  By having to enter through the door, as Jesus is figuratively explaining to them, He is saying how the Christ has to fulfill every prophesy of the Old Testament, to enter in the right way and not climbing or sneaking in some other way (v.1).  These that do are thieves and robbers.  They're claiming to be the Savior for their own gain and care nothing about the sheep (the people Israel).   They're bloodthirsty.  They hate the sheep. Where Jesus came fulfilling all 200+ prophesies and came that the sheep would have life more abundantly, not just this life but what John's been referring to in previous chapters- that everlasting life.  Yet even that the life now would be life to the full- not making everyone perfect but life worth living.  Jesus says He is the door and only through Jesus is salvation and everlasting life possible.
How have you felt that abundant life with Jesus in this life?  What thieves and robbers do you see in the world today deceiving people to think that they're God?

Friday, December 9, 2016

John 9

Then the Pharisees also asked him again how he had received his sight. He said to them, “He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.”..And Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind.” vv.15,39

Read chapter 9
This is the first time ever of this miracle of the blind seeing!  (At least never recorded of in scripture of being born blind and healed.)  Surely this blind man had no hope of ever seeing, so when the miracle was performed he couldn't deny this was someone sent from God.  Genesis 2:7 says we're made of dust, how fitting is it that Jesus uses dust to open the blind man's eyes.  Truly the Creator using creation that made the first man was standing before this blind man.
The sad truth of blindness of sight verses blindness of the heart is what the point seems to be of this chapter.  The blind man knew he was blind and needed help, yet the Pharisees did not know the blindness of their hearts to see the truth that was right in front of them and not wanting to be healed to see the truth.  
What areas of your heart might you be blind to?  Ask the Lord that you may see!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

John 8

So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”...She said, “No one, Lord.”  And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” vv.7,11

Read chapter 8
This is a very powerful passage that teaches much to us about how to judge others.  Jesus calls out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.  As they were trying to trap Jesus, Jesus turned the trap on them with a brilliant response to their question.  How often do we condemn people without pointing the finger at ourselves first?  Now that's not to say we should never call out people because we don't have it all together either, but let's practice what we preach.  Christ is not teaching here to non-judgementalism but shows how to have forgiveness in judgement of sin and warn them of the way of sin.  The Lord did not act like what this woman had done was not a sin.  He did not say that she had just “made a mistake,” nor did He admonish His disciples to be “more understanding” of people like her.  He did not acknowledge her as having made a legitimate “lifestyle choice,” nor did He command that she be “tolerated.”  Rather, He warned her solemnly to never again partake in the sexual sin she had committed.  In all the loving and forgiving of the non-judgmentalists, there is often no hint of a warning like this.  Yet is failing to warn those headed for destruction truly love?  Should we truly be tolerant of sin?  Or should we love sinners enough to risk “alienating” them or seeming “phobic” by telling them that they should cease from the wickedness they have been committing? (
If the Lord said to you today, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."  What sin would He be referring to and how would you respond?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

John 7

And the Jews marveled, saying, “How does this Man know letters, having never studied?” Jesus answered them and said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me.  If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority. vv.15-17
Read chapter 7
Jesus didn't need to be taught the scripture- He was the One that wrote them!  Jesus didn't need to go to school to become a leader of Israel.  The Creator didn't need to learn wisdom from man.  Yet this is baffling the leaders of the Jews and should have been a clear sign that Jesus wasn't just some other man.   Yet the similar is true on how pastor, teachers and commoners think about others today, that one must go through a school system to know the scriptures.  Now no one today is Jesus, but those who have Jesus in them are given wisdom by Him.  One doesnt have to go to a university to study the scriptures, but can read the Bible for themselves and study it too!  The scriptures are so powerful, they reveal God's will and oh how many people say they desire to do God's will.  Yet they don't search the scriptures to find out His will.  In verse seventeen, What Christ means here is that if anyone truly wants to do the will of the Father, then he will choose to get to know the Lord’s doctrine so that he can figure out if it is really a teaching that comes from God or not.  This was true then, and it is still true today.  Many there are who claim to want to worship God, and yet they never take the time to get to know and to examine the words of Jesus Christ to see if they are from God or not (Nathan Johnson).
What is one way you have discerned God's will through His Word? 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

John 6

Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.” v.29

Read chapter 6
This chapter is packed with so much good stuff!  Yet I think this one verse sums up a lot of what this chapter is portraying.  After 5,000 men were fed miraculously, they desired to be fed continuously.  Jesus goes on to tell them that He is the bread from heaven and that through Him one will never hunger again.  The people believe that Jesus is The Prophet that Moses spoke about that would come, the understand the truth right in front of them, but the are uninterested.  They keep asking to be filled by what cannot fully satisfy.  They seek Jesus only because He provided immediate fulfillment of food and Christ challenges them to labor for food that endures to everlasting life.  So they question what works they should do to do God's work for this (they're finally getting it).  And the best answer ever is, "THE work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." Bam!  Only one thing they must do for this eternal life: believe.  So many religions and sects of Christianity are works based salvation, but our God only desires ONE work and that of the mind to believe that Jesus was sent by God.  No other work can please God like this one can or be substituted for eternal life.  Have you believed the lie of saved by works?  Why is this so hard for people to think they have to do works to be in God's favor?

Monday, December 5, 2016

John 5

“If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true.  There is another who bears witness of Me, and I know that the witness which He witnesses of Me is true.  You have sent to John...for the works which the Father has given Me to finish—the very works that I do—bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me. And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me." vv.31-37

Read chapter 5 
Fourfold witness of Jesus as God!  It's hard enough to find two witnesses to testify to find the truth, but here we have four witnesses that testify to the truth that Jesus is the Messiah.  It's even a biblical principal in the law to have two or three witnesses for any establishment of truth (Deut. 19:15).  First we have the book of John as a written witness to us.  Second is John the Baptist who preached of Jesus before His manifestation that even many of the Pharisees believed for a time.  I love the way Bible Teacher Nathan Johnson explains the use of John's witness: "Christ here assures them that the testimony of John was not what made up His mind that He was the Messiah.  The Lord did not need to figure this out on His Own.  He was not trying to 'find himself' and His mission in life and at last hit upon it when He heard John speak.  The Lord always knew Who He was and what He was to do.  The reason He is appealing to the witness of John is so that those who heard Him could be saved.
Third is the witness of His works, the miracles that Jesus preformed were not just some magic, no one else could even repeat or attempt them.  And the fourth witness is the Father Himself.  How has the Father witnessed?  In verse 38 the answer is the scriptures abiding in them.  His word was not abiding in the Pharisees and therefore didn't receive the witness of the Father. They trusted in Moses yet they didn't believe Moses' words of the coming Messiah.
Which of these witnesses speaks loudest to you of Christ and which one is harder for you to believe?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

John 4

The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”  Then they went out of the city and came to Him. vv.28-30

Read chapter 4
The story of the woman at the well.  If you don't know it make sure you read the whole chapter and not just the verses above.  It's a powerful story of a Samaritan woman (a half Jew) outcast by her own people for her sin who bumps in to Jesus at a well and her life changes from there.  Can you imagine just "bumping" in to Jesus on just any ordinary day not even thinking your life was about to change forever?  Even more amazing about this woman is that she is the first person Jesus reveals Himself to that He is God.  He first reveals Himself to a woman, to an outcast.  One can not say God is chauvinistic or doesn't care for the outsiders.  Now after their long conversation together and her realizing she's talking to the Messiah she runs to tell everyone in the city about Christ and brings them out to Him.  How hard would that be to share Christ with those who shun you or don't care about you?  Yet the amazing encounter with Jesus can't keep her quiet or keep it to herself but she desires to share with everyone she knows whether good or bad relation.  I even appreciate that they listened to her and at least went to go check Him out- you never really know how someone will respond.
Have you bumped in to Jesus and if so how did that change your life?  How has that encounter made you share Him with others you'd least expect?  What holds you back from sharing it with those that are hard for you in your life?

Saturday, December 3, 2016

John 3

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. v.16

Read chapter 3
The most well known verse in all of scripture: John 3:16.  And there's a reason that is.  The book of John was written to produce believers in Jesus Christ and this is how simple it is: believe in Him, believe in who He is --> God.  
If you could give one gift to the world that everyone would benefit and enjoy what would it be?  Food wouldn't work for everyone, yes for those starving but not for those that already have it.  Money wouldn't work either as it would eventually be gone and spent on evil things that could make things worse- the value of the dollar would go way down as well with everyone having so much that prices would go up.  Salvation unto everlasting life is the only suitable gift and the best gift that could be given to every single person in the world and only bring benefit.
God gave His Son to the world, why? because God loves the world.  He doesn't love the sin or the fallen state that it's in, but loves the way it was always meant to be and love the people who are in it.  So much so that He gave His Son, His representative.
Do you believe Jesus is God?  Do you believe that God loves the world?  What would be the most valuable person or thing that you could give to someone and how does that even compare to understanding the gift of God giving of His Son?

Friday, December 2, 2016

John 2

And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!”  This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him. vv.10-11
Read chapter 2
Oh how it's the way of the Lord to save the best for last!  The way of man is the opposite often as we see here.  The good wine was thought to be served first by the host so that the cheaper wine be unnoticeable later when the guest have well drunk already.  Jesus' made just the right amount of wine (v.7), not so much that they'd get drunk, as some people like to justify drinking heavily because of this miracle of Jesus, unless it was something the guest would abuse.  Jesus filled the water pots because they were empty and needed replenishing.  In what areas are you feeling empty and needing replenishing by Jesus right now?  Wine is drunk because it changes the way one feels, but has negative side effects.  Being filled with the Holy Spirit changes the way one feels, but only positive side effects.
"And His disciples believed in Him,"  this wasn't the first time they believed in Him but the meaning is more that they grew in faith.  How has your faith grown as you've seen a miracle of God that astonishes you as they saw here?  How often in the beginning in our walk with the Lord are our eyes and ears more astounded at God's working and why does that sometimes die?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

John 1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.  In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. vv.1-5

Read chapter 1
The epistle of John varies drastically from the other three gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.  It starts off just as the whole Bible starts of in Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning."  Yet notice the difference if you compare the two.  In Genesis it starts off as God created the heavens and the earth where as in John there's not mention of creation but was the Word.  The Word was not created.  
Now what exactly is this “Word”?  In Greek, “Word” is logos.  The idea is that one’s words are an expression of oneself...My words have told you what I am like, and my body language and my actions have likewise told you what I am like.  Thus, these expressions of myself have given you an idea of what I am like.  Never have you had a chance to scan my heart and soul directly.  Rather, you have only gotten to know me by the expressions of myself that you have seen and heard.  The word logos carries with it this idea of expression.  It is said that the ancient Greeks realized that there must be a God, but they also believed that He was far and away beyond human comprehension.  They could not reach Him, could not reason Him out, could not get to know Him by any means that they had.  Thus they yearned for some sort of “expression,” some logos of God, some person or thing that could express God to them and show them what He is like.  They called this theoretical expression of God the Logos.  And John starts out his book with the startling fact that he is going to set forth this very Logos to us! (Bible Teacher Nathan Johnson)
The Word is God and with God.  This can be a bit confusing as it may sound like two different beings.  The word with in Greek is pros and means toward or in relation.  Kind of like in Genesis 1 when God says "let us" referring to all of who He is- Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
What questions do you have about God always being?  Do you believe that the Word became flesh and dwelt among men (v.14)?  What other god has done that?