Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Romans 3

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. v.23

Read chapter 3
A well known and used verse: Romans 3:23.  This verse has led many to life in Christ, realizing they fall short in this life, never quite able to reach what they don't even know they're grasping for.  But this isn't just a verse to prove to people that they're not God, but to show their need for a savior and that Christ by His grace is the savior they need.  ALL have sinned, not just some.  Often there's the thought "my sin isn't really that bad" or the complete opposite "my sin God can't even forgive," yet Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was the answer to forgive EVERY sin, to fulfill every denial of need for a savior and every doubt of His love. So why do we all need a savior?  Bible teacher Otis Sellers puts it to the point:
The lesson all should learn here is that while we may be highly esteemed by our friends, family, and fellowmen, yet because we are sinners we are lacking the esteem of God. You may be extolled in life or at death as having been a good citizen, good father, and good churchman, but you are still lacking the esteem of God. Your children may esteem you highly as a good mother and your husband may praise you as a good wife, but you are still lacking the esteem of God. Something must be brought into your life, there must be some definite act of yours that will bring you to God's favorable attention that will result in Him esteeming you for what you are and what you have done. As to what this is there can be no question. Your neglect of the God appointed Savior must cease. You must appropriate God's great provision for your great need - your need of a Savior. You must be able to stand before Him as a sinner who has a Savior - not a sinner without one. This will cause Him to esteem you as a believer, and you will no longer lack the esteem of God. It is your crying need that you bring-yourself to some final dealing with God in regard to this. Truly, you need a Savior. (
Have you realized your need for a savior?  Are you a sinner that has The Savior or are you without one?

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