Thursday, October 5, 2017

Jeremiah 37

Jeremiah was put into a vaulted cell in a dungeon, where he remained a long time. v.16

Read chapter 37
The siege of the Babylonians had left because they heard Pharaoh's army from Egypt was coming to help Judah- yet this is only a scare for all of Jerusalem is eventually taken captive and destroyed.  Because of they brief release it appears as if the false prophets were right and Jeremiah wrong.  Jeremiah doesn't doubt this but as he's going back about his normal business he gets throne in a dungeon taken in prison by the king at Jonathan's home.  He's there many days as they are hoping these horrible conditions would break his spirit by the time he's brought to the king.  Yet Jeremiah's posing and prophesy doesn't waver and I think the king partially knew too for he sent for Jeremiah privately.  The king was hoping for a different word from God than what God's word already said.  How true many people think and act today not taking God at His world that we have written yet seeking some other word from God for their own benefit that goes against what is already said and written?  Often you'll hear people say, "The Lord told me..."  It's hard to always know if it's true or not, but if it goes against what we read in the Bible than you can be sure it is false.  When have you seen or heard something like this?  Zedekiah, for whatever reason, shows compassion for Jeremiah despite not telling him what he wanted to hear and puts him in an open courtyard prison with bread daily.  He must have know his efforts against God were in vain and didn't want the death of God's prophet on his account.

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