Monday, July 31, 2017

Proverbs 11

There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
25 The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself. vv.24-25

Read chapter 11
"No one has ever become poor by giving." - Anne Frank
Why do people choose not to give?  Perhaps they think they don't have it in their budget, or they're trying to save up for a need or want, or they don't know who, where or how much to give, or they don't think someone is deserving, or the thought doesn't even cross their mind.  When Anne Frank wrote this famous quote I think she was think more than just monetarily things but also of the time and heart behind the giving.  We are to be wise with our money but not hoarders or stingy with it for that leads to poverty.  As one is generous others will choose to be generous back both with our time, heart and resources just as verse 25 says "he who waters will also be watered."  Do you agree with Solomon in this proverb as well as Anne Frank or are you "holding on to more than is right"?  How have you felt your soul be made rich when you've been generous with your time and resources?

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Proverbs 10

The fear of the Lord prolongs days,
But the years of the wicked will be shortened. v.27

Read chapter 10
This doesn't seem to make sense that if you fear the Lord you will live longer as we see many children or young adults that believe and honor the Lord that die young.  So what's missing with these words we read verses the reality we see?  Taking a closer look at the words in this verse it says fear of the Lord prolongs days.  The Hebrew word for prolong is yasaph and it's use here means not just add more days of life but each day to increase in value and importance.  This is compared then to the wicked days being shortened in that their days are troubled and discouraging.  Fearing the Lord doesn't just make your whole life perfect but the peace that passes all understanding and the joy of the Lord makes every moment worth living for and going through.  It stops the depression and the facing of battles with despair or defeat that make each day drudgery.  How do you need the Lord's medicine to have these prolonged or greater value of days?

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Proverbs 9

“Stolen water is sweet,
And bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”v. 17

Read chapter 9
Water freely given and water stolen, which one taste better?  They should be the same right?  Yet why does something seem to "taste so much sweeter" if it is stolen?  Water isn't literally what is being talked about here of tasting sweeter, but of something forbidden seeming to be better because it's wrong and gives a thrill temporarily.
Now first off in this chapter we see the wisdom woman and the foolish woman, yet they're not black and white different.  Compare verses four and five with sixteen and seventeen.  They're very similar.  They both start off saying the same thing: "Whoever is simple let him turn in here, as for him who lacks understanding she says to him."  Yet the message of the two women is opposite.  One message is to be filled and to repent, the other message is a temptation to indulge in temporary thrill, making sin attractive.  How often do we see among various religions today the same tact or ploy to get people in their doors that they can all seem the same, but it's the message inside that can either lead to life or death.
What stolen water has been sweet to you that you need to turn into the house of the wisdom women to fill a thirst that will last forever and repent of what you've done?

Friday, July 28, 2017

Proverbs 8

The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way,
Before His works of old. v.22

Read chapter 8
The Lord possessed not created wisdom.  Wisdom is from everlasting, from before the creation of the world.  That wisdom is the word that spoke things in to being and that wisdom became flesh and dwelt among us; wisdom is Jesus Christ.  Possessing wisdom is possessing Christ, that when you find wisdom you find life (v.35).
This chapter personifies wisdom and follows the chapter of the foolish woman in comparison.  Wisdom is described of her excellence, her origin, and her gifts and benefits.  She describes why she should be listened to and heeded, creating a basis and foundation as to what holding on to wisdom is all about.  She calls out and harkens the simple and tells of the destruction to one's own soul if they sin against wisdom.  Which one (woman in chapter 7 or 8) will you choose to listen to? 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Proverbs 7

For she has cast down many wounded,
And all who were slain by her were strong men. v.7

Read chapter 7
In the book of Proverbs we come across two different women known as the Proverbs 7 woman and the Proverbs 31 woman.  Most people know of the Proverbs 31 woman being a righteous woman, wife, mother, friend, but many aren't as aware of the Proverbs 7 woman; she is the exact opposite.  It's a good study to compare the two chapters of the descriptions of these women.  Well the woman in this chapter is a woman who preys on a simple young man.  She's sweet and seductive to him.  She even makes herself sound religious by saying she has peace offerings and paid her vows in verse fourteen.  Yet it's not just the ignorant men she deceives but strong men.  Men you would never think would commit such a sin can be enticed and destroyed so easily by this foolish woman.  Now if you're a woman reading this you may not cut a man down by sexual pleasures but women still have ways to cut all types of men down by in similar subtle ways through sarcasm, discouragement, intimidation, etc.  When have you been surprised by a strong man falling into such a sin you'd never expect?  If you're a woman, how have you cast down men around you?  If you're a man, how can you continue to guard yourself no matter how "strong" you are against the wounds of women?

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Proverbs 6

Go to the ant, you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise,
7 Which, having no captain,
Overseer or ruler,
8 Provides her supplies in the summer,
And gathers her food in the harvest. vv.6-8

Read chapter 6

God's telling us to learn from tiny little insects like the ant. Oh but how much we can learn from the ant's ways. They may be a small little insect that can cause frustration in your yards with mounds of sand all over, seeing them on your kitchen counter tops, or some even bite you, but they way they work is amazing. Ants can hold up to 5,000 times their body weight, one of the strongest animals in the world. Yet most often we all just walk right by them. So what is the writer of Proverbs trying to say about considering the ant's ways? Well first off notice he's talking to the sluggard or lazy person. An ant you'll notice always seems to be working without anyone telling them what or when to do a task. They're always busy finding food or building or repairing their home. The ant also plans for the future, providing "her supplies for the summer" and gathering "her food in the harvest."

So are you more like the ant or the sluggard? How can you learn from the ant?

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Proverbs 5

For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey,
And her mouth is smoother than oil;But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,
Sharp as a two-edged sword. vv.3-4

Read chapter 5

How can something so sweet can turn out to be so bitter? A seductress can sound so good in the moment but falling prey will only cause regret and baggage ones not wanting to carry. The design of the immoral woman is to deceive both mind and body. If sin wasn’t appealing and gratifying in some way we wouldn't do whatever sin. Whatever sin it is may be sweet in the moment but never is worth it in the long run. Both women and men alike know how to seduce with their words alone; they're as sharp as a two-edge sword. Yet thankful God's word is "sharper than any two-edge sword" (Hebrews 4:12). Unfortunately, many people only fight with a butter knife not knowing God's Word or using the full power of it. How have you used your words as a sword to cause someone to sin? How has another person's words caused you to sin? How well can you fight with God's Word?

Monday, July 24, 2017

Proverbs 4

Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding. v.7

Read chapter 4

If you could get one thing what would it be? Would it be something materialistic over wisdom? Even in all the things you get, do not neglect getting understanding. Understanding of what? Of God's wisdom, on the Creator's purpose of all things. Getting a greater degree on knowing Christ who is wisdom. Getting wisdom is what will last longer than a new shirt or a new car. It will have more benefits than any materialistic thing you could think of. This is not just become smart and studious, but by getting wisdom you get more and more of Christ. For wisdom is personified as Christ who is the first or principal thing. Don't just become more interested in Christ, but move that interest to understanding. So how will you do that?

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Proverbs 3

Do not envy the oppressor,
And choose none of his ways; v.31

Read chapter 3
Why is it that we envy the oppressor?  The oppressor is not just someone literally oppressing us but means also a successful evildoer.  Why do we wish we could be in their place doing their same deeds?  Selling drugs may make good money, but is it really worth it?  Drinking alcohol may appear the "cool" thing to do or feel acceptance among others, but ought that be the reason one chooses to drink?  Or even one that "cuts corners" at work by using the company's time and money wrongly for their selfish gain, do not use that to justify your desire for ease in the job or unjust gain.  There may be short term gain or quick fix of a problem by choosing the way of an evil man, but ultimately it digs a deeper pit than what we were already in.  Do not envy the man who seems prosperous for you do not know the emptiness of his heart- he is far from being a happy man.
Who are people you envy and desire their ways?  Is it for godly gain or false fulfillment that has lead to emptiness?

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Proverbs 2

If you seek her as silver,
And search for her as for hidden treasures; v.4

Read chapter 2
Who's her you are to be seeking?  Wisdom.  Wisdom is what we should seek as we would silver.  I picture an old man with a metal detector on the beach diligently looking for precious metals; he is so zoned on any possible beeping of the detector that he's doesn't care about building a sand castle or swimming in the ocean, he wants the hidden treasure more.  All through the ages treasures were being explored all over the world as common it was for people to hide their riches.  Even today a silly easter egg hunt gets kids so excited and will diligently seek for hours looking for candy or coins or even just a hardboiled egg.  The excitement about finding and discovering something is innate in us all.  But what about wisdom.  Do you find that a treasure?  Wisdom is not just becoming the smartest person on earth, but it's the understanding and teaching from above that puts any wisdom of the world to shame.  The value of wisdom from God makes everything seem penniless and once one has it will never complain about the labor in seeking and getting it.  Do you seek God's wisdom as much as you seek an easter egg?  How about as much as precious metals?  Have you found the value of godly wisdom?  How can you seek this wisdom diligently?

Friday, July 21, 2017

Proverbs 1

To know wisdom and instruction,
To perceive the words of understanding,
To receive the instruction of wisdom,
Justice, judgment, and equity;
To give prudence to the simple,
To the young man knowledge and discretion—
A wise man will hear and increase learning,
And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel vv.2-5

Read chapter 1
A proverb is "a short popular saying, that expresses effectively some commonplace truth or thought" (  The Hebrew word for proverb is mashal and means comparison. We will see throughout the book that most proverbs have parallels with it in two to four verses.  They're short quick sayings that you could just chew on two verse for the whole day before you get to the next.  The book of Proverbs is written mostly by Solomon with the last chapter by his mother most likely.  Yet this isnt just some of your grandfathers witty remarks but Divinely inspired teaching made simple enough for man to understand and live by.  Jaimeson-Facuet-Brown Bible Commentary puts it this way:
In this book, however, we are supplied with a proverbial wisdom commended by the seal of divine inspiration. God has condescended to become our teacher on the practical affairs belonging to all the relations of life. He has adapted His instruction to the plain and unlettered, and presented, in this striking and impressive method, the great principles of duty to Him and to our fellow men. To the prime motive of all right conduct, the fear of God, are added all lawful and subordinate incentives, such as honor, interest, love, fear, and natural affection.
Proverbs was written to enable men to know wisdom and discern from folly.  Interestingly enough the first proverb in verse six is fearing the Lord being the beginning of knowledge yet how many people already fail at this and "walk foolishly despising wisdom and instruction."  Do you desire God's instructions?  He gives it to the simple so don't make it out in your mind more overwhelming that it actually is!  

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Ephesians 6

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness. vv.13-14

Read chapter 6
Stand!  It's the stance we are to take as believers in Christ.  We're not to sit by and let the enemy take over.  Most times God just wants us to show up and He'll do the rest.  We're to stand with God's armor for the battle we're actually fighting is not against flesh and blood but the powers and principalities of darkness that was just mentioned in the previous verses (vv.10-12).  
Bible Teacher Otis Q. Sellers puts it this way:
God expects us to stand, and not surrender or lie defeated before the enemy. The participles show that the armor is to be put on before we attempt to stand. The Greek for waist is osphus, meaning hip, loins, the part of the body surrounded by the girdle. We are to surround ourselves with that which is the truth. The Lord Jesus said, "I am the truth" (John 14:6) and "Thy Word is truth" (John 17:17). This is first mentioned in this list of equipment, because the living Word and the written Word are of the utmost importance. (Seed & Bread, Ephesians Chapter 6)
Now the list of armor is a well known one taught in Sunday school of being a solider for God.   Which armor do you have a hard time putting on?  Are you sitting with armor on?  Are you trying to stand with no armor?

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Ephesians 5

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord...Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.  vv.22,25

Read chapter 5
First off lets notice in this passage it's speaking to husbands and wives, not all men to all women relationships.  Also make sure you get past verse 22, for many feminist or whoever get so caught up in this verse about wives submitting to their husband that they dont go on to read the command for husbands to love their wives.  Also note Paul says pretty briefly in three verses the wife's role whereas he goes longer and more in depth through eight verse for the command to husbands. 
Have you ever read the book Love & Respect?  It's about the desire of the woman verse the man.  Men need respect to feel loved and women need love to feel respected.  Yet women show love to their husband in their way more than in teh way the husband needs and vice verse the man to his wife.  Thus Paul is encouraging wives and husbands not in what they do well but where they lack in understand of the opposite sexes need.  
Now submission is not a picture of the husband with a whip forcing their wife, but out of respect the wife is honoring the one they love by heeding what they say or desire.  How easy this seems to be done during the dating stage of a relationship and okayed by society but then thinks it a trap if it's still continued in marriage- ought it not all be the other way around!  And whatever the husband is commanding his wife, ought to be the same way he'd treat himself.  So the two, love and respect, go hand-in-hand; to have one you must do the other.  How have you struggled with this passage?  Do you just skip over it?  How can you live in whatever martial status you're in?

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ephesians 4

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called...And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. vv.1,30

Read chapter 4
Grieving isn't anger and it isn't love either, rather grieving is the sweet combination of the two.  Charles Spurgeon put it: "Love sweetens the anger and turns the edge of it, not against the person, but agains the offense" (Sermon #278).  I"m sure we can all think of someone that's caused us grief or whom we've caused grief to, yet what does it mean to grieve the Holy Spirit?  It's not a hard thing to do for whenever we sin, we cause grief in that rebellion against the Father who loves us so much.  The Spirit will mourn with us and endure, but as it continues to be in a state of grief it will become quieter and quieter in that one's life.  Now here is where there's big debate: does the person so deep in sin who's caused so much grief loose his or her salvation?  Here Paul is saying to the believers that they were sealed with the Holy Spirit for the day or redemption- salvation unto eternal life.  Once something is sealed it cannot be undone but the the one it is for.  I believe one cannot lose their salvation because of this seal, though one may loose rewards in the coming kingdom.  How do you respond when you've caused someone grief?  When you've caused the Holy Spirit grief?

Monday, July 17, 2017

Ephesians 3

 For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles— if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already vv.1-3

Read chapter 3
This is an easy verse to read over but it's magnitude is so wonderful to grasp.    Have you heard of the dispensation of the grace of God?  To know what it is and understand it will change your view of things drastically, at least it did for me.  To start off with you have to ask 'what is a dispensation?'  Dispensation is the Greek word oikonomia and means administration or house-law; a management or administration in which one lives under.  God has dealt in many dispensations.  This doesn't change God but He changes the way He deals with man.  We can obviously see some in scripture, for example how God dealt with man before the Fall and after it, or the difference God deals with man in the Old Testament verse the New Testament, or how God dealt with Israel verse other nations.  Yet until Paul's declaration in Acts 28:28, where the salvation-bringing message was freely available for all nations, God had never dealt universally with mankind.  Yet now this biggest act of grace is taking place in that God is only dealing with mankind in grace, believer or unbeliever.  "It needs to be understood that God's grace can be either active or passive. If He does something good for us in view of our sins and needs, then He is actively gracious. If He does nothing in view of our iniquities, then He is passively gracious"(Otis Q. Sellers, Bible Teacher, Seed and Bread).
God is not acting in judgment today as we do not see God striking people dead like we see all over scripture.  If He doesn't act in grace than He won't act at all.  Check out this article for a more detailed description on The Dispensation of Grace
So knowing God's present dealing with mankind to be one of absolute grace, how does this change your view on God's present purpose and why things are the way they are when you compare scripture with what you see today?

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Ephesians 2

 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.  vv.8-9

Read chapter 2
How do you know you are saved unto salvation?  All religions say that it is dependent on deeds or works you do.  Even many Christians think that if they are "good" they can get salvation.  BUT THAT'S NOT HOW CHRIST SAID ONE IS SAVED FOR ETERNITY.  It is by grace that we are saved. And what is grace?  Undeserved favor!  Something we don't deserve but we get offered anyway.  Yet even if it is offered we have to accept it, it's not just universalism where everyone will be saved no matter what.  Kind of like you get a present under the Christmas tree for you but if you never open it you never obtain the gift.   It's not just grace but grace through faith.  Faith in what?  Faith in Jesus Christ, who He says He is.  Faith in believing His words that He is God and that He is the only way to heaven.  It's accepting His gift of dying and rising for you, that He is the Only Savior and the Savior you need.  And it doesn't just stop there but says it is not by works.  Works is not just another way to heaven.  So do you rely on your works to save you or the saving work of Jesus He already did for you?  Why do you think most people rely on works and have a hard time accepting the gift of grace? 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ephesians 1

Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. vv.4-5

Read chapter 1
Predestination.  Do you believe it?  Well maybe that's not the right question.  Yes the word predestination is in the bible, but what people don't realize is that it is not used in regards to being predestinated for salvation.  To start with we must realize that foundation of the world doesn't just mean the time of creation of the earth.  Yet when we understand the difference of the use of foundation and world instead of creation and earth we will realize that this is talking about the world that God will found in the future: the Kingdom.  
Thus we who are saved are chosen by Him to be holy and without blame before Him in love. This choice is made in the time we live before the foundation of His Kingdom world. Yet this choice is not made before we believe. Rather, it is made afterwards, when “we” who are saved are “chosen” to experience this in the future. By grace based on our faith we become one of these chosen. Yet we were not destined to become one of these chosen before the earth was created. That is not what this passage means! (Nathan Johnson, Bible Teacher)
The book of Ephesians we must also realize is written to already believers, "To the saints who are in Ephesus" (verse 1).  When it says they are predestined to adoption as sons it means that once they become believers they inherit the benefits of being God's son or representative according to the Greek word huios.  Once one becomes a believer their predestined to take on God's characteristics in representing Him, nothing about salvation.  
To be a son is not at all the same thing as being a child. A son is a representative of his father and takes on his father’s character. So what this verse is teaching us is that we are predestined to be adopted as sons by Jesus Christ. That is, we are predestined to take on His character and His attributes. That is far different than us being predestined to become His children. This would not be true. We become His children by grace through faith. We are not predestined to this. This passage is again talking about believers, and telling us that we are predestined to take the place of representative sons of God in the future. This passage has nothing to do with anyone being chosen in advance to be saved. (Johnson)
So how might this change or help you understand predestination?  For more articles on predestination or Calvinism check out Calvinism

Friday, July 14, 2017

2 Corinthians 13

Finally, brethren, farewell. Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Greet one another with a holy kiss. vv.11-12
Read chapter 13
We're at the farewell of this letter.  And as Paul has been encouraged by their change in the Corinthians from his first letter to his second, he also encouraged them.  A lesson we all ought to live by as well that just as we need encouragement in things of this life, so we should encourage others, for we may not realize the magnitude of the blessings encouraging someone can bring them.  When has someone encouraging you made a dramatic impact?  Who do you think could use some encouraging today?
When I lived abroad (in various countries) there was always a greeting and a farewell by kissing one another on the cheek.  It wasn't an uncomfortable awkward thing, but a show of concern for one another and an enduring gesture.  In this time of the Corinthians the kiss was exchange between members of the same sex and is called a "holy kiss" for their devotion to Jesus Christ.  We that live in the U.S are missing out on how much a farewell of such a gesture can impact one another (although because of our culture today if you tried it could be filed as sexual harassment).  So how can our farewells today be an act of concern for one another and with the devotion of Jesus?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

2 Corinthians 12

I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven.  And I know such a man—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.  vv.2-4

Read chapter 12
Don't you wish you could just see what heaven was like now?  To know what it's like and if it compares to this world and worth striving for?  Well Paul went to paradise and had intimate time with God.  Not even Moses got that kind of intimacy; yes Moses was with the Lord on a mountain top, but you cant even imagine what Paul being in paradise with Christ was like.  Paul here speaks in the third person, something that was often done by rabbis then but also shows his humbleness in this experience. It was so wonderful that Paul didn't even know if he went in body or out of his body.   This experience happened fourteen years ago and this is the first we read of it.  How could he have kept quiet about that, other than his humbleness and let truth speak in the here and now. After having seen Paradise, or the New Heaven and New Earth (Rev. 21), Paul knew every suffering, joy, hardship, relationships in this life was nothing compared to the riches and life to come.
No one may have that same experience today as Paul did, but we can still seek intimate time with God in our own place.  And that time can be just as encouraging, humbling, wonderful, marvelous, awe struck!  What does intimacy with Jesus look like to you?  How has intimacy with Christ shaped who you are and how you live life?

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

2 Corinthians 11

Are they ministers of Christ?—I speak as a fool—I am more: in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequently, in deaths often.  From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one.  Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I have been in the deep; vv.23-25

Read chapter 11
I can't even imagine all that Paul suffered.  He lists his sufferings here not to boast but to combat those that were boasting in themselves.  Paul calls it a foolishly to speak so but will do to make his point (vv.16-21).  Now what we will notice as Paul lists off his sufferings is that Paul died and was resurrected numerous times!  Crazy right?  It seems like Lazarus and Jesus are the only ones in scripture resurrected, but there are so many more that are "less known."  Bible Teacher Nathan Johnson describes this passage:
Paul says here that he was “in deaths often.” I believe that this means that Paul was dead more than even this one time. In fact, in verse 25 of the same chapter he says “a night and a day I have been in the deep.” Since the “deep” refers to below the surface of the water, there can be little doubt but that Paul drowned. Thus even in this passage we see other times that Paul died..Others argue that Paul means he was on the verge of death many times, but did not actually die. Yet when Paul referred to being near to death, he would speak as he did in Philippians 2:27, when he said of Epaphroditus, “he was sick almost unto death,” or as he said of him in verse 30, “he came close to death.” Paul does not say in such a case that he was “in death.” Thus I believe that the right conclusion to make here [Acts 19:14] is that Paul was stoned, and he was dead. Yet as we are about to see, God raised him from the dead!
What are you willing to suffer for Christ?  Do you know of His glorious riches that make the suffering worth it?

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

2 Corinthians 10

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,  casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. vv.4-5

Read chapter 10
Do you control your thoughts or your thoughts control you?  What we fight against are the strongholds or walls that are blocking the knowledge of God.  It's the mind of others and our own that we fight with more than the physical fight.  The bigger battle is Satan's battle of deception, controlling the mind.  We ought not to fight this spiritual battle with carnal things but with spiritual things: the truth which is God's Word.  We need to take captive our thoughts and make them obedient in Christ; it takes discipline just as it takes discipline to train other body parts into the way we want them.
The strongholds of philosophy, paganism, and sin should be demolished, and all the opinions, plans, and purposes of the world should become subject to the all-conquering Redeemer." (Barnes' Notes on the Bible)
What are some mental walls you need to break down?  What thoughts are you struggling to make captive by the truth?

Monday, July 10, 2017

2 Corinthians 9

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. v.7

Read chapter 9
Paul continues about giving.  He lists three ways the heart can give: grudgingly, of necessity or cheerfully.  Giving grudgingly is feeling unwilling and reluctant, covetous and therefore like a "sad-giver."  Giving of necessity is feeling like you have to or of obligation and therefore are a "mad-giver."  Giving cheerfully is the Greek word hilaron where we get our English word hilarious.  Giving cheerfully not only is the recipient blessed by God but so is the giver, unlike giving grudgingly or of necessity.  Paul says how we ought to know how to give in that as each purposes in his heart.  It's not just an impulse give or wishful thinking, but of his own resolve.  So how do you decide what you should give?
Think of a time when you've given in these three different heart attitudes and how did that make you feel afterwards?

Sunday, July 9, 2017

2 Corinthians 8

For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened; but by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may supply their lack, that their abundance also may supply your lack—that there may be equality. vv.13-14

Read chapter 8
Do you give?  Do you give joyfully?  Do you give for something in return?  Paul is telling the Corinthians a reason for giving: that there may be equality.  He was telling them that while they may be in abundance now giving to others, the situation might be reversed one day where they would be the ones in need to receive.  Paul wasn't just trying to con them in to giving but knowing that they were lacking in their spiritual fervor appealed to them by giving in grace.  Throughout this chapter "Paul used nine different words to refer to the offering, but the one he used the most was grace" (Wiersbe, Warren W.. Be Encouraged).  He wanted their hearts to truly believe it is more blessed to give than to receive.  He encouraged them in giving in spite their circumstances, giving enthusiastically, giving willfully, giving as Jesus gave. What motivates you to give?  Who can you bless by giving today?  

Saturday, July 8, 2017

2 Corinthians 7

For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. v.10

Read chapter 7
Paul had written a harsh letter to the Corinthians that he regretted for a moment thinking it was too harsh.   But his harshness of loving hard led to the Corinthians repentance that Paul then no longer regretted because it helped them.  Godly sorrow of what saddens God verses worldly sorrow of men bowed down under their burdens or fear of punishment by man.  One leads to freedom and the other to death.
How often do people not want to tell someone the truth because it can be harsh at times and don't want to hurt their feelings even though in the long run it helps them?  I may feel embarrassed if someone tells me a booger is hanging out my nose but thankful someone tells me right away than going a whole day with no one every saying anything to me till I realize when I go home at night.  But also I don't want to regret not telling someone something that could save them so much pain later in life.  I always respect one of my friends for telling her friend right before she was going to be married a truth about her soon to be husband that led to calling off the wedding.  That may have seemed really harsh in the moment but saved what trap of that marriage could have been.  Just like 1 John 3:18 says, "Let us not love with word or tongue but with actions and in truth."
When have you experienced godly sorrow that lead to good?  Who do you need to love with some hard truth?

Friday, July 7, 2017

2 Corinthians 6

But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. vv.4-10

Read chapter 6
Many people were confused about Paul's ministry by God so he goes on to remind the Corinthians what he voluntarily chose to do for Christ's sake.  He lists off a bunch of paradoxes to make his point.  Even in sorrow, for he was in jail often or beaten, he was always rejoicing- a joy not of this world.  As poor, not living the rich life he grew up in, he was making many rich giving the fulness of life found in Christ that have unsearchable riches.  Paul ends with this culmination: as having nothing, he possessed all things for he realized all he needs is Christ.  Paul was just as satisfied if not more as if he had all those things.  He had all things pertaining to life and godliness and that is what he was reminding the Corinthians of what it was to be ministers of God.  It wasn't to get some sort of praise but to remind and make aware of what he faced and sacrificed for.  Have you showed gratefulness to those who've ministered to you?  Are you a minister of God in any fashion that you can truly say alongside Paul these same paradoxes?  

Thursday, July 6, 2017

2 Corinthians 5

So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord.  For we walk by faith, not by sight. vv.6-7

Read chapter 5
I remember the first time I had someone explain to me the first part of this chapter about our what this earthly tent is as I was at a wedding reception sitting next to a Bible Teacher I'd never met before.  Many make the mistake of saying the earthly tent is our body, but as this Bible teacher explained to me the Greek word and context, it clearly showed otherwise.  Here is a clip of an article he wrote on it:
This verse is translated in a misleading way in the New King James Version, which I have quoted here. The Greek word that is translated “at home,” as well as the word that is translated “absent,” are words that occur only in this passage and in no others in the Greek Bible. They are the words endemeo and ekdemeo in Greek. Central to these words is the stem dem, which we use in words like democracy, demographics, or epidemic. This root comes from the Greek demos, which means “the people.” The Greek “en” means “in” or “among,” and “ek” means “out of” or “away from.” Therefore, endemeo means “to be among one’s own people,” and ekdemeo means “to be away from one’s own people.” Therefore, the thrust of II Corinthians 5:6 is,
And so we are confident at all times, perceiving that while we are among our own people in reality, we are away from our own people from the Lord.
This idea, that a prophet could speak against his own people as if he were not one of them, runs all the way through the Bible, though it is not explained in detail elsewhere as it is here. Paul was a Jew and a loyal one, but from the Lord he was given the position of acting like he was not one of them at all so that he could entreat them or condemn them as from God, not from among themselves.

Both believers during the time of the Acts period when miracles were obvious and today when they're not so obvious, had and have to choose to walk by faith and not by sight. Even among other believers we have to choose not just what we see them do but confidence in what God says to do.  Today, how can you choose to walk by faith and not by sight?

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

2 Corinthians 4

We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— vv.8-9

Read chapter 4
Does anyone else sing the song "Trading My Sorrow" that you learned from childhood Sunday school when you read these verses?  I love the song full of energy but it's also full of amazing truths and encouragement.  At times we feel like we cant handle any more, we can; at times we are so confused and overwhelmed, we find something to hold on to; at times we're hunted down by those in opposition, we find an open door of escape; at times we are knocked down, we are never knocked out.  We don't necessarily get to choose our troubles but we get to choose how we will have victory in them for Christ.  An articles of a sermon I read on the internet by Ray Prichard summed it up well what Paul is saying here about victory in Christ:
Paul’s view of “victory” means, “Yes, I face trouble every day, and sometimes I despair of my own life. I’m under pressure all the time. I get confused. People attack me. Sometimes I get knocked down by life. But that’s when the power of Christ shows up to help me. If I have victory, it is victory through trouble not victory apart from trouble.” That’s the message we need to hear today.
So how can you endure with the hope of Jesus Christ through troubles you're facing today to find victory?  It's like a workout video I do, that the instructor always says "Just when you think you want to give up, give it one more." 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

2 Corinthians 3

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God v.5

Read chapter 3
What do you trust yourself for not needing God's help?  The Corinthians seemed to have trusted a lot in their own sufficiency of any great rewards they received.  Yet Paul reminds them that it is not anything that they did on their own but that it's from God.  Their sufficiency was from God to be successful ministers of the gospel.  Even Paul, who had much to find his adequacy in (due to his background), only boasted in his competency from Christ.  As I begin a journey in a new ministry where I get to love on other women through the gospel, I'm humbled by the fact that I cant do it on my own strength.  In order to raise sufficient funds, in order to speak perfect Spanish (I'm a Spanish Coordinator for a Women's ministry), in order to boldly share Christ's love with strangers I'm overwhelmed at people thinking I'm the best fit for the job that I have to rely on my strength to meet that high standard.  But as I am confident the path the Lord has directed me on, I rely on Him to be my sufficiency and not of myself.  Why would it be good for you to know that your competency is from God and not yourself?

Monday, July 3, 2017

2 Corinthians 2

lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. v.11

Read chapter 2
What are Satan’s devices? We have a beautiful picture of it in Satan's first occurrence of  deception found in Genesis 3.  We realize that Satan did two important things to Eve: First, he TESTED her. Second, he TEMPTED her.  We must also realize that Satan is perfectly satisfied with us reading God’s word – No, really! Satan is okay with us knowing God’s word, even quoting God’s word, as long as (1) we miss the true meaning or (2) God’s word
becomes twisted in some way. In fact, Satan was willing to quote God’s word without hesitation in Matthew 4:6.  This is the account of Christ’s temptations, and what do we find? The same scheme we found in Genesis 3. Satan test’s Christ’s knowledge of God’s (i.e. His own) word, and then attempts to TEST Him based on what he finds. Satan goes so far as to quote Scripture himself during this battle. So Satan's devices or schemes are:

  1. Satan TESTS our knowledge of God’s word!
  2. He finds us lacking and then TEMPTS us based on our ignorance (keep in mind that even Eve could quote God with minimal mistakes, but it still wasn’t good enough)!
  3. Satan is quite content with us reading or knowing God’s word as long as we miss the point!
  4. After we transgress, Satan urges us to hide from God when we should be running TO God!

And so his scheme has succeeded.  Let us not be unaware or ignorant of this trick Satan's been using for thousands of years.  Do you know God’s word enough to combat Satan’s schemes? Or do you only vaguely know it, as Eve, allowing room for Satan’s lies to overcome Jehovah’s truth? I’m continually being convicted in this area, realizing my need to know Him and His Word so much better than I do!
When you have transgressed the Lord, do you find yourself hiding from Him, as Adam and Eve, when you should be running to Him? (I do!) Satan can cause much bondage here. Become aware of Satan’s half-truths – those found WITHIN Christianity, where you wouldn’t expect them.  Satan’s greatest work is to blind the minds of professing Christians, causing them to believe they know what God has said on a certain subject when the Word of God directly contradicts those beliefs.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

2 Corinthians 1

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,  who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. vv.3-4

Read chapter 1
Is there a word that stood out to you after reading this chapter?  Was it the word comfort? The word comfort is repeated more in 2 Corinthians than any other book in the New Testament (29 times total and 10 of those times in this chapter alone).  The Greek word is paraklesis and is defined as "encouragement, exhortation, comfort or as Strong's Concordance puts it: an "intimate call" that someone personally gives to deliver God's verdict.  (I love that definition!)  It is also the same word use for the Holy Spirit in the gospel of John 14-16.
Today people look for comfort in chocolate, alcohol, sex with someone who's not their spouse, movies, drugs.  These all may meet our comfort need for a short time, but they are only quick fixes that can lead to bigger problems later.  Yet God is the "Comforter of comforters," and I'm not talking about the best blanket to cuddle under.  He gives us the strength to face our troubles not just a rub on the back or a toy to distract us.
Even the definition of the word encouragement is powerful.  For we all need encouragement the weak and the strong.  "In fact, discouragement seems to attack the successful far more than the unsuccessful; for the higher we climb, the farther down we can fall (Wiersbe, Warren W.. Be Encouraged).  And we see how encouragement helped Paul in all his missions.  And it's by comfort and encouragement we receive from others that we can in turn do the same for others.
So who or what do you look to for comfort?  Who can you give encouragement to personally?  And how have you been encouraged or comforted recently by others and by God?

Saturday, July 1, 2017

1 Corinthians 16

For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. v.9

Read chapter 16
Paul's closing of this letter is this final chapter of 1 Corinthians.  He talks of his personal plans, stewardship of money, opportunities and people, encouragement and greetings of others with him.  It's a pretty powerful and applicational ending to a letter than just a quick browse over.  Paul has realized a great and effective door open to him by the Lord for ministering at Ephesus.  He also notes that it's not an easy door to walk through as there were many challenges to face.  We read of his time in Ephesus in Acts 19 and the riot that came about with Paul's ministering.  Yet even knowing the obstacles ahead he still wanted to seize the opportunity that God had open for him.  He didn't let himself get anxious and caught up in fear and decision making, but after time in prayer and communication with God it was clear what he was to do, leaving the outcome to the Lord.  Now an open door doesn't mean it's a sign from God.  Don't look for omens and signs guessing God's direction.  The open door here is talking about for God's work to be done.  So when you're "looking for an open door" is it for God's word to be spread or just for personal reasons that you're just guessing at God's direction?  Are you letting adversaries and obstacles stop you from going where God is directing you?  Confidently seek God, don't focus on the obstacles and let God bring about the outcome.