Read chapter 20
Do you believe there will be marriage in heaven? Why or why not? Many use this passage in Luke to say there won't be marriage in the future, but is that really what Jesus is saying here or what we see throughout other parts scripture? From Genesis 2 we see God say it's not good for man to be alone and gives him Eve. This was BEFORE THE FALL, the way God originally created it and will soon return to.
Christ is not teaching here that there is no marriage in the resurrection. He is showing rather that marriages in the resurrection can and will be permanent. What, then, did He mean that they will not marry nor be given in marriage? Not that there is no marriage, but rather that the act of marrying is no longer up to men but up to God. Even leaving death out of the picture, many marriages seem to be a mistake from the beginning, and the partners are just not suitable for each other. Even men with the best of intentions can make a mistake, and mistakes regarding whom one marries can have devastating consequences. In our day, people are loathe to work through any problems in a marriage, rather being quick to divorce and take the easy way out. However, it all goes back to who is arranging the marriage and deciding who will marry. In the life to come, all mistakes will be erased, for God will choose who is to be married to whom, and He will start from a clean slate since all marriages end at death, as is clearly taught in the law. A woman widowed seven times would be married not to all seven but rather to no one upon being raised from the dead. God will make the marriages at that time according to His Own determination, and being made by God and with all sin and death removed, these marriage will not fail, but will therefore last forever. (Bible Teacher Nathan Johnson)Do you want to be married or single in the future? God created sex and won't destroy that wonderful gift for eternity. Let's realize what Christ is really teaching here about the resurrection and God's way instead of man's way in the future.
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