Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight. And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” vv.31-32
Read chapter 24
Walk on the road to Emmaus was a glorious made by two of Christ's disciples along with Jesus Himself. A walk I would love to go on! Somehow Jesus makes Himself unrecognizable to them but discusses the scriptures with them. After Jesus breaks bread with them their eyes are opened to recognize Him. Breaking bread was a common thing they saw the Lord doing during His three year ministry on earth but this wasn't just some transformation of His body that they couldn't recognize Him, but God has the power to "blind" eyes so they cannot perceive and open them to perceive. He then vanishes from their sight. Wonder what this would have looked like as it's a disappearance before their very eyes. The Greek word is aphantos and means invisible. So perhaps He was still there but became invisible to them so that they could not urge Him to continue with them. They realize afterwards that their hearts burned within them because of the truths that were being taught them by God Himself. How great the day will be when we can have conversations with God. Today we have the Holy Spirit within us to open up the scriptures to our hearts and mind. Do you discuss with others as you walk along the road about Jesus and His Word? You'd be surprise at what you could learn.
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