And wine makes merry;
But money answers everything." v.19
Read chapter 10
Does this sound contradictory to anyone "money answers everything"? In todays world with man's government this is true. It's extremely alluring because it seems to answer everything. Money is a motive for everything good and bad. As we have seen throughout this book of Ecclesiastes it all about keys on how to get by under man's government. Solomon says 29 time throughout Ecclesiastes "under the sun" so as to describe the context of our time now on earth. Yet in God's government this is ridiculous for money to answer everything. I wonder if it'll be like in Acts 2 where "all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need" (vv.44-45)? Where it's not even a barter system but freely giving as needed. We have to remember that money isn't evil but the love of it is a root of all kinds of evil. Many godly men in the Old Testament were rich (ex. Abraham) and received riches from God. So whereas we need money today we have to not fall in love with money, using it wisely and live as if it were the kingdom to give freely to those in need as you are able.
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