Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ecclesiastes 9

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." v.10

Read chapter 9
What goes on in sheol?  If you're not sure what sheol is it's the Hebrew word translated here grave.  Throughout the Old Testament it's translated "Grave," 31 times; "hell," 31 times; "pit," 3 times.  "In the Old Testament sheol and death are used synonymously; they are always linked together as being one and the same. Sheol is beyond all doubt the state of death. Therefore, those in the state of death cannot be alive, and there is no release from this state except by resurrection" (Bible Teacher Otis Q. Sellers).  For more on sheol meaning see Sheol Meaning.  
If grave here means hell it wouldn't fit the typical view of what hell is of eternal conscious torment since it clearly says here "there is NO work or device or knowledge or wisdom."  It's an unconscious state of the person in sheol; a state of death.  Nothing is happening there.  (This is also key to understanding the Rich Man and Lazarus as a satire than a parable.)  This also isn't just describing unrighteous people but is talking to all mankind alike.
So while we are living let's do things "with all your might," not just mediocre.   While we are living is when we can please God and not when we're dead for verse 4 says, "But for him who is joined to all the living there is hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion."

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