Read chapter 1
The letter to the Galatians is written by Paul. It is his first letter he had written as an
apostle. This first chapter describes
some more of his training or learning from God after his conversion in Acts chapter
nine till he started on his commission to the Jews of the nations in Acts
chapter 13. This letter is written to
the ekklesia in Galatia. Galatia though
is not found in any maps. Moreover this
letter was sent to the Jews of the exile living among the nations (not in
Jerusalem). They were the Jews that didn't uphold the law that Paul went and spoke to, whereas Peter and other apostles were proclaiming the gospel to Jews in the land (the circumcision). Yet these weren't two different gospels, rather the way they presented were different because of the needs of the people but the same message.
Paul starts this letter right off the bat with the reminder
of only one gospel. Then, and still now, so many were and are falling to the belief that there are “many ways” to heaven, many
ways to God. But there isn’t. Christ is THE way, THE truth, THE life; He is
the only way; He is the only gospel; this can't be true if there are more than one way. Many religions appear similar to Christianity but have a seemingly slight difference that has major impact on what is true and what one believes of the core or root.
How have you seen someone who once seemed so on fire for the Lord Jesus but has now turned away to a counterfeit? How have you geared your way of sharing the same gospel message differently to different people?
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