But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? vv.8-9
Read chapter 4
We all want to be known. Known deeply. Not just known of. When we are truly known by someone we have a deeper connection with them. Even these Israelites before they knew Christ they weren't fully known by God because they didn't have the Holy Spirit in them. How crazy of a realization is that! Of course God knows all His creation those that honor Him and those that don't, but to be fully known is to be yoked with Him and to be yoked with God is believing and following Jesus Christ who has sealed us with the Holy Spirit when we first believed. But being known can be scary after having felt so unknown for so long. And this seems to have caused these Galatians to turn back to bondage that they thought was more safe because it was what they knew for so long.
The Galatians Paul was talking too were Israelites, Jews of the nations. They had become believers in Jesus through the preaching of Paul. They couldn't uphold the law fully because they lived outside Jerusalem where the temple was. But apparently they still tried to do what they could for they were observing days, months, seasons and years (v.10), and all this trying to live by the standard and bondage of the law that was not only works based but ultimately could not save. This new way of living free in Jesus Christ was new and scary to them it seemed like and hard to break their old habits of bondage.
What bondage do you keep turning back to before you accepted Christ in to your life? Why do you think you do that? Do you feel fully known by anyone? How is that relationship different then others? Do you feel fully known by God? Why or why not?
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