Saturday, January 10, 2015

Genesis 10

"Sons were also north to Shem... two sons were borsht to Eber: one was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his bother was named Joktan." vv. 21,25

Read chapter 10.
How people named their children in ancient times tells us a lot of history for that time as other descriptions or confirmation of other documents.  Here we even get the author telling us not only the name of one of Shem's descendants but he translated the meaning for us, showing us the significance- giving us a "key."  Peleg means division, named this because the earth was divided can be a reference to two different divisions we see in scripture and also to non-blblical accounts of what the world was like during that time.  Figuring out when Peleg was born is around 100 years after the flood.  Many think this is a reference to Pangea when the continents were split.  This seems a little "unlikely as processes would have had to occur within a very confined time another Noahic Flood" (  Also this could reference the division of peoples/nations at the tower of Babel that we see in the following chapter 11.  How we interpret Biblical chronology and outside chronology does agree a lot if we're willing to dig into understanding and believe God's word to be accurate and trump any other human document.  How does this event/name shape your thoughts on division of land or/and peoples?

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