Saturday, January 9, 2016

Psalm 62

My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him. v.5

Read chapter 62
This psalm is oftentimes called The Only Psalm, and that because of the Hebrew word ac which is translated only or alone and appears six times in this chapter of only twelve verses.  God is the only God.  Faith alone saves us.  God alone is where our soul finds true rest. The psalmist, David, tells his soul to wait silently for God.  A command we need to tell and remind ourselves.  Our soul can be dragged away or readily to jump for a second consultation.  "Submit thyself completely, trust immovably, wait patiently. Let none of thy enemies' imaginings, consultings, flatteries, or maledictions cause thee to break the King's peace" (Spurgeon). And why we do that: because our hope or our expectation is from Him.  "We expect from God because we believe in him. Expectation is the child of prayer and faith, and is owned of the Lord as an acceptable grace. We should desire nothing but what would be right for God to give, then our expectation would be all from God; and concerning truly good things we should not look to second causes, but to the Lord alone, and so again our expectation would be all from him. The vain expectations of worldly men come not; they promise but there is no performance; our expectations are on the way, and in due season will arrive to satisfy our hopes. Happy is the man who feels that all he has, all he wants, and all he expects are to be found in his God."
What area of your life do you need to tell yourself to wait?  What is God's expectation or hope He has given you?

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