"Today you have proclaimed the Lord to be your God, and that you will walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments, and His judgments, and that you will obey His voice." v.17
Read chapter 26
We have three public confessions in this chapter that is given by the individual of Israel. It's good to remember we cannot just rely on a godly leader to do the godly things but also need godly citizens to do godly things. Confucius said, "The strength of a nation is derived from the integrity of its homes." Each home is made up of individuals and each individual added up will have a great impact on the nation. Presidential nominee Ben Carson said in is pulling out address that "25 million evangelicals didn't vote in the last election. The margin of difference was only 5 million." A lot of people don't think their one vote matters but added up it can make a huge difference. Just think of how our country would be today just in the last four years if the president was Mitt Romney?
Well back to Deuteronomy, we see that the individual would go before the priest with his public confessions. These confessions were of God's goodness, of honesty and generosity and of obedience. The words "this day" and "today" were common words Moses used in his address to the people reminded and reiterated to them of God's commands. It wasn't enough just to hear it by going in one ear and out the other, but challenge to accept it in their hearts. "A mere casual acquaintance with he Word isn't sufficient. If God's word is to nurture us and change us so that God can bless us, we must devoter ourselves to it heart and soul" (Be Equipped, Warren Wiersbe).
How can you proclaim God's goodness, tell of your generosity and honesty, and commit to obedience today?
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