"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." v.16
Read chapter 5
Prayer is powerful! Yet sometimes it can seem empty. Why is that? Prayer is communication with God. In any relationship you need to communicate both sharing and listening. Prayer is the time when we talk and let God do the listening. Do you talk to God like you talk to your best friend or to someone who has a lot of power and authority? Or do you talk to God like you'd talk to a stranger or a grin in a lamp or a police officer?
I've also found healing power of prayer when I've prayed with friends- it's intimate and real. The Lord hears all our prayers, not just of the "good" christians. The prayer of the righteous man is the one that prays in faith (.v15). The cool thing today is that through prayer we can go straight to God and not have a mediator, like prophet or a priest. How have you felt the power of prayer of others? How would you describe your faith in your prayers? How would you describe your prayer relationship time?
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