Read chapter 4
James does a really good job of giving you direct, applicable ways to live as a believer. This chapter seems full of them- almost like the Proverbs of every verse being a teachable concept, just not as ambiguous. This chapter starts off with a hard but good one- calling out our true inner self. When there's fights or quarrels among others do you understand or stop to think the root cause? Sometimes it's not always obvious and that's where we have to pray and assess ourselves to know what our insecurities are and how they play out into other situation or what pride looks like differently than someone else. Are there anterior movies to your words and actions? This is something we constantly need to check and ask ourselves- and not do it for others. We need to realize that they battles iwhin our hearts cause battles with others. The desires within us aren't necessarily bad desires but it's when we don't get what we wan tit starts or feeds a war within.
"A desire for even a good thing becomes a bad thing when that desire becomes a ruling thing." Nancy DeMossDo you need to challenge your heart in a current situation that's quarreling around you?
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