Than to put confidence in man.
9 It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in princes. vv.8-9
Read chapter 118
In Ezra 3:11 we see quoted the first and last verse of this psalm as the people were praising the Lord for the temple foundation was laid and they began to rebuild the whole building. It is thought that they sang this whole psalm in that praise. As the case in Ezra after the exiles were 70 years gone and then returning to the land to rebuild the temple, there confidence in man verses the Lord had been tested and tried and surely the trust in the Lord won. Unfortunately it took 70 years to gain the confidence because of their stubborn hearts, but they could truly sing this truth when they saw the beauty of the Lord being restored and realize all that He had done. Putting trust in God is better in all ways. Charles Spurgeon points out,
"It is wiser: God is infinitely more able to help, and more likely to help, than man, and therefore prudence suggests that we put our confidence in him above all others. It is also morally better to do so, for it is the duty of the creature to trust in the Creator. God has a claim upon his creatures' faith, he deserves to be trusted; and to place our reliance upon another rather than upon himself, is a direct insult to his faithfulness. It is better in the sense of safer, since we can never be sure of our ground if we rely upon mortal man, but we are always secure in the hands of our God. It is better in its effect upon ourselves: to trust in man tends to make us mean, crouching, dependent; but confidence in God elevates, produces a sacred quiet of spirit, and sanctifies the soul. It is, moreover, much better to trust in God, as far as the result is concerned; for in many cases the human object of our trust fails from want of ability, from want of generosity, from want of affection, or from want of memory; but the Lord, so far from falling, does for us exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or even think.What causes you to put confidence in man instead of the Lord? Can you think of a specific time when putting confidence in God reigned true and far better than over trust in man?
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