Thursday, October 20, 2016

Psalm 129

Let Israel now say—Many a time they have afflicted me from my youth;
Yet they have not prevailed against me.
The plowers plowed on my back;
They made their furrows long.” vv.1-3

Read chapter 129
It's a miracle for Israel to say this, that the wicked have not prevailed against them.  Throughout history Israel (Jews) has been a nation that has seen much affliction from enemies yet they still remain (although scattered today).  They have been slaves under certain empires yet have always escaped.  They had their enemies walk all over them (plowed on their back), digging their trenches deep within them (furrows long).  This oppression was difficult but many survived.  How has someone walked all over you?  Beth Moore says, "We can offer people our love without offering them our backs... As you and I have taken our places on our faces, God, the righteous Father, never walks on our backs.  Christ gave His back to scourging so we, the rightful recipients of such agony, could instead receive dignity." 
Many may face the same oppression but everyone responds differently.  When was a time you or others faced oppression and saw differing responses to the same situation?

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