Those who trust in the Lord
Are like Mount Zion,
Which cannot be moved, but abides forever.
2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
So the Lord surrounds His people
From this time forth and forever. vv.1-2
Read chapter 125
Security of the Lord is compared to mountains: which cannot be moved and surround.
If one doesn't trust in the Lord it doesn't mean that they don't get this security, but those that do are like Mount Zion. The Hebrew word trust is batach and means "confident, secure, sure." Perhaps one of those words helps you better understand what it means to trust in the Lord, but we will see with those word that every bit of security is from the LORD. The opposite of security is insecurity and oh how often (daily probably) does insecurity get the best of me. Beth Moore said, "Few things in the human experience breed misery more than insecurity."
So how do we become so sure and build that trust? It's fine line that many trip over between trusting in the Lord based on His blessings than who He is. "If our trust is in manifestations of God's favor rather than God Himself, we will crumble like dry clay when He calls us to walk a distance of our journeys entirely by faith and not by sight...Mountain like security only comes from trusting God, not what He's done for us or given us" (Moore).
What insecurities have caused you misery? How big of a mountain is your trust in the Lord? A road bump? A dirt pile? A hill? Mt. Everest?
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