Saturday, December 3, 2016

John 3

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. v.16

Read chapter 3
The most well known verse in all of scripture: John 3:16.  And there's a reason that is.  The book of John was written to produce believers in Jesus Christ and this is how simple it is: believe in Him, believe in who He is --> God.  
If you could give one gift to the world that everyone would benefit and enjoy what would it be?  Food wouldn't work for everyone, yes for those starving but not for those that already have it.  Money wouldn't work either as it would eventually be gone and spent on evil things that could make things worse- the value of the dollar would go way down as well with everyone having so much that prices would go up.  Salvation unto everlasting life is the only suitable gift and the best gift that could be given to every single person in the world and only bring benefit.
God gave His Son to the world, why? because God loves the world.  He doesn't love the sin or the fallen state that it's in, but loves the way it was always meant to be and love the people who are in it.  So much so that He gave His Son, His representative.
Do you believe Jesus is God?  Do you believe that God loves the world?  What would be the most valuable person or thing that you could give to someone and how does that even compare to understanding the gift of God giving of His Son?

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