Read chapter 2
The Christmas story. In just three verses we see Jesus born and most of what we picture of the nativity scene (verse 8-19 happen the same night too of the angles and shepherds). A lot of people know what the nativity scene looked like based off of little figurines set up in people's homes or dramas or cartoons of reenactments, but is it really according to scripture?
For one, many picture Mary traveling at 9 months pregnant about to burst, but here in verse six that "while they were there" it came time to give birth to Jesus, nothing indicating that on their way the baby was about to come and they were rushing from door to door to fine a place to have the baby.
Secondly is the place where Jesus was born. The common view is a stable, others say a cave. Having arrived at Bethlehem early and among Joseph's relatives (since he was from there) they most likely had a place to stay but when the time came to give birth they wouldn't do so in a house (inn) full of people. Especially according to Israel's law in Leviticus 12 of becoming unclean giving birth, they would not want to make others unclean. Bible teacher Nathan Johnson suggest,
"What they had to concern themselves with were traveling animals, such as donkeys, mules, camels, and the like. (Remember, horses were not allowed in Israel.) This would have been the purpose for which an inn of the time had a room for animals. This room would have been similar to our parking garages, and had nothing to do with farm animals. Knowing that she could not give birth in the common room of the inn, Mary and Joseph and their relatives who owned the inn had to make other plans. Having this room for animals handy, they no doubt hit upon this as the most reasonable place for her to go through the birth process. As the time approached for her delivery, they would have made the stable ready, clearing out and cleaning up a portion of it and preparing it for the big day."
There's more details to check out of tradition verses truth. Check out this video of what a more like nativity scene would have looked like:Retooning the Nativity
So what you thinking now of the night of Jesus' birth?
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