Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Psalm 49

"But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave,

For He shall receive me. Selah
...Though while he lives he blesses himself

(For men will praise you when you do well for yourself),
He shall go to the generation of his fathers;
They shall never see light." vv.15, 18-19

Read chapter 49
This psalm is another song of the Sons of Korah.  It is about the fate of death for the foolish who trust only in this life.  We see most of this chapter about the foolish trusting in things of this world.  One that went from rags to riches was proud of himself and received praise from others.  There is nothing inherently wrong with honor in this life, and some very godly men have enjoyed it. The problem is a man who is in honor, and yet who does not understand the truth of God, and the reality that honor in this life is fleeting.  We see the comparison of this in the the last Selah of this song where we see the true hope of the Godly verses the emptiness of the hope of men who trust in riches.  The only thing that will be significant after death with be what has been done for or against God.  "The psalmist is confident that God will receive him alive out of Sheol. His relationship with God makes him confident in this, and he knows he will not be turned away. May all of us have similar confidence! To know you have another life from God when this one is done is a precious knowledge indeed!"  (Nathan Johnson, Bible Teacher)
Often the poor and the rich like to hear different things, same with the fool and the righteous, but what the wisdom the psalmist set forth is applicable to and gives warning to both.
Are you confident in God and His promise after death to those that believe on Him?  Are you confident in God's truth when it comes to receiving (or not receiving) honor today?

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