Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jeremiah 12

“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you,
Then how can you contend with horses?
And if in the land of peace,
In which you trusted, they wearied you,
Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan? v.5

Read chapter 12
If one can't beat his friend in a high school track race, what makes him think he can make it to the Olympics?  If one can't handle the nagging of his parents, what makes him think he can handle superiors in a big city?
The Lord answers Jeremiah's complaining and impatience of his persecutors with two analogies: running with horses and flood season.  Jeremiah's zeal and faith in the Lord was incredible, but the Lord was teaching him endurance for the long haul, that he was going to endure much harder things than this.  He was growing weary with proverbial things and wasnt ready yet for the harder trials that were to come.  He was growing weary in his home of Jerusalem, so what made him think he wouldn't grow weary in a place unfamiliar and with much more troubles?  One likes to think during a time of peace that when trouble comes they'll be the one to stand up and fight, but so often when that trouble comes they cower.  Notice that God doesn't solve the difficulty of Jeremiah's complaint but rather warns him of more patience and endurance is to come in the future.  Sometimes we want to skip over the simple, every day tasks and go straight for the more challenging, new ones.  Michale Franklin Ministries devotional challenges,
If you want to run with horses, then start running with men. If you want to go into other territories, then start living right in your own.
Are you ready to run with horses?  How's your training going?

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