Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Jeremiah 15

When your words came, I ate them;
    they were my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name,
    Lord God Almighty...
17 18 Why is my pain unending
    and my wound grievous and incurable?
You are to me like a deceptive brook,
    like a spring that fails. vv.16,18

Read chapter 15
Fried okra, sweet potato casserole, fried chicken, cornbread, hushpuppies, blacked peas, collard greens, do I got your mouth watering yet?  What do all those foods have in common?  There Soul Food!  Considered by many to be the most satisfying food.  Well the Bible is God's soul food and really is what can satisfy our soul.  Jeremiah says when he found God's words he ate them and they were his hearts joy and delight.  Jeremiah faced a lot of troubles and heartache to the point of depression to me as he talks of his unending pain that grievous and incurable- a lot of what goes on through the mind of a depressed person.  Jeremiah was hated by everyone (v.10), so he found the only cure for his heart and that was devouring God's words- that was his hearts greatest JOY and DELIGHT that kept him going.  He didn't just see the food (words), but he ate (took in) them.  It's one thing to hear a pastor preach or read your bible once in a while, but it's a whole other thing to daily take in God's word by studying, memorizing and meditating on it.
So how often do you eat soul food?  Are you struggling to find joy in your heart?  Have you tried the cure that Jeremiah recommends?

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