Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Psalm 128

Blessed is every one who fears the Lord,
Who walks in His ways. v.1

Read chapter 128
"Fear of the Lord is actually an important element in a healthy human psych" as Beth Moore describes it, "there's nothing weighted in the long lag than our insatiable egos" when we try being our own god.  Fear is to greatly respect and revere.  Think how much people stand in awe, respect and fear when the president walks in the room, it's a little like that.  
Christians are not saved because of what they do, we are saved because of grace,  but there is also happiness when we are obedient to God's ways as said here.  You're life doesn't all of the sudden become perfect once you except Jesus Christ as your Savior, but the circumstances of our heart do change as we face those life struggles because of the the Holy Spirit's presence inside us.  Jesus then is not just a part of our lives, He IS our life.  Life actually works when we have that divine invasion in our lives!  Jesus even says that those who mourn are blessed (Matthew 5:4).  Blessings aren't always just what we gain, sometimes it's what we avoid.
How do you see your life "actually work" having Christ in it?  How have you seen blessing in your life from things you've avoided and from things you've gained?

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