Saturday, February 7, 2015

Genesis 34

"But the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor his father, and spoke deceitfully, because he had defiled Dinah their sister. And they said to them, “We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to one who is uncircumcised, for that would be a reproach to us. But on this condition we will consent to you: If you will become as we are, if every male of you is circumcised" vv.13-15

Read chapter 34.
Hateful revenge has more consequenses than you think.  Dinah's brothers were so mad for what Shechem did to their sister they pay back the offense not only on Shechem but on the whole city.  What would've been a better judgment in response to this?  Even their response was using this symbol of circumcision that made them a holy nation and used it to deceive and as a weapon to be able to kill all the men from being weak to fight.  Where was Jacob during this?  What was his response to solve this matter?  We only see him upset at his sons after the revenge took place.  The law wasn't in place yet to know what judgments were to be made on matters such as these, but prayer and seeking God's counsel surly would've been shown as God was speaking directly to Jacob at this time.  How have you seen Godly symbols, traditions, etc be used deceitfully only to cause hurt and hatred?

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