Friday, November 4, 2016

Psalm 144

Man is like a breath;
His days are like a passing shadow. v.4

Read chapter 144
Didn't junior high school seem like the biggest deal, a matter of life or death of every little thing when you were in the midst of that season in life that most people never want to relive?  Don't you just wish you could tell yourself back then that that time is but a breath in your life and that there's so much more after those years of junior high or high school.  Yet there are so many teen suicides today because of the stress it is to be a teen in the world today by so many different factors.  Even as we get older life doesnt just get easier but we understand more seasons in our lives some harder than others.  It's not about just getting through the days but making the most of those days for it will pass faster than you realize.  So many would say in their old age how fast life passes you by.  The average age a person lives is around 70 years, depending on how old you think the earth is, whether thousands or millions of years, 70 years is but a breath to the Lord, yet He still is mindful of us as verse three says, "Lord, what is man, that You take knowledge of him?Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him?"  Thank the Lord He doesn't just hurry his way past our life, but   is with us every moment and season we're in.  There may be people in your life only for a passing moment, but even those passing moments can be life giving, life changing, life worth living for.  How has someone's momentary passing in your life effected you?  How can you make the most of those that are in your life for a breath of time?

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